Re: How to check...

2006-02-11 Thread Daniel Marcel Eichler
Lad wrote: >How can I check that a string does NOT contain NON English characters? try: foobar.encode('ascii') except: bla or use string.ascii_letters and enhance it. mfg Daniel --

Re: getting the line just before or after a pattern searched

2006-02-17 Thread Daniel Marcel Eichler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >i have a file something like this > >abcdefgh >ijklmnopq >12345678 >rstuvwxyz >. >. >. >12345678 >. > >whenever i search the file and reach 12345678, how do i get the line >just above and below ( or more than 1 line above/below) the pattern >12345678 and s

Re: Am I missing something with Python not having interfaces?

2008-05-07 Thread Daniel Marcel Eichler
Am Dienstag 06 Mai 2008 16:07:01 schrieb Mike Driscoll: > If so, then it looks like an Interface is a generic class with method > stubs. You can do that with Python just as easily by creating empty > methods with just the "pass" keyword. Well, no. It's a litte different. Interfaces force to impl

Re: Am I missing something with Python not having interfaces?

2008-05-08 Thread Daniel Marcel Eichler
Am Mittwoch 07 Mai 2008 22:39:30 schrieb Luis Zarrabeitia: > There you have it, interfaces are not enough to ensure that the > implementors actually implement the methods. They are useful for > warning at compile time if there is a missing method, but nothing > more. It's not the fault of the en

Re: Am I missing something with Python not having interfaces?

2008-05-08 Thread Daniel Marcel Eichler
Am Donnerstag 08 Mai 2008 00:12:26 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > very often sees do-nothing catch-all try/catch blocks in Java - which > is way worse than just letting the exception propagate. I find all > this totally pointless, because there's just no way for a compiler to > check if your code i

Re: Am I missing something with Python not having interfaces?

2008-05-09 Thread Daniel Marcel Eichler
Am Freitag 09 Mai 2008 10:19:45 schrieb Bruno Desthuilliers: > >> very often sees do-nothing catch-all try/catch blocks in Java - > >> which is way worse than just letting the exception propagate. I > >> find all this totally pointless, because there's just no way for a > >> compiler to check if y