The EuroPython Society (EPS) is happy to announce the Call for Proposals for
the EuroPython Conference in 2014 and 2015. This Call for Proposals is meant
to collect proposals from teams that volunteer for organizing the EuroPython
conference in 2014-2015.
The Call for Proposals document containin
This is a reminder to all teams who want to submit a proposal for
running the next EuroPython in 2014 and 2015.
Proposals must be sent in before Friday, June 14th, i.e. in less than
one week.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact the EuroPython Society
board at W
in case you haven't heard of eGenix PyRun yet, this is a new simple
to install Python runtime that can be used independently of a system
installed Python version and is very small compared to a regular
Python installation.
See for details.
[Please help spread the word by forwarding to other relevant mailing lists,
user groups, etc. world-wide; thanks]
Central Python Events Calendars
maintained by the Python Softw
ANNOUNCING mx Base Distribution
Version 3.2.5 for Python 2.4 - 2.7
Open Source Python extensions providing
important and useful services
On 01.12.2012 21:12, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" writes:
>> mx Base Distribution
We are pleased to announce the first batch of cut videos for EuroPython
To see the videos, please head over to our EuroPython YouTube channel
and select the “EuroPython 2017″ playlist:
* EuroPython 2017 Videos *
On 28.09.2017 18:11, Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 9/28/2017 8:15 AM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> We are pleased to announce the first batch of cut videos for EuroPython
>> 2017.
>> To see the videos, please head over to our EuroPython YouTube channel
>> and sele
On 28.09.2017 18:25, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> On 28.09.2017 18:11, Terry Reedy wrote:
>> On 9/28/2017 8:15 AM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>>> We are pleased to announce the first batch of cut videos for EuroPython
>>> 2017.
>>> To see the videos, pleas
We are happy to announce a new format our Media Workgroup is
experimenting with:
The EuroPython Podcast
The podcast intends to be a view on the European Python community. We
will comment and talk about the latest news from the EuroPython
Society last news, interview guests
We are pleased to announce the second batch of cut videos for
EuroPython 2017.
To see the new videos, please head over to our EuroPython YouTube
channel and select the "EuroPython 2017" playlist. The new videos
start at entry 31 in the playlist.
* EuroPython 2017 Videos *
We are pleased to announce the third batch of cut videos for
EuroPython 2017.
To see the new videos, please head over to our EuroPython YouTube
channel and select the “EuroPython 2017″ playlist. The new videos
start at entry 63 in the playlist.
* EuroPython 2017 Videos *
On 17.10.2017 09:30, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 12:04:09PM +1100, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
>>> is this the right list to ask for help in debugging a
>>> SIGABORT (?) happening on shutdown of a Python 2.7 script ?
>>> If not, which one is ?
>> You should try here first.
We are pleased to announce the third batch of cut videos for
EuroPython 2017.
To see the new videos, please head over to our EuroPython YouTube
channel and select the "EuroPython 2017" playlist. The new videos
start at entry 96 in the playlist.
* EuroPython 2017 Videos *
On 22.10.2017 22:15, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 07:10:31PM +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>>> Running a debug build of py27 gave me a first lead: this
>>> Debian system (Testing, upgraded all the way from various
>>> releases ago) carries
We are pleased to announce the last batch of cut videos for EuroPython 2017.
* All 163 EuroPython 2017 videos are now online *
To see the new videos, please head over to our EuroPython YouTube
channel and select the "EuroPython 2017" playlist. The new videos start
at entry 129 in the p
n 25.10.2017 11:51, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 08:47:58PM +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>>>> This error suggests that you have 32- and 64-bit versions of
>>>> Python and mxDateTime mixed in your installation.
>>>> P
Hi Justin,
the default markup is currently set to restructuredtext:
but this can be changed to any of these supported ones:
as long as we make sure that all existing records contin
After a two month RFP bidding process with 19 venues from all over
Europe, we are pleased to announce our selection of the location and
venue for EuroPython 2018:
* Location:
Edinburgh, UK
* Venue:
Edinburgh International Conference Center (EICC)
* Dates:
July 23 -
We are excited to announce the launch of the EuroPython 2018 website:
* *
The EuroPython conference will take place in sunny Edinburgh,
Scotland, this year, from July 23-29 2018.
