install on host not connected to the internet and no local proxy

2017-11-02 Thread Noah
Hi, I am trying to install a python package with about 80 dependencies on a server that is not connected to the internet and has no local proxy. I can ssh to it via VPN. I was able to find python bundle and download the tarballs for all the main python package and all the tarballs for the s

Python and ssh for remote login

2016-10-05 Thread Noah
Hello folk, I would like to use a python script to ssh into a server using a username and password and perhaps ass port. Any ideas on how to script that. Thanks Noah --

Re: Python and ssh for remote login

2016-10-05 Thread Noah
Hi Rob Thank you for your email. I am guessing that is some module. Ok i will pip it and see how it goes. Noah On 5 Oct 2016 21:32, "Rob Gaddi" wrote: > Noah wrote: > > > Hello folk, > > > > I would like to use a python script to ssh into a server usi

Re: Python and ssh for remote login

2016-10-05 Thread Noah
On 5 Oct 2016 22:02, "Ethan Furman" wrote: > > On 10/05/2016 10:46 AM, Noah wrote: > >> I would like to use a python script to ssh into a server using a username >> and password [...] > > > I've written a module called scription to help with scripts;

Re: BeautifulSoup help !!

2016-10-06 Thread Noah
+1 at Steve On 6 Oct 2016 19:17, "Steve D'Aprano" wrote: > On Fri, 7 Oct 2016 02:30 am, alister wrote: > > > On Thu, 06 Oct 2016 08:22:05 -0700, wrote: > > > >> So I've just started up with python and an assignment was given to me by > >> a company as an recruitment task. >

Re: Python and ssh for remote login

2016-10-06 Thread Noah
On 6 Oct 2016 04:56, "Michael Torrie" wrote: > > On 10/05/2016 11:46 AM, Noah wrote: > > Hello folk, > > > > I would like to use a python script to ssh into a server using a username > > and password and perhaps ass port. > > > > Any ideas on

Re: New PyPI launched, legacy PyPI shutting down April 30

2018-04-18 Thread Noah > pypi-shutting.html > > Laura Hampton > laura at laura-hampton dot com > -- > > > Support the Python Software Foundation: > > -- *./noah* --

multiprocessing not quite working

2016-05-24 Thread Noah
Hi, I am using this example: I am sending and receiving communication from the worker processes. Two issues. the join is only getting to the process and waiting. When I commen

python requests get from API and post to another API and remote u'

2019-08-20 Thread Noah
Hi, I am trying to migrate information and data between two systems using their corresponding APIs. I am using python requests. I place a get request and the response from the API is "{'id': 32, 'description': u'Firewall Outside', 'address': u''}" I then take that information

UG Announcement - Python Tanzania Community

2019-10-15 Thread Noah .
tallest mountain in Africa, the Kilimanjaro. For more about Tanzania [1] Cheers, Noah Community Moderator --

Library Generate a diff between two text files

2019-11-25 Thread Noah
Hi Folks, >From experience, could someone point me to a library that can do a diff between two separate text files... *difflib* doesn't seem to cut it to this end.... *./noah* neo - network engineering and operations --

[osx] dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/Cellar/python@3.8/3.8.3_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/Python

2020-12-04 Thread Noah
Hi there, Anybody know how to fix this issue on a mac? ❯ /usr/local/bin/python dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/Cellar/python@3.8/3.8.3_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/Python Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/python Reason: image not found [1]32209 abort /usr/local/bi

expanding dictionary to function arguments

2005-11-02 Thread Noah
;s fine for arguments with a default valeue, but that's a bug for required arguments. I should probably raise a TypeError. """ if hasattr(func,'im_func'): # Handle case when func is a class method. func = func.im_func argcount = func.func_code.co_argcount required_args = dict([(k,args.get(k)) for k in func.func_code.co_varnames[:argcount]]) return func(**required_args) So, I now I can do this: options = read_config ("options.conf") apply_smart (extract_audio, options) apply_smart (compress_audio, options) apply_smart (mux, options) Neat, but is that the best I can do? Yours, Noah --

Re: expanding dictionary to function arguments

2005-11-02 Thread Noah
Bruno Desthuilliers a écrit : > Noah a écrit : > If you have control over the API functions declarations, makes them so: > def my_api_func(arg1='', arg2='whatever', **kwargs): >code_here Unfortunately I cannot change the API functions. I should have mentio

How can I package a python script and modules into a single script?

