ANN: fathom 0.4.0, fathom-tools 0.1.0, qfathom 0.1.0

2011-06-16 Thread Filip Gruszczyński qfathom QFathom is graphical tool written in python3 and PyQt for inspecting the database. It is basically a graphical frontend for fathom. And once again any kind of ideas or comments would be greatly appreciated. -- Filip Gruszcz

ANN: geany-pyflakes 1.0

2011-08-05 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
/ -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: ANN: geany-pyflakes 1.0

2011-08-05 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
anything with it. I have posted a gzipped version with a fix. Would you care to take a look? -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: ANN: geany-pyflakes 1.0

2011-08-05 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
again, but I really, really don't wanto to touch autotools again. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

function annotations in open source projects

2011-03-14 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
Do you know any open source python3 projects that use function annotations? I would like to see some real use, so maybe I find them useful to use in my own project. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: function annotations in open source projects

2011-03-16 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
Thanks for the links. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

ANN: fathom 0.1.0

2011-03-19 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
comments and additional ideas for new features.. Documentation can be found here: Package can be downloaded from PyPi or from here: -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: ANN: fathom 0.2.0

2011-04-09 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
I forgot links: Homepage: Documentation: -- Filip Gruszczyński --

ANN: fathom 0.2.0

2011-04-09 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
ity-relationship diagrams in graphviz dot language, that can be turned into pdf or image files -- Filip Gruszczyński --

ANN: Fathom 0.3.0

2011-05-15 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
ction for finding procedures that access a table -> fathom2graphviz draws lines between columns for foreign key -> fathom2graphviz and fathom2django can now print output to a file, rather than to std -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Calling a class instance like a function

2009-02-18 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
t value: > >myClass(5.0) > > I can override the "()" operator in C++, so I'm wondering if there's a way to > do it in Python as well. > > Thanks! > -- > > -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Project structure - Best practices

2008-11-30 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
. When I use pychecker, it can't import this module and fails. Any suggestions, how can I avoid this and what structure should I use? -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Project structure - Best practices

2008-11-30 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
> That's exactly what I have read before posting here ;-) -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Do more imported objects affect performance

2008-11-30 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
rbage" to this storage and make those searches longer? -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: pydoc enforcement.

2008-11-30 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
e, precise class names > mightn't be mentioned (since we mightn't know what is being used > then), but having *some* description would certainly be helpful (I > feel). > > Even if no-one else is interested in this feature, I think it could > help my own development (and

Re: Do more imported objects affect performance

2008-12-01 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
; > > And here is the test again, actually calling something with the same > difference in execution speed :- > > $ python -m timeit -s 'from os import nice' 'nice(0)' > 100 loops, best of 3: 1.21 usec per loop > > $ python -m timeit -s 'import os' 'os.nice(0)' > 100 loops, best of 3: 1.48 usec per loop > > -- > Nick Craig-Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- > -- > > -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Removing None objects from a sequence

2008-12-12 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
ow if that's the best way. I checked itertools, but the only thing that seemed ok, was ifilter - this requires seperate function though, so doesn't seem too short. How can I get it the shortest and fastest way? -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Removing None objects from a sequence

2008-12-12 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
I don't mean memory, but space in code ;-) I'll try this generator :) -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Removing None objects from a sequence

2008-12-12 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
ever. I like the last one a lot :) -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Removing None objects from a sequence

2008-12-13 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
Just to be clear, I decided to use generator by alex23, as it seems simple, short and understandable. Still reading this thread was quite interesting, thanks :-) -- Filip Gruszczyński --

deleting a method

2009-01-03 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
uteError: A instance has no attribute 'foo' Why is it so and how may still delete it? -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: deleting a method

2009-01-04 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
>>> 'foo' in dir(a) >True >>>> del >>>> 'foo' in dir(a) >False Thanks, now I see, what happens, but don't exactly know why. Could you point me to some good explanation how object creation is performed in Pytho

Tree views - Best design practices

2009-01-08 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
is wrong. But I can hardly see any easy and more maintainable solution for this problem. Could you help me with this? -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Tree views - Best design practices

2009-01-08 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
gt; e.operations > 'Element operations' >>>> g.operations > 'Group operations' But this is the same as asking for a class, except for having to write a method giving some form of a class name and then basing on this classname display operations. I know this solution, but this is what I would like to evade. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Tree views - Best design practices

2009-01-08 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
d provide additional info, but then I had to keep relations between objects in two places (relations between real groups and elements and wrapper groups and wrapper elements), which wasn't the right way to do. I just can figure a simple, elegant way to do this. -- Filip Gruszczyński -- http

Re: Tree views - Best design practices

2009-01-08 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
in the gui). I believe it's just the same as asking for the class, but we hide it under static methods. It's no different though. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Tree views - Best design practices

