Hi there, apologies for the generic question. Here is my problem let's
say that I have a list of lists of strings.
list1:#strings are sort of similar to one another
list2:#strings are mostly
On 11/3/2016 6:47 PM, jlada...@itu.edu wrote:
On Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 1:09:48 PM UTC-7, Neil D. Cerutti wrote:
you may also be
able to use some items "off the shelf" from Python's difflib.
I wasn't aware of that module, thanks for the tip!
difflib.SequenceMatcher.ratio() returns a nu
Hi there, Python newbie here.
I am working with large files. For this reason I figured that I would
capture the large input into a list and serialize it with pickle for
later (faster) usage.
Everything has worked beautifully until today when the large data (1GB)
file caused a MemoryError :(
notorious pass by reference vs pass by value biting me in the backside
here. Proceeding in order.
I need to scan a list of strings. If one of the elements matches the
beginning of a search keyword, that element needs to snap to the front
of the list.
I achieved that this way:
for i in
On 04/01/2016 04:27 PM, Fillmore wrote:
notorious pass by reference vs pass by value biting me in the backside here.
Proceeding in order.
Many thanks to all of those who replied!
let's look at this:
$ python3.4
Python 3.4.0 (default, Apr 11 2014, 13:05:11)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> line1 = '"String1" | bla'
>>> parts1 = line1.split(" | ")
>>> parts1
['"String1"', 'bla']
>>> tokens1 = eval(parts1[0])
Sorry guys. It was not my intention to piss off anyone...just trying to
understand how the languare works
I guess that the answer to my question is: there is no such thing as a
one-element tuple,
and Python will automatically convert a one-element tuple to a string... hence
behavior I obs
On 04/10/2016 07:30 PM, Stephen Hansen wrote:
There's nothing inconsistent or surprising going on besides you doing
something vaguely weird and not really expressing what you find
well, I was getting some surprising results for some of my data, so I can
guarantee that I was surpris
On 04/10/2016 08:13 PM, Fillmore wrote:
Sorry guys. It was not my intention to piss off anyone...just trying to
understand how the languare works
I guess that the answer to my question is: there is no such thing as a
one-element tuple,
and Python will automatically convert a one-element
On 04/10/2016 08:31 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
Can you describe explicitly what that “discontinuation point” is? I'm
not seeing it.
Here you go:
>>> a = '"string1"'
>>> b = '"string1","string2"'
>>> c = '"string1","string2","string3"'
>>> ea = eval(a)
>>> eb = eval(b)
>>> ec = eval(c)
>>> type(ea)
funny, but it seems to me that you are taking it personally... thank god i even
in advance for what was most probably a stupid question..
On 04/10/2016 09:50 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Fillmore, you should feel very pleased with yourself. All the tens of
thousands of P
On 04/10/2016 09:36 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
If the two examples give you different responses (one surprises you, the
other does not), I would really like to know*what the surprise is*.
What specifically did you expect, that did not happen?
now that I get the role of commas it's not surprising any
Thank you for trying to help, Martin. So:
On 04/10/2016 09:08 PM, Martin A. Brown wrote:
#1: I would not choose eval() except when there is no other
solution. If you don't need eval(), it may save you some
headache in the future, as well, to find an alternate way.
So, can we hel
On 04/10/2016 11:54 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Mon, 11 Apr 2016 12:48 pm, Fillmore wrote:
funny, but it seems to me that you are taking it personally... thank god i
even apologized in advance for what was most probably a stupid question..
I hope you did get a laugh out of it, becau
On 04/11/2016 12:10 AM, Ben Finney wrote:
So, will we never get your statement of what surprised you between those
Clearly there is something of interest here. I'd like to know what the
facts of the matter were; “beginner's mind” is a precious resource, not
to be squandered.
I thou
On 04/11/2016 10:10 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:
What behaviour did you expect instead? That's still unclear.
I must admit this is one of the best trolls I've seen in a while...
shall I take it as a compliment?
...and I'm loving it.
Sooo much more elegant than Perl...and so much less going back to the
manual to lookup the syntax of simple data structures and operations...
REPL is so useful
and you guys rock too
On 04/14/2016 10:12 PM, justin walters wrote:
On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 1:50 PM, Fillmore
...and I'm loving it.
Sooo much more elegant than Perl...and so much less going back to the
manual to lookup the syntax of simple data structures and operations...
REPL is so useful
and you
Hello PyMasters!
Long story short:
cat myfile.txt | python -m pdb myscript.py
doens't work (pdb hijacking stdin?).
Google indicates that someone has fixed this with named pipes, but, call
me stupid, I don't understand how I need to set up those pipes, how I
need to modify my script and, abov
My problem. I have lists of substrings associated to values:
['a','b','c','g'] => 1
['a','b','c','h'] => 1
['a','b','c','i'] => 1
['a','b','c','j'] => 1
['a','b','c','k'] => 1
['a','b','c','l'] => 0 # <- Black sheep!!!