2005-11-03 Thread Noah
t I've seen a tool around like this, but I can't find it anymore. I checked the usual places (google and I also considered simply cutting and pasting all the modules I need into one single, giant script, but that's less appealing than the tarball idea (unless it could be don

Re: How can I package a python script and modules into a single script?

2005-11-03 Thread Noah
Freeze also packages the python interpreter into a binary. I need a cross platform solution that just packages the scripts. I expect the user to already have python installed. Yours, Noah --

Re: How can I package a python script and modules into a single script?

2005-11-03 Thread Noah
d I may be able to use the ideas to do what I want. Yours, Noah --

Re: How can I package a python script and modules into a single script?

2005-11-03 Thread Noah
queeze" and help from the "imp" module I might have what I want. Yours, Noah --

Re: How can I package a python script and modules into a single script?

2005-11-22 Thread Noah
and minor==3 and releaselevel!='final'): print 'Python version 2.3 final or greater is required.' print 'Your version is', sys.version os._exit(1) sys.path.insert(0, sys.argv[1]) del sys.argv[0:1] print sys.argv[1] import main main.main() " $0 $@ # Zip file: end of zipheader.unix --- Yours, Noah --

Re: newby question: Splitting a string - separator

2005-12-08 Thread Noah
ce is \s, but > what would i use for "more than one"? \s+? For your split regex you could say "\s\s+" or "\s{2,}" This should work for you: YOUR_SPLIT_LIST = re.split("\s{2,}", YOUR_STRING) Yours, Noah --

Re: Modules for inclusion in standard library?

2005-06-29 Thread Noah
f len(list) == 0: return () l = [] for t in range(len(list[0])): l.append(map( lambda x,t=t: x[t], list )) return tuple(l) Yours, Noah Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote: > Hello, > > at the moment python-dev is discussing including Jason Orendorff's path module >

Can I get message filename from a Maildir mailbox stream?

2005-02-18 Thread noah
or delete it or something. Yours, Noah --

Re: Can I get message filename from a Maildir mailbox stream?

2005-02-22 Thread Noah
in Maildir_messages ("/home/noah/Maildir/new"): print msg_filename print msg['Subject'] Yours, Noah --

Re: Comm. between Python and PHP

2005-02-22 Thread Noah You will also need to read the source for to figure out how it works (I don't know why they don't just put the example in the docs instead of putting the example in the source). Yours, Noah --

Re: capturing text from a GUI window

2005-03-08 Thread noah
e you buy it. You will need COM to control it from Python. Noah --

How to create stuffit files on Linux?

2005-03-15 Thread Noah
I need to create Stuffit (.sit) files on Linux. Does anyone have any ideas for how to do this? I checked the Python docs and on SourceForge, but I didn't see any open source stuffit compatible libraries. Are my Mac users out of luck? Yours, Noah --

Re: How to create stuffit files on Linux?

2005-03-16 Thread Noah
led, but I wonder how a *.tgz file would appear on the desktop or how the GUI would handle it. Yours, Noah --

netaddr value back to IP

2014-11-13 Thread Noah
Hi there List, I am trying to get a value back to IP using the netaddr python module. How do I get the value 'ip' back to IP format? how is it done? snip print IPNetwork(v4_peer_ip).value ip = IPNetwork(v4_peer_ip).value + 1 print ip --- snip --- Cheers, Noa

finding the diff

2015-09-10 Thread Noah
to it? What are some options that work well? Cheers, Noah --

beginners python mail list

2014-06-21 Thread Noah
HI there, I have some amateur python questions. Is there a beginners python mail list? Cheers, Noah --

python template lint

2014-07-25 Thread Noah
this well? Cheers, Noah --

reading text files with indentation

2014-07-28 Thread Noah
Hi there, The following code I am using to read in lines from a text file. The indentation of the text is getting lost. How can I correct that? for file in files: with open (file, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: line = r

xml issue with Type 'bool' cannot be serialized

2014-08-28 Thread Noah
Hi list, I am not clear how to fix this issue. Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 81, in connect(host, USER, PASSWORD) File "./", line 63, in connect dump = etree.tostring(xml_cmd) File "lxml.etree.pyx", line 3165, in lxml.etree.tostring (src/l