It’s a great time of year to visit Edinburgh with 16 hours of
We're happy to announce the pre-launch website for this year's
EuroPython 2021:
* EuroPython 2021 *
The site comes with an FAQ page, which lists all the information we have
for you at the moment. We're repeating the most i
The EuroPython 2021 organization is starting and we're looking for more
help with running the conference.
* EuroPython 2021 *
For EP2021, we are using a slightly different approach compared to
previous years:
- All new vo
This year's conference will mark the 20th edition of the EuroPython
* EuroPython 2021 *
Since we started touring Europe in 2002 in Charleroi, Belgium, we have
come a long way. The conference has grown from the
Over the last couple of weeks, we have worked with our designer Jessica
Peña to come up with a logo which reflects both our desire to come
together online during the pandemic and shows how well our community is
interconnected around the world.
Here's our brand new logo for EuroPython 2021 Online:
During the last few weeks the team has been hard at work making final
changes to the website, and we are excited to announce the launch of the
conference website for EuroPython 2021 today !
* EuroPython 2021 Conference Website *
We're pleased to announce the start of the EuroPython 2021 ticket sales:
* EuroPython 2021 Ticket Sales Open *
Updated ticket structure
For EuroPython 2021, we'll have more than 10 training
We are happy to announce the start of our financial aid program for this
year’s EuroPython.
* EuroPython 2021 Financial Aid *
As part of our commitment to the Python community and to increase our
reach to lower
We're happy to announce the EuroPython 2021 Call for Proposals (CFP) and
are accepting proposals for talks, training sessions, workshops, panels,
poster sessions, helpdesks and other interactive sessions at EuroPython
* EuroPython 2021 Call for Proposals (CFP) *
In the EuroPython community, diversity and inclusion are one of our core
values. Therefore, we are launching a Speaker Mentorship Program in this
year's edition.
* EuroPython 2021 Speaker Mentorship Program *
We know how
We're happy to announce our call for sponsors. Reach out to enthusiastic
Python developers, users and professionals worldwide by presenting your
company at this year’s EuroPython 2021 Online conference, from July 26 -
Aug 1, 2021!
* EuroPython 2021 Call for Sponsors *
We've decided to extend the deadline for our Call for Proposals until
Sunday, May 16, 23:59:59 CEST. We are still looking for a few more
proposals, especially for posters, training sessions, and helpdesks.
For more information about submitting a proposal, you can read the
original blog post announ
After carefully reviewing all proposals we had received and intense
discussions with the teams, the EuroPython Society (EPS) is happy to
announce the decision to accept the proposal from the Italian on-site
team, backed by the Python Italia APS, to hold EuroPython 2017 in
Rimini, Italy.
The EPS wo
We would like to share with you the sad news, that Rob Collins has
passed away earlier this month, on November 2nd, after a short but
intense illness.
Many of you may know Rob from the sponsored massage sessions he
regularly ran at EuroPython in recent years and which he continued to
develop, taki
[Please help spread the word by forwarding to other relevant mailing
lists, user groups, etc. world-wide; thanks :-)]
Python Events Calendars - Please submit your 2017 events
maintained by th
On 23.01.2017 14:28, Soni L. wrote:
> On 23/01/17 11:18 AM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> On 23.01.2017 14:05, Soni L. wrote:
>>> Yeah but the dotequals operator has many other benefits:
>>> long_name .= __call__ # cast to callable
>>> lo
After intense work with our designer, we are happy to present the logo
for the EuroPython 2018 conference:
The colors and patterns are a play on Scottish kilts, referring to the
location, and a theatre curtain, repre
As you may know, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival is starting one week
after EuroPython 2018 in Edinburgh. Since this typically attracts many
thousands of people and artists, the hotels are filling up quickly in
If you’re planning to attend EuroPython, please book your hotel
early. Many bo
We are excited to announce the launch of the EuroPython 2018 website:
* *
The EuroPython conference will take place in Edinburgh, UK, this year,
from July 23 - 29.
EuroPython 2018 - The European Python Conference
We’re looking for proposals on every aspect of Python: programming
from novice to advanced levels, applications and frameworks, or how
you have been involved in introducing Python into your
organization. EuroPython is a community conference and we are eager to
hear about your experience.
Some community members have been wondering why tickets are not
available yet. We’d like to update you on the current status.