['a','b','c','m'] => 1
['a','b','c','n'] => 1
['a','b','c','o'] => 1
Thank you, guys. Your suggestions are avaluable. I think I'll go with the tree
On 05/31/2016 10:22 AM, Fillmore wrote:
My problem. I have lists of substrings associated to values:
['a','b','c','g'] => 1
Hi, problem for today. I have a batch file that creates "trees of data".
I can save these trees in the form of python code or serialize them with
like pickle.
I then need to run a program that loads the whole forest in the form of a dict()
where each item will point to a dynamically l
I learned myself Perl as a scripting language over two decades ago. All
through this time, I would revert to it from time to time whenever I
needed some text manipulation and data analysis script.
My problem? maybe I am stupid, but each time I have to go back and
re-learn the syntax, the got
So many answers. So much wisdom...thank you everyone
On 01/28/2016 07:01 PM, Fillmore wrote:
On 1/29/2016 10:07 AM, Random832 wrote:
The main source of confusion is that $foo[5] is an element of @foo.
$foo{'x'} is an element of %foo. Both of these have absolutely nothing
to do with $foo.
previous versions?
- Is there a good IDE that can be used for debugging? all free IDEs for
Perl suck and it would be awesome if Python was better than that.
On 1/28/2016 7:01 PM, Fillmore wrote:
I learned myself Perl as a scripting language over two decades ago. All
On 1/29/2016 4:30 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
People who are unwilling to "expanding their
intellectual horizons" make me sick!!!
did I miss something or is this aggressiveness unjustified?
On 01/30/2016 05:26 AM, wxjmfa...@gmail.com wrote:
Python 2 vs python 3 is anything but "solved".
Python 3.5.1 is still suffering from the same buggy
behaviour as in Python 3.0 .
Can you elaborate?
Hi, I am having a hard time making my Cygwin run Python 3.5 (or Python 2.7 for
that matter).
The command will hang and nothing happens.
A cursory search on the net reveals many possibilities, which might mean a lot
of trial and error, which I would very much like to avoid.
Any suggestions on h
On 2/9/2016 2:29 PM, alvin.hacop...@gmail.com wrote:
$ ls -l /usr/bin/python
rm /usr/bin/python
$ ln -s /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python3.2m.exe
$ /usr/bin/python --version
Python 3.2.5
$ pydoc modules
Still no luck (:
$ python --version
Python 3.5.1
$ python
(..hangs indefinitel
On 2/9/2016 3:30 PM, alvin.hacop...@gmail.com wrote:
When you run the cygwin installer you have the option of installing 2.7
> and 3.2.5, by default it will install 2.7 and 3.2 together.
> After running the installer run whereis python and use the alternatives
> to change it or use python3 ins
On 2/9/2016 4:47 PM, Fillmore wrote:
On 2/9/2016 3:30 PM, alvin.hacop...@gmail.com wrote:
When you run the cygwin installer you have the option of installing 2.7
> and 3.2.5, by default it will install 2.7 and 3.2 together.
> After running the installer run whereis python and u
Hi, I'm trying to move away from Perl and go to Python.
Regex seems to bethe hardest challenge so far.
while () {
if (/(\d+)\t(.+)$/) {
print $1." - ". $2."\n";
into python
pattern = re.compile(r"(\d+)\t(.+)$")
with open(fields_Indexfile,mode="rt",encoding='utf-8') a
Big thank you to everyone who offered their help!
On 03/06/2016 11:38 PM, Fillmore wrote:
learning Python from Perl here. Want to do things as Pythonicly as possible.
I am reading a TSV, but need to skip the first 5 lines. The following
works, but wonder if there's a more pythonc way to do things. Thanks
ctr = 0
with open(prfile,mode="rt",encoding='utf-8') as pfile:
for line i
I must be missing something simple because I can't find a way to break
out of a nested loop in Python.
Is there a way to label loops?
For the record, here's a Perl script of mine I'm trying to port...there
may be 'malformed' lines in a TSV file I'm parsing that are better
discarded than fix
On 3/7/2016 6:03 PM, sohcahto...@gmail.com wrote:
On a side note, your "with open..." line uses inconsistent quoting.
> You have "" on one string, but '' on another.
Thanks. I'll make sure I flog myself three times later tonight...
On 3/7/2016 6:17 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 4:09 PM, Fillmore wrote:
I must be missing something simple because I can't find a way to break out
of a nested loop in Python.
Is there a way to label loops?
No, you can't break out of nested loops,
wow...this is
On 3/7/2016 6:29 PM, Rob Gaddi wrote:
You're used to Perl, you're used to exceptions being A Thing. This is
Python, and exceptions are just another means of flow control.
class MalformedLineError(Exception): pass
for line in file:
for part in line.split('\t'):
On 3/7/2016 6:09 PM, Fillmore wrote:
I must be missing something simple because I can't find a way to break
out of a nested loop in Python.
Thanks to everyone who has tried to help so far. I suspect this may be a
case where I just need to get my head around a new paradigm
On 3/7/2016 7:08 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
Yep, which is why we're offering a variety of new paradigms. Because
it's ever so much easier to get your head around three than one!
