f = open("datafile.txt", "r")
data = [line.split('\t') for line in f]
pressure = [float(d[1]) for d in data]
temp = [float(d[2]) for d in data]
This will parse the file into a matrix stored in 'data'. The last two
lines simply iterate t
I have installed a truetype font (.ttf) on a linux machne (SUSE linux
10, KDE) by copying it to my .fonts folder. I can use the font in all
applications like open-office and firefox browser.
However, I cannot use the font in a python app that I am writing. The
list returned by Tkfont.families
>with urllib2 it doesn't seem possible to get HTTP status codes.
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
if e.code == 403:
René Pijlman
Thanks a lot!
However, I wonder why L.sort() don't return the reference L, the
performance of return L and None may be the same. If L.sort() return
L, we shouldn't do the awful things such as:
keys = dict.keys()
for key in keys:
...do whatever with dict[key]...
we can only write t
Sorry to follow up myself, I've finally used the execfile approach,
passing an empty dict for capturing locals and then just processing it:
new_settings = {}
execfile(self.SETTINGS_MODULE, new_settings) # returns its locals in
# assign UPPER_CASE vars
for setting in new_settings.keys
Text progressbar library for python.
This library provides a text mode progressbar. This is tipically used to
display the progress of a long running operation, providing a visual clue
that processing is underway.
The ProgressBar class manages the p
> However, I wonder why L.sort() don't return the reference L, the
> performance of return L and None may be the same.
It's not "the same". sort() does not return anything.
> Why?
I've just explained to you and so the others: by default operation
Rene Pijlman wrote:
> >with urllib2 it doesn't seem possible to get HTTP status codes.
> except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
> if e.code == 403:
Thanks. Is there documentation for this available somewhere online, I
can't see it to obviously in the library refer
Hi all,
I am a C/C++/Perl user and want to switch to Python (I found Python is
more similar to C).
Does Python support robust regular expression like Perl?
And Python and Perl's File content manipulation, which is better?
Any suggestions will be appreciated!
Best regards,
"Davy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Does Python support robust regular expression like Perl?
Yep, Python regular expression is robust. Have a look at the Regex Howto:
http://www.amk.ca/python/howto/regex/ and the re module:
Lawrence - http://www.oluy
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
> However, I wonder why L.sort() don't return the reference L, the
> performance of return L and None may be the same.
It's probably because it would become confusing. Many people don't
read the documentation. If L.sort() returns a sorted version of L,
they w
i have a list with contents like this
alist = ['>QWER' , 'askfhs', '>REWR' ,'sfsdf' , '>FGDG',
'sdfsdgffdgfdg' ]
how can i "convert" this list into a dictionary such that
dictionary = { '>QWER':'askfhs' , '>REWR' : 'sfsdf' , '>FGDG',
'sdfsdgffdgfdg' }
>Rene Pijlman wrote:
>> >with urllib2 it doesn't seem possible to get HTTP status codes.
>> except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
>> if e.code == 403:
>Thanks. Is there documentation for this available somewhere online, I
>can't see it to ob
Hi Davy wrote:
> I am a C/C++/Perl user and want to switch to Python
> (I found Python is more similar to C).
;-) More similar than what?
> Does Python support robust regular expression like Perl?
It supports them fairly good, but it's
not 'integrated' - at least it feels not
integrated f
Using slices and built-in zip:
>>> alist = ['>QWER' , 'askfhs', '>REWR' ,'sfsdf' , '>FGDG', 'sdfsdgffdgfdg' ]
>>> dict(zip(alist[::2], alist[1::2]))
{'>QWER': 'askfhs', '>FGDG': 'sdfsdgffdgfdg', '>REWR': 'sfsdf'}
Slightly more efficient might be to use izip from itertools:
>>> from itertools imp
Leif K-Brooks wrote:
> fuzzylollipop wrote:
>> niether .join() is the fastest
> Please quote what you're replying to.