Re: Parsing text

2005-12-19 Thread Noah
g (?.*) 4. Match "-" 5. Print the first match in the list [0] Yours, Noah --

Re: show in GUI stdout of a command

2005-12-19 Thread Noah
Next you would then have to add that whole GUI thing yourself :-) You can also try using pipes (popen and friends), but the output will be block buffered, so it would come out chunky and not in real time. There is no way to change the child's buffering from block buf

Re: Providing 'default' value with raw_input()?

2005-12-22 Thread Noah
w_record_value) Maybe you are confusing this with TAB completion at the shell command line. I often use my own default_input function. I also add the ability to HELP text to the prompt, so if the user enters '?' then extra information is printed. Of course, that means Yours, Noah -- http:/

Re: Python IMAP4 Memory Error

2005-12-22 Thread Noah
) is intended to be used this way. It doesn't even say what happens if there is no more data or if the amount of data you request is longer than what is available. You will have to experiment. Yours, Noah --

Re: serialize object in jython, read into python

2005-12-22 Thread Noah
or you? That's what I do for HTTP session management. I then map my session dictionary to the dictionary of object attributes. You might also consider JSON which is very simple and lightweight. Yours, Noah --

How do I get a dictionary of argument names with their default values?

2005-12-22 Thread Noah
M4'} Is func_arg_defaults_dict() reasonable? It seems a bit convoluted. I hope there is a more obvious way. Yours, Noah --

Re: How do I get a dictionary of argument names with their default values?

2005-12-22 Thread Noah
Thanks! Much more handy than what I was trying to do and it looks like I might even learn something new :-) Yours, Noah --

Re: Detect File System changes

2005-12-23 Thread Noah
e are also some alternatives to FAM, but I don't remember the names of them right now. Yours, Noah --

How to reverse tuples in a list?

2006-08-08 Thread Noah
the list because reverse() a list method (not a tuple method) and because it operates in-place (does not return a value). This kind of wrecks doing it in a list comprehension. What I'd like to say is something like this: y = [t.reverse() for t in y] Even if reverse worked on tuples, it

super and __init__

2006-09-08 Thread Noah
ake this more clear, but it doesn't (to me). Is there a "just do this" answer for 90% of the use cases? Yours, Noah --

Re: super and __init__

2006-09-08 Thread Noah
Jason wrote: > Noah wrote: > > Am I the only one that finds the super function to be confusing? > > Unfortunately, I don't see a way of avoiding this problem with super(). > Any such super command resolves in the mro order. Since the mro order > invoked at a certain

Can a test case tell if VERBOSE is used in pyunit test?

2006-01-30 Thread Noah
Is there a way for a test case method in a class derived from unittest.TestCase to tell if the harness was started with the verbose option? I would like my test cases to print out a little extra information if the tests were run with -v or -vv. yours, Noah --

Re: Running python cgi scripts that require external cvs under apache

2005-05-06 Thread Noah
m administrator. You may also want to look at the ViewCVS project ( ) since that is written in Python and implements a CGI-to-cvs interface. This may give you some implementation hints. Yours, Noah --

Re: Bug/Weak Implementation? popen* routines can't handle simultaneous read/write?

