On 29/07/2022 8:08 am, Chris Angelico wrote:
It takes a bit of time to start ten thousand threads, but after that,
the system is completely idle again until I notify them all and they
shut down.
(Interestingly, it takes four times as long to start 20,000 threads,
suggesting that something in thr
On 30/07/2018 4:02 PM, Станимира Николова wrote:
I run Urban network analysis but It shows similar mistake several times. The
UNA tool is free plugin that i downloaded, it's not from the default intalled
in ArcGIS packed. It ask for integer data.
I checked the type of the attributes, it's al
[posted & mailed]
Ksenia Marasanova wrote:
> I have python2.3, installed from port /lang/python long time ago. The
> current version is 2.4, but I'd rather have two python versions,
> instead of upgrading.
> Is there maybe a way to somehow link installed python to
> /lang/python2.3 port, and then
On Mon, 3 Jan 2005, Greg Lindstrom wrote:
> I am running Python 2.3 on Windows XP and am trying to connect to an
> ODBC datasource. I have done this many times on this same box but this
> time I get an error message saying
> dbi.operation-error: [WSOCK32.DLL]Connection refused, is the host
> li
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, John Roth wrote:
> I would like to contribute some documentation to Python.
> I've got the time, I write quite a bit, etc. I've got fairly
> strong opinions about some things that need to be documented,
> (such as all the new style class descriptor stuff from 2.2)
> and I have
Donn Cave wrote:
> I ran into a phenomenon that seemed odd to me, while testing a
> build of Python 2.4.1 on BeOS 5.04, on PowerPC 603e.
> test_builtin.py, for example, fails a couple of tests with errors
> claiming that apparently identical floating point values aren't equal.
> But it only does
David Isaac wrote:
> I am looking for a pure Python secure ftp solution.
> Does it exist?
I recall coming across an extension package (pretty sure it wasn't pure
Python anyway, certainly not for the SSL bits) with SFTP - I think the
name was Paramiko or something like that.
GISDude wrote:
> hi all. I am a newbie, so be kind.
> I am using ARCView GIS 9.1 and python win. I am trying to develop a
> module using the GZIP module in my ARCView map session. What I am
> attempting to do (I think) is use the zip mod to zip up all the files
> in a .mxd document into one neat li
On Fri, 09 Sep 2005 08:36:00 +0200, Thomas Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>(I have released and announced this 3 weeks ago, but haven't got a
>single feedback. So it seems the need to access custom interfaces is
>very low.)
I have downloaded it and am trying to find the time to play wi
snacktime wrote:
After debugging this some more I narrowed it down to an encryption
function in pycrypto that is triggering the segfault. I posted a bug
report. Don't really know enough about threading to know whether it's
a python bug or a pycrypto bug, but I'll let someone else sort that
out no
snacktime wrote:
This is on freebsd 5.3-release-p2 with python 2.4 and twisted both
installed from ports. I tested it on Debian (sarge) and the signals
work fine.
I don't have a 5.x system usable at the moment, but last time I looked
there were 3 possible threading options - the 4.x libc_r, libk
It doesn't seem like the python 2.4(and the recent 2.4.1) support
berkeley db 4.3. (4.3 fixes some deadlock bugs I occasionally encounter
using 4.2.)
bsddb3(at pybsddb.sf.net) already supports 4.3 since last December(but
doesn't explicitly support win32 -- see the assert st
On Sun, 28 Nov 2004, Robin Becker wrote:
> > I had a look at the source (from a CVS checkout this morning), and the
> > only thing that looks like a source of such trouble would be an extension
> > class with a tp_getattr implementation.
> It is such a beast, but the exciting test case looks lik
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> Hi
> I'm using Python 2.4.2 on Windows 98 SE.
> In a program with several threads, sometimes (I cant determine exactly
> when or why) one thread dies with the following traceback:
> 12/13/05 02:17:47 (WatchDog ) Unhandled thread exception
> Traceback (most
> I'm trying to use the _mssql module from
> http://pymssql.sourceforge.net/. It works fine on Python 2.4. I've
> just installed Python 2.5 Beta 2 on my Linux box and, whenever I try
> and run the mssql.close() function, or close the program, I get the
> following message
Bryan Olson wrote:
> In Python 2.5, each thread will be allocated
> thread.stack_size()
> bytes of stack address space. Note that address space is
> not physical memory, nor even virtual memory. On modern
> operating systems, the memory gets allocated as needed,
> and 150 threads is not
Robin Becker wrote:
> I think it uses sysv semaphores and although freeBSD 6 has them perhaps
> there's
> something I need to do to allow them to work.
IIRC, you need to explicitly configure loading the kernel module, or
compile the kernel with the necessary option in the config file.
