#x27; which ask the GSM Module if
everything is OK.
the read line returs 'ATI'. echo to my write function.
Whenever I run this comman ('ATI') through hyperterminal I gut the result :
232 OK
Does any one got an Idea why my code isn't getting the same answer from the
GSM Module?
a = ['a', 'b', x]
b = sorted(a)
What does x need to be to always be last on an ascending sort no matter what
'a' and 'b' are within reason... I am expecting 'a' and 'b' will be not
longer than 10 char's long I tried making x = '' and
believe it or not, this appears FIRS
more clearer, this is a more realistic use case:
['awefawef', 'awefawfsf', 'awefsdf', 'zz', 'zz',
and the quantity of ''zz'' would be dynamic.
On Friday, September 28, 2012 4:46:15 PM UTC-7, Ian wrote:
> > a = ['a', 'b', x]
> >
> >
Looking for entry to mid level Python Developer for Contract job in New
England. Let me know if you want to hear more.
7;, toc=b'')
When I run this, I get the following error:
File "/Documents/Python/Test1/main.py", line 94, in
myCDID = myID3.id3.frames.MusicCDIdFrame(id=b'MCDI', toc=b'')
AttributeError: 'Mp3AudioFile' object has no attribute 'id3
Thanks! That fixed it!
> On 6 Jun 2022, at 18:46, MRAB wrote:
> On 2022-06-06 11:37, Dave wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’m trying to get the ID3 tags of an mp3 file. I trying to use the
>> MusicCDIdFrame
>> method but I can’t seem to get it right. Here is a code sn
still want
“Trinket”. I can’t for the life of work out how to do it in Python?
All the Best
Name Mismatch - Artist: ',myArtistName,' Album:
',myAlbumName,' Track:',myTitleName,' File: ',myFile)
Thanks a lot
> On 7 Jun 2022, at 21:58, De ongekruisigde
> wrote:
> On 2022-06-07, Dave wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’m new to Pyt
022-06-07 at 21:35:43 +0200,
> Dave wrote:
>> I’m new to Python and have a simple problem that I can’t seem to find
>> the answer.
>> I want to test the first two characters of a string to check if the
>> are numeric (00 to 99) and if so remove the fist thr
> On 7 Jun 2022, at 22:35, De ongekruisigde
> wrote:
> On 2022-06-07, Dave <mailto:d...@looktowindward.com>> wrote:
>> Thanks a lot for this! isDigit was the method I was looking for and couldn’t
>> find.
>> I have another problem related
those out tomorrow.
Thanks for your help - All the Best
> On 7 Jun 2022, at 23:01, Dave wrote:
> Hi,
> No, I’ve checked leading/trailing whitespace, it seems to be related to the
> variables that are returned from eyed3 in this case, for instance, I added a
A, ok will do, was just trying to be a brief as possible, will post more
fully in future.
> On 7 Jun 2022, at 23:29, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2022 at 07:24, Barry wrote:
>>> On 7 Jun 2022, at 22:04, Dave wrote:
single quote in I’m, although it has worked with other songs.
Any ideas?
All the Best
Here is the whole function/method or whatever it’s called in Python:
# checkMusicFiles
rotfl! Nice one!
> On 8 Jun 2022, at 00:24, 2qdxy4rzwzuui...@potatochowder.com wrote:
> On 2022-06-07 at 23:07:42 +0100,
> Regarding "Re: How to test characters of a string,"
> MRAB wrote:
>> On 2022-06-07 21:23, Dave wrote:
>>> Thanks a
I hate regEx and avoid it whenever possible, I’ve never found something that
was impossible to do without it.
> On 8 Jun 2022, at 00:49, dn wrote:
> On 08/06/2022 10.18, De ongekruisigde wrote:
>> On 2022-06-08, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:
>>> Am 07.06.22 um 21:
print('lengths match: ',myLength1)
print('lengths mismatch: ',myLength1,' ',myLength2)
print(' ')
myCompareFile1: 'I\u2019m Mandy Fly Me'
myCompareFile2: "I'm Mandy Fly Me"
So it looks like the replace isn’t doing anything?
I’m an experienced developer but learning Python.