2007-06-07 Thread Noah
available right away then one character will be returned immediately. It will not wait for 30 seconds for another 99 characters to come in. This is a wrapper around It uses to implement the timeout. """ Yours, Noah --

Re: Problem with PEXPECT in Python

2007-07-02 Thread Noah
events={'(?i)password': 'server_password'}) That's all there is to it. The run() function will run the given scp command. When it see 'password' in the output it will send the server_password. Yours, Noah Yours, Noah --

Re: Python Subprocess module

2007-07-15 Thread Noah
ct works under Cygwin on Windows, but not under the native Windows Python. Email me if you have questions about Pexpect and I'll try to help you. Yours, Noah --

How do I use trace to generate coverage data in multi-threaded programs?

2007-12-19 Thread Noah
hen I examine the *.cover files that are generated after a test run I do not see coverage information for the methods that were run in a separate thread. How can I collect coverage information for methods that only run in a separate thread (never in the main thread)? Any tips? -- Noah Spurrier --

Re: How do I use trace to generate coverage data in multi-threaded programs?

2007-12-20 Thread Noah
On Dec 19, 7:33 pm, Noah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > /usr/lib/python2.5/ --missing --count --summary tools/ > > When I examine the *.cover files that are generated after a test run > I do not see coverage information for the methods that were run > in a

Re: Why my program (using pexpect to switch user) doesn't work well?

2008-01-10 Thread Noah
ocess. Possibly you want to use the interact() method. It is not clear from your message if you want to interact with the child process as if it were your new shell. If you do, then take a look at the interact() method. #!/usr/bin/python importpexpect import os passwd="user_B"

Re: What should I use under *nix instead of freeze?

2008-02-01 Thread Noah
package your python project and libs as a self-extracting compressed executable: -- Noah Spurrier --

How do I iterate over items in a dict grouped by N number of elements?

2008-03-13 Thread Noah
None elements and instead just return (('j',10)), but this isn't a huge deal. This works and is clear, but it makes copies of items: >>> ii = D.items() >>> for i in range (0, len(ii), N): ... print ii[i:i+N] ... [('a', 1), ('c', 3), ('b', 2)] [('e', 5), ('d', 4), ('g', 7)] [('f', 6), ('i', 9), ('h', 8)] [('j', 10)] -- Noah --

Re: Python 2.2.1 and select()

2008-03-24 Thread Noah
seudotty (pty). Pexpect takes care of this problem. See for more info. -- Noah --

Re: Control process execution

2008-04-09 Thread Noah
able to just get by with os.process. -- Noah --

Re: Control process execution

2008-04-09 Thread Noah
On Apr 9, 1:57 pm, Mike Driscoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > As far as I know, there is no "os.process". Maybe you meant os.system > or the subprocess module? > > Mike Yeah, I was thinking "subprocess" module. -- Noah --

Where are Tkinter event.type constants defined?

2008-05-04 Thread Noah
(I understand that usually you would bind these function so that they are called as a callback.) I don't mind defining the constants myself. I just want to make sure that I'm not missing something already done for me. Does anyone happen to have a complete list of Event.ty

Re: get the pid of a process with pexpect

2008-05-05 Thread Noah
So your tunnel command would have to be something like this: tunnel_command = '''bash -c "ssh -N -L &"''' ssh_tunnel = pexpect.spawn (tunnel_command % globals()) -- Noah --

Re: How do you debug memory usage?

2008-05-06 Thread Noah
seen[id(olist)] = None seen[id(seen)] = None # _getr does the real work. _getr(gcl, olist, seen) return olist -- Noah --

Re: How do you debug memory usage?

2008-05-06 Thread Noah
tml#4 rdiff-backup uses librsync, not rsync. I'm not sure if rsync uses librsync, but one could speculate that they share some code and perhaps some of the same problems. But 2GB seems excessive unless you are dealing with millions of files. A memory leak seems more likely. -- Noah -- http://mail

Re: Your feedback on our free Advanced Python tutorial

2017-07-20 Thread Noah
thon user community? 100% Yes - Would you be willing to help us spread the word about Yes yes yes... Thanks a lot for checking, Cheers! Aude Cheers, Noah - Evolve or Extinct. Enable IPv6 now? --

easy_install says "not a recognized archive type" Windows Py3

2012-10-15 Thread Noah Coad
Hello, I'm new to Python, have v3.0 32bit installed on Windows 7, installed distribute, now trying to install pymysql and am getting the below error. Any pointers on how to fix? thanks!! -Noah [C:\Python32]pip install --upgrade distribute Real name of requirement distribute is distr

Re: How can I verify if the content of a variable is a list or a string?