> No, it's the slowest:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit "'%s\n\n' % 'foobar'"
> 100 loops, best of 3: 0.607 usec per loop
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m time
On Mon, 08 May 2006 00:44:39 -0700, micklee74 wrote:
> i have a list with contents like this
> alist = ['>QWER' , 'askfhs', '>REWR' ,'sfsdf' , '>FGDG',
> 'sdfsdgffdgfdg' ]
> how can i "convert" this list into a dictionary such that
> dictionary = { '>QWER':'askfhs' , '>REWR' : 'sfsdf' , '>FGD
thanks for all your replies...I will go test them out..
I was wondering what does this mean alist[1::2]?
So you write:
for key in sorted(dict.iterkeys()):
... do it ...
dict.iterkeys() returns an iterable which doesn't even have a
sort-method; and somehow I find it unnatural to apply a 'sort' method
to an iterator whereas I find it perfectly natural to feed an iterator
to a function that does sor
> When you consider that there was just a big flamewar on comp.lang.lisp
> about the lack of standard mechanisms for both threading and sockets in
> Common Lisp (with the lispers arguing that it wasn't needed) I find it
> "curious" that someone can say Common Lisp scales w
> Michele Petrazzo wrote:
>> I haven't tried to recompile py 2.4 myself with gcc 4.1 because it
>> is already compiled with it (4.0.3), so I think (only think) that
>> is a py 2.5 problem. I'm right? or I have to compile it with
>> something other switches?
> Sounds l
Calvin Spealman wrote:
> I have tried repeatedly to make a post to the Image SIG ML, and get nothing
> but automated responses that I must wait for word from the moderator to
> approve my posting on the list. I have gotten no reply, positive or not, in
> over a month. I am assuming the Image SIG m
This post seeks advice on whether python would be appropriate for a task, or
whether you can suggest another approach.
The project is to transcribe historical records such as schools admissions,
ship passenger lists, birth/death/marriages, etc for genealogy studies.
What we need is a simple soft
[C Saha]
| I am looking for a py script which will send me email when
| ever my disk becomes more than 90% full. By the way my OS is Win XP.
| If anybody have already has written same type of script or
| something very similar kind of script will also be great.
You can certainly do this wi
> I wanted to see what would happen if one used the results of a tostring
> method as input into the XML method. What I observed is this:
> a) beforeCtag.text is of type
> b) beforeCtag.text when printed displays: I'm confused
> c) afterCtag.text is of type
> d) afterCt
alist[::2] means taking a slice. You should look up slice-syntax in the
tutorials and reference manual.
in general,
alist[1:5] means: take list elements position 1 up to (excluding) 5.
(List indexing starts at position 0, so the first element in the list
is not included!)
alist[0:5] means: take l
Your question is insufficiently clear for me to answer.
Do you want to know how to read from standard-input in a Python
Do you want to know how to start an external program from Python, and
then connect something to that programs standard input?
Do you want to know something else?
> Alex Martelli wrote:
> > Steve R. Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >...
> > > > But the key in the whole thread is simply that indentation will not
> > > > scale. Nor will Python.
> > >
> > > This is a curious statement, given that Python is famous for scaling
> Is this a problem with the chm docs themselves OR is it a problem with
> xCHM? The same chm works just fine on Windows whereas on Linux I am
> having problems. Anyone experiencing the same? is a fix coming?
It's already been fixed. You're running an old version (the screenshot
says 1.2). The lat
Answering to the title of your post, no, this is not a good use of
Your problem seems a textbook example of multiple dispatch, so I
you to look at PEAK with has an implementation of multimethods/generic
functions. Notice that Guido seems to be intentioned to add support for
Peter wrote:
> This post seeks advice on whether python would be appropriate for a task,
> or whether you can suggest another approach.
> The project is to transcribe historical records such as schools
> admissions, ship passenger lists, birth/death/marriages, etc for genealogy
> studies. Wh
Michele Simionato writes:
> Apparently Guido fell in love with generic functions, so
> (possibly) in future Python versions you will be able to
> solve dispatching problems in in an industrial strenght way.
Looks interesting, I'll keep an eye on that.
