help for conversion of NUMARRAY to PIL object

2005-09-15 Thread A. L.
hi, everybody here, I am a newbie to python. I encounter a problem that how to convert an array of numarray to pil object. For example, the data in an image is extracted using Image.getdata, then the data are converted into an array in numarray. But when the array is needed to convert to the

Re: help for conversion of NUMARRAY to PIL object

2005-09-15 Thread A. L.
Thanks. But some problems remain. I have known using Image.tostring/fromstring and numarray.tostring/fromstring can do the job. But when confronting multi-spectral images, e.g., RGB color images, I don't know how to do it. Could you give some advices on that? You wrote "In [14]: img = Image.fromb

How to clear screen in Python interactive shell mode?

2005-09-15 Thread A. L.
In Python interactive mode, is there some function acting like 'clear' command in bash? Could somebody here give some advice? Thanks in advance. --

Re: help for conversion of NUMARRAY to PIL object

2005-09-16 Thread A. L.
Sorry, I make the mistakes. I have known how to use to/fromstring method to interface between PIL and Numarray. And your code does work. Another question. Just like the code you provide, is it possible to directly load image data from PIL to Numarray array without use of to/fromstring method?

Re: How to clear screen in Python interactive shell mode?

2005-09-16 Thread A. L.
Thank you very much. I have tested it under Cygwin, and that works. But it fails under Windows Python Shell Mode. --

Is There the Equivalent of FLT_EPS of C In Python?

2005-09-16 Thread A. L.
I am writing the code involved in numerical computation. When I need a float epsilon similar to FLT_EPS in C, eps in matlab, I fail to find the equivalent in python. Could somebody here can give me some advices? --

Re: How to clear screen in Python interactive shell mode?

2005-09-16 Thread A. L.
I have tested it under windows python console, and it works. Thank you very much. --

Re: Is There the Equivalent of FLT_EPS of C In Python?

2005-09-16 Thread A. L.
Thank you very much. I have searched in python's documentation, and I am sure that python doesn't provide an epsilon. --

Re: Is There the Equivalent of FLT_EPS of C In Python?

2005-09-16 Thread A. L.
According to pp 134 of "C: A Reference Manual", it's better to use eps*2 in your code. --


2007-05-18 Thread g - a - l - l - e - r - y