2012-01-31 Thread Noah Hall
On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 12:44 AM, Andres Soto wrote: > Hi, > I'm writing a function which receive a list which elements are strings or > new lists (sublists) containing strings. > How can I verify if sone element of the list (which is contained in a > variable) is a list or a string? > I found the

Re: What is this syntax ?

2011-06-19 Thread Noah Hall
On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 2:41 PM, candide wrote: > With Python 2.7 : > x="foo" print '"'+x+'"' > "foo" > What is this curious syntax on line 2 ? Where is it documented ? Just to make it clear to you what is happening - >>> x = "foo" >>> print ' " ' + x + ' " ' " foo " >>> Anyway, it'

Re: Better way to iterate over indices?

2011-06-21 Thread Noah Hall
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Billy Mays wrote: > I have always found that iterating over the indices of a list/tuple is not > very clean: > > for i in range(len(myList)): >    doStuff(i, myList[i]) > I know I could use enumerate: > > for i, v in enumerate(myList): >    doStuff(i, myList[i]) >

Re: what happens inside?

2011-06-22 Thread Noah Hall
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 4:45 PM, Chetan Harjani wrote: > why tuples are immutable whereas list are mutable? Because an immutable data type was needed, and a mutable type was also needed ;) > why when we do x=y where y is a list and then change a element in x, y > changes too( but the same is not

Re: python 3 constant

2011-06-22 Thread Noah Hall
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 7:54 PM, sidRo wrote: > How to declare a constant in python 3? There aren't true constants in Python, but instead we use a standard defined by PEP 8, which states constants are in all caps, for example, PI = 3.14, as opposed to pi = 3.14 which could change (according to PE

Re: Project-wide variable...

2011-06-23 Thread Noah Hall
On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 2:41 PM, Gnarlodious wrote: > Is there a way to declare a project-wide variable and use that in all > downstream modules? Well, the standard way you should do it is to use import to import a certain variable - for example - - x = 3 >>>from a import x >>>x 3 -- ht

Re: Project-wide variable...

2011-06-23 Thread Noah Hall
On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Gnarlodious wrote: > On Jun 23, 7:59 am, Noah Hall wrote: >> >>>from a import x > > I'm doing that: > import Module.Data as Data Well, that's not quite the same. You're using Module.Data as Data - I guess you'v

Re: Project-wide variable...

2011-06-23 Thread Noah Hall
On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Guillaume Martel-Genest wrote: > On Jun 23, 9:41 am, Gnarlodious wrote: >> Is there a way to declare a project-wide variable and use that in all >> downstream modules? >> > What about using an environment variable? Yes, that's fine, but only if the data is suitab

Re: reg: playing with the list

2011-06-24 Thread Noah Hall
ot, and use that along with filter on your list of numbers. Several examples exist, it's quite a popular question. HTH. Noah. --

Re: Python 3 syntax error question

2011-06-26 Thread Noah Hall
On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 2:04 PM, rzed wrote: > I've tried to install PySVG in a Python 3 setting, and I get a few > errors on the build. Most are easy to fix, but this one I can't > explain or fix: > > > Traceback (most recent call last): >  File "", line 1, in >  File "", line 12, in

Re: Python 3 syntax error question

2011-06-26 Thread Noah Hall
On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 4:28 PM, rzed wrote: > wrote in > news:4e074768$0$29982$c3e8da3$ > >> rzed wrote: >> >>> I've tried to install PySVG in a Python 3 setting, and I get a >>> few errors on the build. Most are easy to fix, but thi

Re: Default value for optional parameters unexpected behaviour?