All the Best
I’ve also tried:
myCompareFile1 = myTitleName
myCompareFile1.replace("\u2019", "'")
myCompareFile2 = myCompareFileName
myCompareFile2.replace("\u2019", "'")
Which also doesn’t work, the replace itself work but it still fails the compare?
r: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
I can’t see of a way to do this in Python?
All the Best
> On 8 Jun 2022, at 10:14, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2022 at 18:12, Dave wrote:
>> I tried the but it doesn’t seem to work?
>> myCompareF
extended to include other characters as and when they come
up by adding a line as so:
myNewString = theString.replace("\u2014", “]” #just an example
Which is what I was trying to achieve.
All the Best
> On 8 Jun 2022, at 11:17, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Wed,
> On 8 Jun 2022, at 11:25, Dave wrote:
>myNewString = theString.replace("\u2014", “]” #just an example
Opps! Make that
myNewString = myNewString.replace("\u2014", “]” #just an example
at some point, these need to replaced.
3. Other character based of name being of a non-english origin.
If find others I’ll add them.
I’m using MusicBrainz to do a fuzzy match and get the correct name.
it’s not perfect, but works for 99% of files which is good enough for me!
> O
I’ve found you also need to take care of multiple disk CD releases. These have
a format of
“1-01 Track Name”
“2-02 Trackl Name"
Meaning Disk 1 Track1, Disk 2, Track 2.
Also A and B Sides (from Vinyl LPs)
“A1-Track Name”
“B2-Track Name”
Side A, Track 1, etc.
Before I write my own I wondering if anyone knows of a function that will print
a nicely formatted dictionary?
By nicely formatted I mean not all on one line!
I quite like the format that JSON gives - thanks a lot!
> On 9 Jun 2022, at 20:02, Stefan Ram wrote:
> Since nicety is in the eyes of the beholder, I would not
> hesitate to write a custom function in this case. Python
> has the standard modules &qu
ow of some examples?
On 1/7/19 11:14 AM, Thomas Jollans wrote:
On 07/01/2019 15.51, Dave wrote:
I need to select a Python GUI. It needs to cover all of the desktops
(Linux, Windows, Apple) and hopefully mobile (Android and Ios). I'm
looking at Kivy, but have yet to find an example app. that has a native
and properties.
3. File location? I'm using Ubuntu and I believe that the correct
location would be home/.config/ . What about Mac and Windows?
Would like to find a Python library that handles all of this, but so far...
Windows and Mac/Unix/CUPS.
* GUI must support all desktops with a native look and feel. Kivy fails
this one. Will have mobile apps later in the year, so it would be nice
if one GUI fits all, but am ok with 2 gui's if needed.
* A great book taking me from beginner to expert.
one GUI fits all, but am ok with 2 gui's if needed.
* A great book taking me from beginner to expert.
one GUI fits all, but am ok with 2 gui's if needed.
* A great book taking me from beginner to expert.
Sorry about the duplicate messages - bad hair day!
On 2/27/19 10:38 AM, Dave wrote:
On 1/14/19 2:08 PM, Mike Driscoll wrote:
I just thought I would let you all know that I am working on my 2nd
wxPython book, "Creating GUI Applications with wxPython". This one
On 2/27/19 11:38 AM, Rhodri James wrote:
On 27/02/2019 15:37, Dave wrote:
* GUI must support all desktops with a native look and feel. Kivy
fails this one. Will have mobile apps later in the year, so it would
be nice if one GUI fits all, but am ok with 2 gui's if needed.
This requir
parser.set('default', 'units_measure', 'english')
parser.set('default', 'background_color', 'white')
parser.set('default', 'useDefaults', 'true')
parser.set('default', 'numToDisp', '12')
parser.set('default', 'pi', '3.14')
The advantage of the former is that it will handle 'DEFAULT', while the
last one won't. I like the former, but not sure if it is the future.
