A simple single line, triple-quoted comment is giving syntax error. Why?

2015-03-18 Thread Aditya Raj Bhatt
I always do single line comments with # but just for the sake of it I tried it with ''' ''' and it gives me a syntax error. In both the interpreter, and the source code text file, doing - a = 5 '''a comment''' results in a syntax error, with the very last quote at the end of the line highlighted

Re: A simple single line, triple-quoted comment is giving syntax error. Why?

2015-03-18 Thread Aditya Raj Bhatt
On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 1:04:39 PM UTC-5, Laurent Pointal wrote: > > Can someone also provide a sort of a 'guide' to triple-quoted comments > > in general? > > A triple ' or " string is a Python string, allowing line-return in string. What do you mean by line-return in string? Is it newli