EuroPython is run by the EuroPython Society located in
Sweden. However, the conference being held in the UK, we have to
charge UK VAT for the tickets we sell and submit the
Regular password resets are always a good thing to do, but this time
we have a specific reason to ask you to consider taking the extra
In December 2017, our ISP detected port scans originating from our
server and informed us about these. During the analysis, we found that
someone (or better:
We would like to remind you that our two week call for proposals (CFP)
closes on Sunday, May 20.
If you’d like to submit a talk, please see our CFP announcement for
Submissions are possibe via th
At EuroPython, we let our attendees have a significant say in the
selection of the sessions which are presented at the conference. We
call this “talk voting” - attendees can tell us which submitted talks
they’d like to see at the conference.
To be eligible to vote for talks, you need to be a submi
As part of our commitment to the Python community, we are pleased to
announce that we offer special grants for people in need of a
financial aid to attend EuroPython 2018.
We offer financial aid conference grants in these 3 categories:
- Free and discounted ticket: Get a standard ticket for the c
We are happy to announce that we’ll start early bird tickets on
Thursday, at around 12:00 CEST.
We have 200 conference tickets available at the Early Bird rate and
they usually sell out within a day or two.
Invoices will be available in a few weeks
At last year’s event, we had a professional conference photographer,
Alessia Peviani, from our community, help us cover the event in
This year she unfortunately cannot attend, so we’re looking for help
from other photographer
As we have already announced, access to trainings is not included in
our regular conference tickets this year. We have done this to keep
the conference ticket prices reasonable, acknowledge the value in the
trainings are and to add more flexibility.
Two full days of trainings included
Maybe you’ve come to EuroPython as a programmer from another language.
Or perhaps you have other tech skills or you really want to understand
what it’s like to program in Python.
Then come to our Beginners’ Day at EuroPython.
We have great news ! After many months of sorting the UK VAT
registration issue, we have finally been registered for VAT in the
UK. This is the number, we’ve all been waiting for:
GB 297620469
We’ve now generated all the missing invoices for existing purchases
and hop
The EuroPython Society (EPS), who is organizing the EuroPython
conference, last year extended it’s mission to also provide help for
the Python community in Europe in general.
As part of this, we would like to get to know, and help create closer
ties between organizers of other European Python even
The EuroPython Society (EPS) extended its mission last year to not
only run the EuroPython conference, but also provide help for the
Python community in Europe in general.
Let’s all meet at EuroPython
In addition to the Python Organizers Lunch (see previous post), whi
Over the last few weeks, our program WG has been working hard on
getting the schedule all lined up. Today, we’re releasing it to the
Python world.
Schedule for EuroPython 2018
* *
With 140 speakers and more than 150 s
We are pleased to host and sponsor a free Women’s Django Workshop on
Monday 23rd July, from 9am-6pm.
* EuroPython Women’s Django Workshop *
What to expect
Would you like to learn about how to bui
Ever wanted to help out during Europython ? Do you want to *really*
take part in EuroPython, meet new people and help them at the same
time ?
We have just the right thing for you: apply as EuroPython Volunteer
and be part of the great team that is making EuroPython 2018 a reality
this year.
We are pleased to announce the conference app for EuroPython 2018,
again hosted on the Attendify platform:
* EuroPython 2018 Conference App *
Engage with the conference and its attendees
We will be switching to the late bird rates for tickets on Monday next
week (July 16), so this is your last chance to get tickets at the
regular rate, which is about 30% less than the late bird rate.
* EuroPython 2018 Tickets *
We would like to invite all EuroPython attendees and EuroPython
Society (EPS) members to attend this year’s EPS General Assembly (GA),
which we will run as in-person meeting at the upcoming EuroPython
2018, held in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK from July 23 - 29.
We had already sent a invite to the memb
Since we still have quite a few people with discount coupons who
haven’t bought their tickets yet, we are extending the regular ticket
sales by one day.
* EuroPython 2018 Tickets *
Switch to Late Bird Tickets o
We are very pleased to have Smarkets as Keystone Sponsor for
EuroPython 2018. You can visit them at the most central booth in our
exhibit area, the Lennox Suite in the EICC, and take the opportunity
to chat with their staff or enjoy their escape room.
Please find below a hosted blog post from Smar
We’d like to draw your attention to our job board, with plenty of job
ads from our sponsors:
* EuroPython 2018 Job Board *
We will also send out job ad emails to attendees who have opt’ed in to
receiving these ema
Due to popular demand, we are making it possible to attend the Sprints
Weekend (July 28-29), even if you only have a day pass or are
considering to buy one and not a regular conference tickets which
includes the sprints as well.
