'import'-statement I try I cannot make it work.
I have installed the module and a program containing only the following line
from pystl import PySTL
runs without any error message.
Poul Riis
line 75, in write_stl_header
self.f.write(struct.pack("80s", header_str))
struct.error: argument for 's' must be a bytes object
Poul Riis
Den onsdag den 17. august 2016 kl. 08.49.29 UTC+2 skrev Steven D'Aprano:
> On Wednesd
improve the writing
of the .stl file.
Poul Riis
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Purpose: Export 3D objects, build of faces with 3 or 4 vertices, as ASCII or
Binary STL file.
# License: MIT License
import struct
from tvtk.api import tvtk
from mayavi import mlab
from math import
Den mandag den 14. november 2016 kl. 05.55.20 UTC+1 skrev Gregory Ewing:
> Poul Riis wrote:
> > However, when sending the .stl file produced to a 3D-printer the vase comes
> > out as a filled solid - no room for water and flowers!
> My guess is that you have a problem with
but I cannot find it. For instance, numpy's array_split only lists
one (trivial) split.
I would be happy if someone could refer me to a general python algorithm
solving the problem.
Poul Riis
I find it surprisingly difficult to find information on this issue on the
internet. Until now I've only found this preview of an article:
Still, I can hardly believe that nobody has made some efforts to make a python
algorithm to
Is it possible to transfer results from sympy to 'normal' python.
In the case below I think my intention is clear enough but it does not work as
intended. How can it be done?
Poul Riis
from sympy import *
def f(t):
return ftex
What I intend to do is to let sympy find the derivative of some welldefined
function and next define the foundation derivative as a normal function so that
I can calculate numerical values or even make a graph.
Den torsdag den 31. marts 2016 kl. 06.49.34 UTC+2 skrev Gregory Ewing:
> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > On Thu, 31 Mar 2016 02:23 am, Poul Riis wrote:
> >
> >>What I intend to do is to let sympy find the derivative of some
> >>welldefined function and next define
Den onsdag den 30. marts 2016 kl. 17.59.49 UTC+2 skrev Steven D'Aprano:
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2016 02:23 am, Poul Riis wrote:
> > What I intend to do is to let sympy find the derivative of some
> > welldefined function and next define the foundation derivative as a normal
Den onsdag den 30. marts 2016 kl. 13.17.33 UTC+2 skrev Poul Riis:
> Is it possible to transfer results from sympy to 'normal' python.
> In the case below I think my intention is clear enough but it does not work
> as intended. How can it be done?
> Poul Riis
still not found out how to do it. I guess that it is very
simple but how?
The program prints out some rather uninteresting information - how can I
suppress that?
Poul Riis
import numpy as np
import mayavi.mlab as mlab
import moviepy.editor as mpy
duration= 2 # duration of the animation in
I just tried the Cairo Python module.
I ran the test file below.
It works perfectly but instead of saving the resulting image as a file I want
to see it displayed directly on the screen.
How can I do that?
Poul Riis
import math
import cairo
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 256, 256
otlib be used to show the image?
Poul Riis
I can control the size of my pyqtgraph window below with 'resize'.
But how can I control the position on the screen?
Poul Riis
import pyqtgraph as pg
w = pg.GraphicsWindow()
for i in range(4):
w.addPlot(0, i)
def onClick(event):
w.setGeometry( x_pos , y_pos , width , height )
> --
> Stanley C. Kitching
> Human Being
> Phoenix, Arizona
Thanks a lot.
And how can I control the position of the secondary window in the example below?
And how can I make a keyboard interrupt?
Poul Riis
import pyqtgraph as
How can I control the size of the window in the example below?
Poul Riis
import numpy as np
from guiqwt import pyplot as plt_
x = np.arange(0,20,0.1)
y = np.cos(x)
the way I
In the following example I just want to replace 'waitforbuttonpress' with
something like 'continueuntilbuttonpress' if such a command exists. It could be
a mouseclick or a keystroke from the terminal, for instance 'shift', 'space'
. Here, there was no problem with numpy but then another
problem appeared: Installing mayavi apparently needs vtk but pip couldn't find
an acceptable vtk version.
What is the easiest way to make things work again?
Poul Riis
Traceback (most recent call last):
Den tirsdag den 15. august 2017 kl. 07.29.05 UTC+2 skrev dieter:
> Poul Riis writes:
> > ...
> > For some time I have been using python 3.6.0 on a windows computer.
> > Suddenly, my numpy does not work any more.
> > This one-liner program:
> > import numpy as
Den tirsdag den 15. august 2017 kl. 19.19.15 UTC+2 skrev bream...@gmail.com:
> On Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 5:23:29 PM UTC+1, Poul Riis wrote:
> > Den tirsdag den 15. august 2017 kl. 07.29.05 UTC+2 skrev dieter:
> > > Poul Riis writes:
> > > > ...
> > > &
solution. It would make me very, very happy!
Poul Riis
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