2011-06-26 Thread Noah Hall
On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 7:28 PM, Marc Aymerich wrote: > Hi, > I'm trying to define a function that has an optional parameter which > should be an empty list whenever it isn't given. However, it takes as > value the same value as the last time the function was executed. What > is the reason of this

Re: Python basic program problem

2011-06-27 Thread Noah Hall
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 8:05 AM, Amaninder Singh wrote: > Hi, > I am fairly new to python, I am trying to write simple code and It is > giving me syntax error. I am reading a book and following the > directions as it says in the book but I am not sure why it is not > working. Please guide me throu

Re: Python basic program problem

2011-06-27 Thread Noah Hall
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 11:18 PM, Amaninder Singh wrote: > Yes, I think I am using 3.0 version. So how much difference is in between > these two? > On Jun 26, 2011, at 11:18 PM, Noah Hall wrote: >> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 8:05 AM, Amaninder Singh >> wrote: >>> Hi,

Re: Suppressing newline writing to file after variable

2011-06-28 Thread Noah Hall
On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 5:05 PM, Ellerbee, Edward wrote: > Hi all, newbie question here. I'm using python 2.7. I've built my first > program to pull some info off the web, process it, and build dialpeers for a > cisco router. I have 2 problems - the first is the formatting of printing > the gather

Re: Suppressing newline writing to file after variable

2011-06-28 Thread Noah Hall
On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Ellerbee, Edward wrote: > Thank you! > > That works perfect, I'll have to look into string formatting more. > > My next issue to solve I've been researching is: > > How to condense a group of numbers to a wildcard list. For example: > > 252205 > 252206 > 252208 > 2

Re: Is the Usenet to mailing list gateway borked?

2011-06-29 Thread Noah Hall
On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 9:34 PM, Andrew Berg wrote: > I didn't get at least two messages from the "call a function every 10 > seconds thread", and possibly some other messages, and I access the > group via the mailing list. I use the latest stable Thunderbird, if that > matters. I've only noticed

Re: learn the network program of python

2011-03-04 Thread Noah Hall
On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 12:47 PM, loopzhong001 wrote: > Dear All, >     Would anyone tell me haow to start? Well, to start on this mailing list - 1) Name the networking framework/modules you want to use (if you have one, else say "can someone suggest a networking framework/module?") 2) Say what y

Re: How Translate This PHP

2011-03-06 Thread Noah Hall
On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Victor Subervi wrote: > Hi; > How do I translate this PHP code? > > if($ok){ >     echo "returnValue=1"; > }else{ >     echo "returnValue=0"; > } >From the code provided - if ok: print 'returnValue=1' else: print 'returnValue=0' --

Re: How Translate This PHP

2011-03-06 Thread Noah Hall
On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Victor Subervi wrote: > Ah. I thought I had to "return" something! Well, based on what you asked, you would've, but based on the code, all it was doing is printing "returnValue - value" Of course, a better way of doing it would be to use formatting - For example,

Re: Some Minor questions on Class and Functions

2011-03-20 Thread Noah Hall
> class Message: >    def __init__(self,string1,string2,lenstr1,lenstr2): >        self.string1="MY" >        self.string2="NAME" >        self.lenstr1=lenstr1 >        self.lenstr2=lenstr2 The variables string1 and string2 that you're passing here are in fact useless. They don't do anything insid

Re: Free Software University - Python Certificate

2011-03-22 Thread Noah Hall
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Giovani wrote: >> I don't know whether this site is useful or not. >> >> Assuming this site is serious: >> If you are already subscribed you might be able to give some feedback. >> >> One can't even see the list of courses without regsitering. >> This is very unpr

Re: Python-list Digest, Vol 152, Issue 40

2016-05-26 Thread Noah Fleiszig
thank you On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 2:00 AM, wrote: > Send Python-list mailing list submissions to > > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit > > or, via email, send a message with subj

[no subject]

2016-05-27 Thread Noah Fleiszig
Thank you -- Sent from Gmail Mobile --

Re: Python-list Digest, Vol 152, Issue 43

2016-05-28 Thread Noah Fleiszig
Thank you and ok -- Sent from Gmail Mobile --

Re: Jargons of Info Tech industry

2005-10-22 Thread noah bedford
On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 21:50:22 GMT Roedy Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >It is almost like providing ladders and setting out cookies and milk >for the burglars. Fire escapes at christmas. --

