layed regardless if the output is redirected to a file or not.
Any pointers to best practice or code snippet of python password prompt?
", line 7, in __new__
instance = object.__new__(subclass, arg)
TypeError: default __new__ takes no parameters
Does anyone have any hints on how to solve this problem? (other than
using urllib or other standard modules - as I said this is just to
demonstrate the nature of my problem).
Paul McGuire wrote:
> On Jan 23, 5:09 am, GiBo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a class URI and a bunch of derived sub-classes for example
>> HttpURI, FtpURI, HttpsURI, etc. (this is an example, I know there is
>> module urllib & frie
as I know e.g. network
sockets streams may return less data than requested even when the socket
is still open.
I'd better like something like:
while not stream.eof():
but there is not eof() method :-(
This is probably a trivial problem but I haven't found a decent sol
GiBo wrote:
> Hi!
> Classic situation - I have to process an input stream of unknown length
> until a I reach its end (EOF, End Of File). How do I check for EOF?
> [...]
> I'd better like something like:
> while not stream.eof():
> ...
Is there a rea
Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2007-02-19, GiBo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Classic situation - I have to process an input stream of unknown length
>> until a I reach its end (EOF, End Of File). How do I check for EOF? The
>> input stream can be anyt
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> En Mon, 19 Feb 2007 22:30:59 -0300, GiBo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
>> Is there a reason why some classes distributed with Python 2.5 are not
>> new-style classes? For instance StringIO is apparently "old-style" class
For now I need a simple AES, no asymmetric crypto or GPG involved.
uot; tool uses library which in turn uses /etc/magic file
with file format descriptions. To get some reliable results you'll have
to call libmagic. The "file-4.xx.tar.gz" source tarball has python
bindings included and there's a python-magic package (at least in