Robin Becker wrote:
> Robin Becker wrote:
>> Andrew MacIntyre wrote:
>>> Robin Becker wrote:
>>>> I think it uses sysv semaphores and although freeBSD 6 has them
>>>> perhaps there's something I need to do to allow them to work.
defcon8 wrote:
> Does a ghostscript interface for python exist? I have searched google
> quite a bit and all I have been able to find are command line hacks
> from within python. Thanks in advance for any useful help.
I'm not aware of a specific interface to the Ghostscript API, but it is
[posted & mailed]
> The only issue I've had so far is retrieving data from Oracle when an
> integer has been defined like:
>number(p)[same thing as number(p,0) evidently]
> This is from a database I didn't design and can't change. Evidently
> there are n
Bram Stolk wrote:
> Hi there,
> I just built and installed Python-2.4.1 on my Irix machine.
> My compiler, the MipsPro compiler, chokes on the Python.h include file,
> as demonstrated here:
> $ CC -v
> MIPSpro Compilers: Version 7.41
> $ python -V
> Python 2.4.1
> $ cat l.cxx
> #include
Brandt, Servatius wrote:
> The stat values do not make any sense. It seems that the value used for
> the mode is really the numbers of links (I created the two empty
> /usr/local... directories to prevent the os.error exception):
That sort of suggests that the definition of the stat struct is no
> Using the same file with cElementTree took me 217 Mb, with no
> unreachable object.
> For me it's not a good behavior, it's not a good way to let the system
> swap this unused memory instead of freeing it.
> I think it's a really good idea to have a memory pool for perfo
Mathias Waack wrote:
> After switching my development environment to 64 bit I've got a problem with
> a python extension for a 32 bit application.
> Ok, thats fine. So why is python complaining? Or even more interesting, what
> do I have to do to compile the code?
Is the Python your toolch
Mathias Waack wrote:
> Andrew MacIntyre wrote:
>> Mathias Waack wrote:
>>> After switching my development environment to 64 bit I've got a
>>> problem with a python extension for a 32 bit application.
>> {...}
>>> Ok, thats fine. So
Dejan Rodiger wrote:
> Jeremy said the following on 16.1.2007 8:27:
>> I have a fat C++ extension to a Python 2.3.4 program. In all, I count
>> five threads. Of these, two are started in Python using
>> thread.start_new_thread(), and both of these wait on semaphores in the C++
>> extension using
Chris Mellon wrote:
> On 22 Feb 2007 11:28:52 -0800, Andy Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Feb 22, 10:53 am, a bunch of folks wrote:
>>> Memory is basically free.
>> This is true if you are simply scanning a file into memory. However,
>> I'm storing the contents in some in-memory data st
oyster wrote:
> For the word "Pure", I mean it is not a C/C++/Z++.. extension, so that
> we can use it under pythons of different version. Is it possible?
> I don't like to update the module for different python and the module
> Currently, I am writing the interface to
> iup(http://www.tecgraf.
Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2007-12-24, Carl K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> If it is a multi page pdf Imagemagick will do:
>>> convert file.pdf page-%03d.png
>> I need python code to do this. It is going to be run on a
>> someone else's shared host web server, security and
>> performance is
Carl K wrote:
> Andrew MacIntyre wrote:
>> Grant Edwards wrote:
>>> On 2007-12-24, Carl K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> If it is a multi page pdf Imagemagick will do:
>>>>> convert file.pdf page-%03d.pn
malkarouri wrote:
> Is it possible to write a Python extension that uses the Boehm garbage
> collector?
> I have a C library written that makes use of boehm-gc for memory
> management. To use that, I have to call GC_INIT() at the start of the
> program that uses the library. Now I want to encapsul
Dean wrote:
> I've been trying to make python a dynamic library. I downloaded Python
> 2.4.3 Final from the Python web site and I cannot get it to create the
> library.
> I've tried using the directive:
> --enable-shared
> and
> --enable-shared=yes
> and both of them had the same e
Bram Stolk wrote:
> I've implemented, in C, a function that does a lot of I/O, and thus
> can block for a long time.
> If I execute this function in my Python script, it does not
> relinquish the global interpreter lock, like Python's native
> blocking functions do, like I/O funcs, and time.sl
Ivan Voras wrote:
> def query(self, sql):
> self.sf.write("SQL %s\r\n" % sql)
> self.sf.flush()
> resp = self.sf.readline().rstrip()
> m = SQLCacheD.re_rec.match(resp)
> if m != None: # only if some rows are returned (SELECT)
> n_rows
Ivan Voras wrote:
> Andrew MacIntyre wrote:
>> Comparative CPU & memory utilisation statistics, not to mention platform
>> and version of Python, would be useful hints...