OT: loop help

2005-11-24 Thread noah bedford
On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 07:00:34 GMT Gorlon the Impossible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >I am using Python 2.3.5 with IDLE 1.0.5 on a Windows98 PC. Just had to say it... MicroSoft makes PCs now? -\n --

Re: [pydotorg-www] - Backend is unhealthy

2015-05-08 Thread Noah Kantrowitz
gt; It looks to me as if my result is coming from a cache node in Sydney; > yours is coming from some other cache node, so it's not just one node > that's down. > > Cc'ing in the www list in case someone there knows, and I'll create a > github issue to ping the

Re: 1/2 evaluates to 0

2011-10-12 Thread Noah Hall
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Laurent Claessens wrote: > This is well known : > 1/2 > 0 > > This is because the division is an "integer division". > > My question is : how can I evaluate 1/2 to 0.5 ? Is there some non integer Include from __future__ import division on the top of your fil

Re: 1/2 evaluates to 0

2011-10-12 Thread Noah Hall
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Laurent wrote: > >> Include from __future__ import division on the top of your file >> >  from __future__ import division >  1/2 >> >> 0.5 >> > > Wohaw. This means that this behavior is going to be default in a foreseeable > future ? Never in Python 2.x,

Re: How to test if object is an integer?

2011-10-17 Thread Noah Hall
On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 12:44 AM, MrPink wrote: > > Is there a function in Python that can be used to test if the value in > a string is an integer?  I had to make one up for myself and it looks > like this: > > def isInt(s): >    try: >        i = int(s) >        return True >    except ValueErro

Re: Return of an old friend

2011-11-25 Thread Noah Hall
On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 5:08 AM, Matt Joiner wrote: > I haven't heard of you before, but feel like I've missed out on something. > > Do you (or someone else) care to link to some of your more contentious work? Ignore him, he's a troll with an unjustly inflated ego. --

Re: Please explain this for me

2011-12-20 Thread Noah Hall
On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 4:39 AM, Emeka wrote: > > Hello All, > v = [] > > def add_to_list(plist): >     u = plist.append(90) >     return u > > add_to_list(v)  # This function call returns nothing > Could someone explain why this function call will return nothing? It's because add_to_list return

Re: Zealotry [was Re: how to install lxml in window xp?]

2012-01-12 Thread Noah Hall
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 5:47 AM, alex23 wrote: > On Jan 13, 3:02 pm, Steven D'Aprano> wrote: >> Why is it that only Linux and Mac users are accused of being "zealots"? > > Incidentally, in the post I replied to, Tamer was talking about > Windows 7, so there's that

Re: Zealotry [was Re: how to install lxml in window xp?] (OT)

2012-01-13 Thread Noah Hall
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 7:54 AM, Stefan Behnel wrote: > Noah Hall, 13.01.2012 08:29: >> I'M SO COOL >> USE MY HARDCORE GENTOO INSTALL THAT TOOK 36 HOURS AND SHAVED 2 SECONDS >> OFF MY BOOTUP TIME > > Just an off-topic thing that your comment above reminded me of

Re: Zealotry [was Re: how to install lxml in window xp?]

2012-01-13 Thread Noah Hall
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 8:07 PM, Tamer Higazi wrote: > dear people! > I have just opened my MTU client, and figured out that through my > comment, i caused a complete NONSENSE discussion at all. > > > 1. I am not a zealot or whatever. I code on Linux and port it on MAC and > WINDOWS. I do write so

Re: Zealotry [was Re: how to install lxml in window xp?]

2012-01-14 Thread Noah Hall
On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 2:39 AM, Terry Reedy wrote: > On 1/13/2012 3:42 PM, Noah Hall wrote: >> >> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 8:07 PM, Tamer Higazi >>  wrote: >>> >>> dear people! >>> I have just opened my MTU client, and figured out that thro

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