On 3/25/19 10:58 PM, DL Neil wrote:
On 26/03/19 1:10 PM, Dave wrote:
I use Python3 3, and expected learning how to use configparser would
be no big deal. Well! Seems there is configparser, stdconfigparser,
and safeconfigparser, and multiple ways to set the section and entries
to the
On 3/26/19 4:29 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 3/25/2019 8:10 PM, Dave wrote:
I use Python3 3, and expected learning how to use configparser would
be no big deal. Well! Seems there is configparser, stdconfigparser, and
configparser is what IDLE uses. I would read the extra or deleted
but maybe
not the correct way. Suggestions?
class TempConverter():
""" Temperature Converter converts a tempeature from one scale
to another scale. For example: 32, F, C will return
0 degrees C
def __init__(self, temperatur
On 4/1/19 10:12 PM, Irv Kalb wrote:
On Apr 1, 2019, at 7:02 PM, Dave wrote:
As classes get more complex, it is good to call a function to do some of the
processing, and make the code easier to follow. My question is how to do that?
I've attached some silly code to illustrate the
On 4/1/19 10:02 PM, Dave wrote:
As classes get more complex, it is good to call a function to do some of
the processing, and make the code easier to follow. My question is how
to do that? I've attached some silly code to illustrate the point. The
error is: name 'validScale'
On 4/1/19 10:29 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 01Apr2019 22:02, Dave wrote:
As classes get more complex, it is good to call a function to do some
of the processing, and make the code easier to follow. My question is
how to do that? I've attached some silly code to illustrate the
a little confusing.
So what are the suggestions from people that have been down this road
On 4/29/19 3:26 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 4/29/2019 1:38 PM, Dave wrote:
As apps get more complex we add modules, or Python files, to organize
things. One problem I have is a couple of data classes (list of
dictionary objects) in a few modules that are used in a number of the
other modules
Hello All,
I would like to gather some information on Python's runtime performance. As far as I understand, it deals with a lot of string objects. Does it require a lot string processing during program execution? How does it handle such time-consuming operations? Is there a way to find out how m
Yes, I would like to know how many internal string operations are done inside the Python interpreter.
Thanks. Laszlo Zsolt Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dave wrote:> Hello All,> > I would like to gather some information on Python's runtime > performance. As far as I unde
Hello All,
As far as I understand, Python deals with a lot of
string objects, i.e. it looks up all names. Is there a
way to find out how many name lookup operations take
place in a Python program? Is it the name lookup
operation or hash operation that degrades performance?
What function does Pytho
I would like to profile a Python program using gprof.
I already rebuilt Python with CC="gcc -pg"
./configure. So, I should be able to use gprof. How do
I do that? Should I first run Python and then gprof?
What are the steps?
Thanks a lot!
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> lookdict_string is used for most lookups of the form
> obj.attr
> because they are never found to have non-string keys
> entered or searched.
> Furthermore, most of these string keys are
> "interned",
> which I believe makes the check
> if (ep->me_ke
Hello All,
I'm trying to profile a Python program using gprof,
but I don't understand some of the results, especially
what some of the functions do. For example, _moncount,
mcount, _PyEval_EvalFrame take too much
time. What are they for? Any ideas?
Thank you for your help!
Hello All,
I googled to find an answer for my question, but had
no luck. I'm trying to profile a Python program using
gprof, but I don't understand what _moncount and
mcount are. I couldn't find their source code under
Python source tree. moncount takes about 30% of my
program... What are _moncoun
Hello All,
I'm wondering what hashing function Python uses for
Thanks for your help.
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
are gray. I don't know if
the color is a clue to anything or not. Anyone else
have this problem, know why it happened, or know how
to solve it? Yes, I could just use the idle that boots
with idle.py, but I'm just wondering why her install
produced a clean working version and my install came
with this bug? Thanks -Dave
rect package is returned by my helper method, its
member variables are those of the the parent package, plugin_test.
The output of this demo is::
Directory plugin_test
Which seems contradictory. What have I got wrong?
Best Regards,
This is plugin_test/Plugin1/__init__.py::
On Thursday, November 20, 2014 1:48:06 PM UTC-7, Ian wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Dave Angel wrote:
> >
> >> 1. In the factorial() function we call the CPU_Percent() function and
> >> write the CPU utilization value to a file.
> >> - Is
Please answer this question I failed to resolve.