> During benchmarking, all versions cause all CPU to be used, but Python
> version has ~
Frank Millman wrote:
> Assume a table 't1' with a column 'c1' of type varchar(10).
>>From Python, set c1 to an empty string -
> cur.execute("UPDATE t1 SET c1 = ?",[''])
> The result is that c1 is actually set to a string of 10 spaces.
> If I execute the command without using parameter
Yaakov Nemoy wrote:
> A couple of developers have mentioned that python might be fragmenting
> its memory space, and is unable to free up those pages. How can I go
> about testing for this, and are there any known problems like this?
> If not, what else can I do to look for leaks?
Marc-Andre bro
Miles Lubin wrote:
> I am using PyArg_ParseTuple to parse the arguments (ignoring the keyword
> arguments) to my initproc for a type I define.
> It seems that something goes wrong inside PyArg_ParseTuple when it gets
> the wrong number of arguments (my format string is "OO");
> if the function is
David P. Riedel wrote:
> I tried building Python 2.5.2 using gcc 4.3.0. The build completes with no
> problems but when I run 'make test', I get a
> segfault part way through the test run.
> here is the last part of the output from make test
> test_softspace
> test_sort
> test_sqlite
Greg Lindahl wrote:
I figure this is a FAQ, but I can't find it in any FAQs.
I want to limit the stacksize on my server.
If I set it to 8 megs, or unlimited, python is happy.
If I set it to 4 gigabytes, things like yum (which is a python
program) crash creating a thread. This is on an x86_64 l
KMCB wrote:
I'm interested in creating a static map of a region in the US. This
map would be set into a picture format, so I can add it to a
document. I would like it to contain some town names and road
information. Then I would like to add points, based on LAT and LONG,
that can be la
Danny Shevitz wrote:
I need to do some geospatial work and am a complete newbie at this. I have
access to a PostGIS database and there are lots of MultiLineString objects.
I want to run a python algorithm that determines a group of these
objects and creates a KML file of
David Cournapeau wrote:
I am trying to build a 3rd party extension and link it statically to
python. I managed to get things working by customizing Setup.local in
python source tree, but I have a problem for imports of the 'foo.bar'
form. For example, let's say the 3rd party module is laid o
Konrad Hinsen wrote:
error: identifier "__int128_t" is undefined
__int128_t sse[MAX_SSE_REGS];
compilation aborted for
fi/src/x86/ffi64.c (code 2
Tony May wrote:
I'm having trouble importing when I run in Python. The hello world program
passes the test during the bjam build but gives an error about loading
the dll
when I import from a python script.
first the test from running bjam.
...found 1915 targets...
...using 1 tem
mzdude wrote:
I need to interface with a windows DLL that has the following
extern "C" void Foo( BSTR in, BSTR *out )
Code so far
from ctypes import *
import comtypes
hdl = windll.MyDll.Foo
hdl.rettype = None
hdl.argtypes = [comtypes.BSTR, LPBSTR]
Hank @ITGroup wrote:
> In order to deal with 400 thousands texts consisting of 80 million
> words, and huge sets of corpora , I have to be care about the memory
> things. I need to track every word's behavior, so there needs to be as
> many word-objects as words.
> I am really suffering from th
>> If I were you, I'd check with ESRI support if you can't
>> use a newer version of Python. I think it's possible.
> I think it is as well and am looking into it.
It's possible if they choose to build the necessary binary modules
On Windows, Python extension m
Bill wrote:
> I've written a small program that, in part, reads in a file and parses
> it. Sometimes, the file is gzipped. The code that I use to get the
> file object is like so:
> if filename.endswith(".gz"):
> file = GzipFile(filename)
> else:
> file = open(filename)
> Then I par
Waddle, Jim wrote:
Is there a policy concerning getting functions like ctypes working on AIX.
If you can get it working, post a patch on the bug tracker.
Andrew I MacIntyre "These thoughts are mine
Matt Ernst wrote:
I thought Evan Jones altered Python to deal with this very problem,
and the change went into the release of 2.5.
Here is Tim Peters announcing the change:
He included this simple test program to show th
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Mon, 09 Nov 2009 16:05:31 -0300, Eyal Gordon
we are using python 2.4.3 on CentOS 5.3 with many threads - and our
default stack size limit is set to 10240KB (i.e. ~10MB).
we noticed that python's Threading module appears to create thr
C Barr Leigh wrote:
I'm trying to get started with plotting maps in python. I need to read
"shape files" (.shp) and make maps. There seem to be many efforts but
none is complete? I'm looking for suggestions and troubleshooting.
The basemap package is obviously at an impressive stage and comes wi
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