* EuroPython 2018 Sprints (Hackathons) *
We are pleased to announce the first batch of cut videos from
EuroPython 2018 in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
* EuroPython 2018 YouTube Playlist *
In this batch, we have included all videos for Wed
We will be closing the EuroPython 2018 feedback form end of August,
so if you've attended EuroPython last month and would like to help
improve EuroPython by providing feedback, please please take a
few moments and fill in our feedback form:
* EuroPython 2018 Feedback Form *
We are pleased to announce the second batch of cut videos from
EuroPython 2018 in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
* EuroPython 2018 YouTube Playlist *
In this batch, we have included all
We are pleased to announce the third and last batch of cut videos from
EuroPython 2018 in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
* EuroPython 2018 YouTube Playlist *
In the last batch, we have
Dear EuroPython'istas,
We are in preparations of our venue RFP for the EuroPython 2019
edition and are asking for your help in finding the right locations
for us to choose from.
If you know of a larger venue - hotel or conference center - that can
accommodate at least 1400 attendees, please send
Dear EuroPython'istas,
We are happy to announce that we have started the RFP for venues to host
the EuroPython 2019 conference.
We have sent out the details to almost 40 venues.
For more details about the RFP, please see our blog post:
We are happy to announce the schedule for EuroPython 2016 in
Bilbao. The program WG has been working hard trying to fit all the
sessions in the last few weeks.
With over 180 sessions, over 150 speakers, one day for workshops, 5
days of talks, training, keynotes, lightning talks and open spaces,
The Program work group is happy to announce that there will be an
extra Call for Proposals early in June. This call is limited to hot
topics and most recent developments in software and technology.
Why is there a second call ?
Planning a big conference is a challenge:
We are pleased to introduce our first keynote speaker for EuroPython
*** Nicholas Tollervey ***
About Nicholas Tollervey
Nicholas is a classically trained musician, philosophy graduate,
teacher, author (for O'Reilly) and freelance programmer.
We are pleased to introduce our second keynote speaker for EuroPython
*** Jameson Rollins ***
About Jameson Rollins
Jameson is a staff scientist in the LIGO project, based at the
California Institute of Technology:
"I have worked on many as
We are excited to announce a complete PyData (
track at EuroPython 2016 in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain, from July
*** PyData EuroPython 2016 ***
The PyData track will be part of the EuroPy
We are pleased to announce our third keynote speaker for EuroPython
*** Rachel Willmer ***
About Rachel Willmer
Rachel has been working at the "bleeding edge" of technology for 30
years, as programmer, network engineer, manager, startup founder
We’re pleased to announce a Django Girls workshop on Sunday, July 17,
the first day of the EuroPython 2016 conference.
If you want participate or know someone who’d like to join, please
fill in our application form on the Django Girls’ website:
*** Django Girls EuroPython 2016 *
We are pleased to announce our fourth keynote speaker for EuroPython
*** Naomi Ceder ***
About Naomi Ceder
Naomi Ceder has been learning, teaching, using, and talking about
Python since 2001. She is the author of the Quick Python Book, 2nd
We are pleased to announce our next keynote speaker for EuroPython
*** Paul Hildebrandt ***
About Paul Hildebrandt
Paul Hildebrandt has been a Senior Engineer with Walt Disney Animation
Studios (WDAS) since 1996, and has worked in both Syste
On 02.06.2016 14:25, Omar Abou Mrad wrote:
> Quick note: blog and conference schedule links in the
> site's custom 404 page are incorrect.
Thanks. Should be fixed now.
> On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 4:22 PM, M.-A. Lemb
We are pleased to announce our final keynote speaker for EuroPython
*** Gaël Varoquaux ***
About Gaël Varoquaux
Gaël Varoquaux is an INRIA faculty researcher working on data science
for brain imaging in the Neurospin brain research institute
We are happy to announce that we’ve opened our second Call for
Proposals. This call is limited to hot topics and most recent
developments in software and technology and will run until June 12.
*** Proposal Submission Page ***
We are pleased to announce our keynote schedule for EuroPython 2016:
* Monday: Rachel Willmer & Nicholas Tollervey
* Tuesday: Paul Hildebrandt
* Wednesday: Jameson Rollins
* Thursday: Naomi Ceder
* Friday: Gaël Varoquaux
More information about our keynoters is available on the keynote
We all know that good food, drinks and music are essential for a
perfect EuroPython conference and so we’ve arranged a nice dinner with
local food and a party for Tuesday evening (July 19th).