Hello All,
I'm trying to clarify how Python avoids byte by byte
string comparisons most of the time. As I understand,
dictionaries keep strings, their keys (hash values),
and caches of their keys. Caching keys helps to avoid
recalculation of a string's hash value. So, when two
strings need to be c
Is there any memory profiler for Python programs? I
would like to see how much memory objects take up,
cache misses, etc. I tried to patch PySizer, but got a
build error (Error 138).
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has th
The sourceforge project link follows. We could really use some tire
kickers... This group was invaluable in the early development process,
so we're announcing it officially here, and on mod_python first.
Dave Worley
ve different settings in which you could compile with every
request, compile on change, or precompile...
Actually, it's an open source program. Hack away!
Sybren Stuvel wrote:
> Dave enlightened us with:
> > Powered by Mod_Python, Switch CSS is a full featured, production
> >
I have intalled the Enthought Edition 1.0.0, when i successed use
f2py compile my fortran file to python module. But when I call
"has_column_major_storage function" in the extended module. it's cannot
find. "has_column_major_storage function" function have been remove
from numpy/f2py ?? ho
How can I translate this:
to this:
I've tried urllib.unencode and it doesn't work.
Got it, great. This worked like a charm. I knew I was barking up the
wrong tree with urllib, but I didn't know which tree to bark up...
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Dave wrote:
> > How can I translate this:
> >
> > gi
> >
> > to this:
> >
The money's on the way!
"Kareem840" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello. Unfortunately, I am in need of money to pay my credit card
> bills. If you could spare just $1, I would be grateful. I have a Paypal
> account. [EMAIL PROTECTED] I swear this will go to my ca
immediately readable (and also I don't bloody understand the
things). I'm not opposed to using them, though, if they provide a
solution to this problem!
Thanks in advance for any suggestions anyone can provide.
- Dave
This is great, thanks!
a matching "}" - but that's
about as far as my brain will go. The actually code to make this
actually happen is not coming out when I type.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated. And handsomely rewarded (by
karma, not me).
- Dave
Check out mod_python for Apache. Basically, you would write your python
app as a server-side script and the end user would interact with your
code via a webpage. It's likely that you won't need any GUI code you
wrote, as HTML form elements will be your choices in the browser.
Check out PSP: it ena
>>> import time
>>> now = time.localtime()
>>> print now
(2006, 2, 5, 13, 21, 15, 6, 36, 0)
So to get the year, month, and day you would just have to manipulate
the values returned by time.gmtime().
- Dave
Anyone familiar with PHP? I'm trying to make a translation. In PHP you
can get the current object's name by going like this:
get_class(item) == 'ClassName'
I've tried type(item), but since I can't be sure if I'll be in __main__
or as a child object, I can't guarantee what that value will return,
init Thing?
Sorry if this is confusing. It confuses me, too. I should have been a
- Dave
So thanks, all for the help.
Turns out that the solution is simple enough, as are most solutions in
does translate to the Python:
super(ParentClass, self).__init__(args)
The example, that of referencing an object's creator object (if that's
the technospeci
t to start at the end and end at the
- Dave
Thanks! I knew it was simple...
int datetime_object.minute
print datetime_object.second
amit soni gmail.com> writes:
> Can anyone tell me what is the exact syntax for to use it.
> Thank you,Amit
For example evaluating j1 @ 0
from scipy import special
print special.j1(0)
rray[ 0.57395635 0.92184657 0.16277339]
z strastring
In [5]: reset
Once deleted, variables cannot be recovered. Proceed (y/[n])? y
In [6]: whos
Interactive namespace is empty.
In [7]:
Note: the %reset 'magic' function works like the Matlab clear all command.
don't want to get Python at all. Is there an easy way I can set up a
public telnet server so they can just telnet the server and play it?
If anyone could give me some options and/or advice, I'd really
appreciate it!
On Aug 12, 2:03 pm, Jorgen Grahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sat, 11 Aug 2007 15:07:25 -0000, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi there. I'm a beginner at Python and I'm writing my first Python
> > script. It's a text adventure about coffee and mix
Have given up Java. Want to switch to Python. But _which_ ?
There is ver :
2.5 out now
2.6 in beta , final expected Apr 2008
3.0 ? in alpha or beta
3.0 final expected Sep 2008 ?
Will the real python please stand up.
I need to read microphone input and determine frequency. Is there a lib
for that?
