Libxml2 Python Manual

2012-01-24 Thread Mauricio Martinez Garcia
Hello! For libxml2, are there any manual. For this library?, i searched on google and just find the following URL Wich can not find any API manual. I will apreciate your support if have one for the library in python. --

Re: Libxml2 Python Manual

2012-01-24 Thread Mauricio Martinez Garcia
x27;defaultAccountIdentifierLogin','defaultComOfferName','defaultComOfferSubscription','friendAndFamily * * List','friendsAndFamilyListName','identifier','identifierLogin','msid','status']: * .. Greetings. 20

Error python + cx_Oracle :Oracle-Error-Message: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number

2011-01-04 Thread Mauricio Martinez Garcia
Hi, i need help with the next error: "ERR_PYTHON:Oracle-Error-Message: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number", i used the cx_Oracle module, and the error not is only Oracle Error. The error its for that python don't translate the query, with the variables ":VARIABLE" when the VARIABLE is

error Compile libxml2 from python 2.6.4

2010-08-18 Thread Mauricio Martinez Garcia
Hi!. Have the next error on install libxml2. python/bin/python install failed to find headers for libxml2: update includes_dir This my version of python ==> /bscs/bscs/prod/523/WORK/MP/NORTEL/IN/MEXICO/CDRS/ATS/MONITOREO/reportes_Milton/python/bin/python Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, J

cath a timeout of httplib (Python 2.6.5)

2010-09-09 Thread Mauricio Martinez Garcia
= But the information of "enviaCommand" it is lost, and it been only "None", then fail resend. As I can resend the information without the command loses itself. Greetings and tanks!. -- Mauricio Martinez Garcia morfeo...@