2009-01-08 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
. But I am looking for a different type of flexibility. I would like to be able to add more classes to my hierarchy and not have to change my code in many places when I add new class to the hierarchy. If I have to change every class in the hierarchy because I add new class, then it's not somethi

Two instances share an attribute

2008-11-15 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
elf.__values keeps old list? Can anyone explain it to me? I am using: Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Sep 14 2008, 23:49:00) [GCC 4.1.2 (Gentoo 4.1.2 p1.0.2)] on linux2 -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Two instances share an attribute

2008-11-15 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
Every day something new. Thanks a lot :) 2008/11/15 Cameron Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > On 15Nov2008 22:41, Filip Gruszczyński <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > | I really don't understand, what's happening with the following code. > | Am I doing something wrong? &g

Script in /usr/bin doesn't see my packages

2009-03-01 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
ripts: i put an import statement there and run them (they are outside of development directory) and they import stuff just the way they should. But when I put them into /usr/bin they stop. Could anyone help me on this? -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Script for a project inside own directory

2009-03-22 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
r. I like to keep it clean. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Script for a project inside own directory

2009-03-22 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
Works great. Thanks a lot. 2009/3/22 Maxim Khitrov : > 2009/3/22 Filip Gruszczyński : >> I am having a project built like this: >> >> project >> >> >>   packages1/ >> >> >> etc. >> >> I

Too early implementation

2009-04-18 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
ign get so annoying, that you need to do something about them. Usually at that point it's a bit problematic ;-) So, do you know some good methods to prevent myself from just starting coding (which I like very much) and do some thinking about the problem (which I like a little less ;-))? -- Fil

Re: Too early implementation

2009-04-18 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
lly wrong with the design. It was then, that I started wondering: maybe I should first prepare some good design documents, I don't know some SAD or something. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Pythonic emptiness checking

2009-04-29 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
None: Because I often encounter it and would like to know, if I can simplify it. Especially that I liked similar construction in C/C++. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Pythonic emptiness checking

2009-04-29 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
Yes, I get the difference. If x is [], than if x: won't be executed and if x is not None: will be. Thanks for clarifying. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

ECG segmentation

2009-05-08 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
Hi! I need to create a script, that performs ECG segmentation, but I can hardly find any useful materials on the web. Did anyone try to do this and could point me to some good materials/snippets about this? -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Ideas for master's thesis

2008-06-02 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
d would be close enough to the OOP, so I could present it to a mentor (he is cool with doing something for OSS community). -- Filip Gruszczyński --

XML validation in stdlib?

2008-06-14 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
Hi! I took a look at the standard library and tried to find some validation against schema tools, but found none. I googled, but found only links to external libraries, that can do some validation. Does it mean, that there is no validation in stdlib or have I just missed something? -- Filip

Explicit variable declaration

2008-04-22 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Explicit variable declaration

2008-04-23 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
ear only specified variables. Like in smalltalk, if I remember correctly. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Explicit variable declaration

2008-04-23 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
t;", line 1, in > @uses("x") > File "", line 8, in decorator > raise ValueError("%s: %s assigned but not declared" % (f.func_name, > ','.join(undeclared))) > ValueError: f: y assigned but not declared > > > >>> > > -- > > -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Explicit variable declaration

2008-04-23 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
on't quite get. How it may help me? Could you explain? -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Explicit variable declaration

2008-04-25 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
et in certain function (the same with fields in a class). I am finishing a small tool, that allows to create such declarations in similar manner to Smalltalk declarations. I hope I can post a link to it soon. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Which is more pythonic?

2009-12-03 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
combo box. Still, it's two lines instead of one, so maybe it's not the best. So, which one is? -- Filip Gruszczyński --

ANN: logbuilder 0.1.0a

2009-12-21 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
more information, please come to -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Validating positional arguments in optparse

2009-10-23 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
rgument in OptionParser. Is it possible to do this, or was it intentionaly left this way? -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Re: Validating positional arguments in optparse

2009-10-23 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
the dirty work of checking that arguments are all right for me and wanted to know the reason, it doesn't. I guess I should write a subclass, which would do just that. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

urllib2 urlopen takes too much time

2009-06-21 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
tool written in C#, that also uses those web services and it worked much faster, so it doesn't seem to be connection problem. -- Filip Gruszczyński --

Specific iterator in one line

2009-06-30 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
a', 'b', 'b'] The easy way is to return a tuple ('b', 'b') for 1s and then flatten them. But this doesn't seem very right - I'd prefer to create a nice iterable right away. Is it possible to achieve this? Curiosly, the other way round is pret

Re: Specific iterator in one line

2009-06-30 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
Oh, and there is additional requirement: it must be a one liner with at most 80 characters ;-) W dniu 30 czerwca 2009 10:44 użytkownik Filip Gruszczyński napisał: > This is purely sport question. I don't really intend to use the answer > in my code, but I am wondering, if such a fe