Hi All. I've been formulating in my head a simple image editor. I
actually started prototyping is some time ago in Java, but am liking
Python more and more. My editor will be nowhere near the level of Gimp/
Photoshop, but I do need fast pixel level control and display. For
instance, that means no a
First I want to say thank you all for your timely replies. This is all
good food for thought. I've been programming more many years, but fast
graphics rendering is new territory for me.
I'm hoping to fine something like a buffer_blit, where I can set all
the pixels to change using basic operators,
With the open source licenses that allow redistribution of modified
code, how do you keep someone unaffiliated with the Python community
from creating his or her own version of python, and declaring it to be
Python 2.6, or maybe Python 2.7 without any approval of anyone at the
PSF? Maybe their code
nking the code. Rather, I am installing by doing the following -
I don't think the lpq library comes (in the correct format) with the latest
versions of PostgreSQL hence I had the same problem which I never resolved.
You can get windows binaries from
y head around incorporating that into the
code above, if you know a method or could point me in the right
direction (or think that I don't need to use it) please let me know.
Thanks for all your help,
On 2008-05-17 06:01:01 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
dave, few general comments to your code:
- Instead of using a comment that explains the meaning of a function,
add such things into docstrings.
- Your names can be improved, instead of f you can use file_name or
something like that, instead
*shrug*, just syntactic preference I guess. In jquery, for example,
you are working over sets of DOM elements and it's convenient to chain
those statements into a single line of x.foo().bar().biz() etc. IMO
it's a little cleaner to do that as an 'atomic' line, but it's not
really that different. Ideally the classes you are using would
support this without 'wrap' but I was just tinkering with a hack to do
it that way.
Thanks for the help
I'm currently on the class section of my self-taught journey and have a
question about classes: is it possible to bring a object created
inside the class definitions outside the class so it can be accessed in
the interpreter?
For example, right now I'm working (within Allen Downey's
Then you can write:
hands = deck.deal_cards(4, 5) # On fait une belotte?
And I don't see the need of defining 'Hand' inside 'Deck'.
Thanks for the input.
I believe using 'class Hand(Deck):' is to illustrate (in the book)
inheritance and how it can be used. By using 'Hand(Deck)' I can
u recommend? I'm not that advanced and don't
need anything fancy. I'm on OS X.
t; linux system)), so does the source include the generated C code?
> B. Vanderburg II
Were you thinking of something like this?
also suspect there is a really complicated way to 'wrap' the imap
classes so as to force requests to go through a proxy which, as a
newbie, I am trying to avoid.
FYI, I'm currently running Python 2.5.2. via IDLE on Windows XP. But
when this project is done, I will move it to Linux.
e1', 'a2']
['a2', 'b2', 'c2', 'd2', 'e2', 'a3']
not really sure how to do this right now though, been trying several
methods with no good results.
btw, just creating lagged values (sort of shift registers) on the
incoming signal
Many thanks,
On Aug 13, 12:35 am, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave wrote:
> > Hey there, having a bit of problem iterating through lists before i go
> > on any further, here is
> > a snip of the script.
> > --
> > d = "a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 a3 b
print hitLst
Beers, Dave
On Aug 13, 12:58 am, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 13, 12:35 am, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dave wrote:
> > > Hey there, having a bit of problem iterating through lists before i g
Many Thanks,
r help. I'm always amazed how kind people are in this group.
On 2008-05-03 14:57:29 -0600, Arnaud Delobelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
here is a piece of code I wrote to check the frequency of values and
switch them around to keys in a new d
I made a function that takes a word list (one word per line, text file)
and searches for all the words in the list that are 'shifts' of
eachother. 'abc' shifted 1 is 'bcd'
Please take a look and tell me if this is a viable solution.
def shift(word, amt):
ans = ''
On 2008-05-04 01:10:40 -0600, Arnaud Delobelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I made a function that takes a word list (one word per line, text
file) and searches for all the words in the list that are 'shifts' of
eachother. &
erate over dict keys? How can I make a dict that maps
from a set of letters to a list of words that are spelled from those
letters? Wouldn't I need to make the set of letters a key in a dict?
As always - Thanks for helping someone trying to learn...
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