*** EuroPython Conference Dinner and Party ***
We are proud to announce our very own mobile app for the EuroPython
2016 conference:
*** EuroPython 2016 Conference App ***
Engage with the conference and its attendees
It’s getting really close to the conference now and we will be
switching to the on-desk rates for tickets on July 8.
The prices will increase by about 30%, so if you want to still get
tickets at the normal rate, please register for EuroPython 2016 as
soon as possible:
*** EuroPy
The EuroPython website supports buying tickets for other people
(friends, colleagues, etc.). As a result, it is necessary to assign
the tickets you buy to either yourself or someone else. The assignment
process is explained below.
Please tell us your preferences
We will be switching to the on-desk rates for tickets tomorrow, so
today is your last chance to get tickets at the regular rate, which is
about 30% less than the on-desk rate:
EuroPython 2016 Registration
*** ***
Day Pa
EuroPython is not the only attraction in Bilbao to attend in July. The
city also hosts the famous Guggenheim Museum, featuring modern art in
an amazing building designed by Frank O. Gehry.
>>> Please see below for a special deal we have for EuroPython attendees
*** Guggenhei
For this year, we have reconsidered the way we give out badges to try
to reduce the queue lengths and your waiting time.
Badges distributed based on ticket ID
To make finding badges easier, we have printed the ticket ID on each
badge and will distribute badg
Many of our sponsors are looking for new employees, so EuroPython 2016
is not only an exciting conference, but may very well also be your
chance to find the perfect job you’ve always been looking for.
Sponsor job board
We will post sponsor recruiting offers on the job board of
At this year’s General Assembly we will vote in a new board of the
EuroPython Society:
This posting is also available as blog post:
The EuroPython Society (EPS) is happy to announce the Call for
Interest (CFI) for EuroPython 2017:
The purpose of this call is to get to know teams willing to help
organize the EuroPython conferenc
We are happy to announce the results of our EuroPython 2017 On-site
Teams: Call for Interest (CFI). The CFI finished with exciting new
locations and on-site teams willing to make EuroPython 2017 possible.
The CFI proposals we received were for:
* Milan or Como Lake, Italy,
from the Python Ita
EuroPython 2016 is now over and was an overwhelming success thanks to
everyone who helped make it happen.
Since EuroPython would not be possible without the help of our
volunteers and organizers, we’d like to say
Thank You !!!
to all the individuals who invested time
After a very work intense RFP with more than 40 venues competing, 17
entries, and two rounds of refinements, we are now happy to announce
the winner:
EuroPython 2019 will be held in
Basel, Switzerland, from July 8 - 14 2019
We will now start work on the contracts
Today, we’re happy to announce our pre-launch website under the
official EuroPython 2019 URL:
* *
Dates and Venues
EuroPython will be held from July 8-14 2019 in Basel, Switzerland, at
the Congress Center Basel (BCC) for the main
At the last General Assembly of the EuroPython Society (EPS) at
EuroPython 2018 in Edinburgh, we voted on a new grant program we want
to put in place for future EuroPython conferences.
We all love Python and this is one of the main reasons we are putting
on EuroPython year after year, serving the
We are happy to announce the launch of our website for EuroPython 2019:
* *
Thanks to Artur, Patrick and our web WG, the website now comes with a
renovated layout, modern technology and new features.
At the same time, we are launching the CFP for t
We are happy to announce the Call for Proposals is now open. The CfP
will close on Sunday in two weeks:
* Sunday, May 12 23:59:59 CEST *
Please submit your proposal via our website:
* *
We’re looking for proposals
Reach out to many enthusiastic Python developers, users and
professionals in Basel this July !
Sponsoring EuroPython guarantees you highly targeted visibility and
the opportunity to present yourself and your company in a professional
and innovative environment.
Also, as a sponsor of EuroPython 20
As in the last few years, we will again have early-bird ticket sales
for the conference.
We plan to open early bird ticket sales on
Monday, May 13th at 12:00 CEST.
This year, we will have 200 early-bird tickets available when we open
up ticket sales. They offer
We would like to remind you that the Call for Proposals closes this
coming Sunday:
EuroPython 2019 CFP ends on May 12 23:59:59 CEST
Please submit your proposal via our website:
* *
For full details, please see our previous
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