We are SO helpful, guys. So helpful. :)
not too dissimilarly from human languages, speaking a foreign language
when I put a Python script in pipe with other commands, it will refuse
to let go silently. Any way I can avoid this?
$ python somescript.py | head -5
line 1
line 3
line 3
line 4
line 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./somescript.py", line 50, in
On 3/10/2016 4:46 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 2:33 PM, Fillmore wrote:
when I put a Python script in pipe with other commands, it will refuse to
let go silently. Any way I can avoid this?
What is your script doing? I don't see this problem.
On 3/10/2016 5:16 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
Interesting, both of these are probably worth bringing up as issues on
the bugs.python.org tracker. I'm not sure that the behavior should be
changed (if we get an error, we shouldn't just swallow it) but it does
seem like a significant hassle for writing co
Here's another handy Perl regex which I am not sure how to translate to
I use it to avoid processing lines that contain funny chars...
if ($string =~ /[^[:print:]]/) {next OUTER;}
On 3/10/2016 7:08 PM, INADA Naoki wrote:
No. I see it usually.
Python's zen says:
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
When failed to write to stdout, Python should raise Exception.
You can silence explicitly when it's safe:
except Broken
On 03/11/2016 07:13 AM, Wolfgang Maier wrote:
One lesson for Perl regex users is that in Python many things can be solved
without regexes.
How about defining:
printable = {chr(n) for n in range(32, 127)}
then using:
if (set(my_string) - set(printable)):
seems computationally heav
On 3/11/2016 2:23 PM, MRAB wrote:
On 2016-03-11 00:07, Fillmore wrote:
Here's another handy Perl regex which I am not sure how to translate to
I use it to avoid processing lines that contain funny chars...
if ($string =~ /[^[:print:]]/) {next OUTER;}
Python 3 (Unicode) st
I have a TSV file containing a few strings like this (double quotes are
part of the string):
'"pragma: CacheHandler=08616B7E907744E026C9F044250EA55844CCFD52"'
After Python and the CVS module has read the file and re-printed the
value, the string has become:
'pragma: CacheHandler=08616B7E90
On 3/11/2016 3:05 PM, Joel Goldstick wrote:
Enter the python shell. Import csv
then type help(csv)
It is highly configurable
Possibly, but I am having a hard time letting it know that it should
leave each and every char alone, ignore quoting and just handle strings
as strings. I tried pl
On 3/11/2016 2:41 PM, Fillmore wrote:
Is there some directive I can give CVS reader to tell it to stop
screwing with my text?
OK, I think I reproduced my problem at the REPL:
>>> import csv
>>> s = '"Please preserve my doublequotes"\ttext1\ttext2'
On 3/11/2016 4:14 PM, MRAB wrote:
>>> import csv
>>> s = '"Please preserve my doublequotes"\ttext1\ttext2'
>>> reader = csv.reader([s], delimiter='\t', quotechar=None)
>>> for row in reader:
... print(row[0])
"Please preserve my doublequotes"
This worked! thank you MRAB
On 3/11/2016 4:15 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
thanks, but my TSV is not using any particular dialect as far as I
Thank you, anyway
On 3/11/2016 2:41 PM, Fillmore wrote:
I have a TSV file containing a few strings like this (double quotes are
part of the string):
A big thank you to everyone who helped with this and with other
questions. My porting of one of my Perl scripts to Python is over now
that the two scripts
Playing with ArgumentParser. I can't find a way to override the -h and
--help options so that it provides my custom help message.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Here is what I am trying:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("csresolver.py",add_help=False)
On 3/11/2016 6:26 PM, Larry Martell wrote:
am I missing something obvious?
you rock!
So, now I need to split a string in a way that the first element goes
into a string and the others in a list:
while($line = ) {
my ($s,@values) = split /\t/,$line;
I am trying with:
for line in sys.stdin:
s,values = line.strip().split("\t")
but no luck:
ValueError: t
On 3/11/2016 7:12 PM, Martin A. Brown wrote:
Aside from your csv question today, many of your questions could be
answered by reading through the manual documenting the standard
datatypes (note, I am assuming you are using Python 3).
are you accusing me of being lazy?
if that's your accusatio
On 03/12/2016 04:40 AM, alister wrote:
On Fri, 11 Mar 2016 19:15:48 -0500, Fillmore wrote:
I not sure if you were being accused of being lazy as such but actually
being given the suggestion that there are other places that you can find
these answers that are probably better for a number of
OK, this seems to do the trick, but boy is it a lot of code. Anythong more
>>> l = list(d.items())
>>> l
[('squib', '007')]
>>> l[0]
('squib', '007')
>>> l[0][0]
On 03/18/201
I must be missing something simple, but...
Python 3.4.0 (default, Apr 11 2014, 13:05:11)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> d = dict()
>>> d['squib'] = "007"
>>> # I forget that 'squib' is my key to retrieve the only element in d
61 matches
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