> Sometimes however the simplest possible way
On 08/05/06, Diez B. Roggisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Make it a webapp. That will guarantee to make it runnable on the list of
> OSses you gave. Use Django/TurboGears/ZOPE for the application itself-
> whichever suits you best.
based on the comment:
> I'm not a programmer and have only don
I've got some fixed-size types with identical object layout defind in C.
The only differences are: Which methods they have, the name, and some
are subtypes of others.
Can I modify the ob_type of their instances, to switch between which of
these types an object has?
Hi all,
I need to get a part of string which follows a pattern 'addr='
For example:
b)test="/dev/root on / typr nfs
I need to get the ipaddress f
thanks for the detailed explaination... i know about basic lists
slicing..just havn't seen one with "steps" yet..
thanks again...clp rocks.
You can go to Options menu, then klik Mail menu. Under Management tab, klik Mail Adresses Then edit your account there.. regards, faino --- >> hey...I know this
Hi Mirco,
Thank you!
More similar than Perl ;-)
And what's 'integrated' mean (must include some library)?
I like C++ file I/O, is it 'low' or 'high'?
I would like to have a list of lists N times deep, and my solution is (in
def deep(x):
return a
for N: mylist=deep(mylist)
Is there a more elegant way to do it?
The maine idea is: from a list having the numbre of steps along N
dimensions, generate a list with an
By the way, is there any tutorial talk about how to use the Python
Shell (IDE). I wish it simple like VC++ :)
Hari wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need to get a part of string which follows a pattern 'addr='
> For example:
> a)test="
> nfs(rw,addr="
> b)test="/dev/root on / typr nfs
> (rw,v2,rsize=1024,wsize=1024,hard,udp,nolock,addr="
PyYAML: YAML parser and emitter for Python
I am pleased to announce the initial release of PyYAML.
YAML is a data serialization format designed for human readability and
interaction with scripting languages. PyYAML is a YAML parser and
emitter for Pytho
Thought this might be interesting to y'all. (I can't watch it 'cos I'm
at work, so any comments about it would be appreciated :)
Using Python on Windows XP, I am able to get almost all file and path
info using os.path or stat, but I don't see a way to retrieve the file
type? E.g. Microsoft Word file, HTML file, etc, the equivalent of what
is listed in the "Type" column in the Windows Explorer box.
> But not matter where eggs are installed they
> are never spread across multiple places
> on hard drive right? An egg is all under
> one node of tree right?
>From what I've seen, no.
For example installing TurboGears will also install the tg-admin script
in /usr/bin/ and there are a lot of other
BartlebyScrivener enlightened us with:
> Using Python on Windows XP, I am able to get almost all file and
> path info using os.path or stat, but I don't see a way to retrieve
> the file type? E.g. Microsoft Word file, HTML file, etc, the
> equivalent of what is listed in the "Type" column in the Wi
"alisonken1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Leo Breebaart wrote:
> > I am writing fairly large console scripts in Python. They
> > have quite a few command-line options, which lead to
> > configuration variables that are needed all over the program
> > (e.g. the "--verbose" option alone is used b
Leo Breebaart enlightened us with:
> I think the main reason why I am not using it by default is because,
> when all is said and done, it still comes easier to me to resort to
> guarded print statements then to set up and use the logging
> machinery.
The logging "machinery" isn't that huge nor is
Adam Jones wrote:
> Ken Tilton wrote:
>>Alexander Schmolck wrote:
>>>[trimmed groups]
>>>Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
yes, but do not feel bad, everyone gets confused by the /analogy/ to
spreadsheets into thinking Cells /is/ a spreadsheet. In fact, for a br
Hi Davy
> > More similar than Perl ;-)
But C has { }'s everywhere, so has Perl ;-)
> > And what's 'integrated' mean (must include some library)?
Yes. In Python, regular expressions are just
another function library - you use them like
in Java or C.
In Perl, it's part of the core language, you
The code below works fine, but it is less than nice to look at and
somewhat long winded. Is there a better way to do the docstring task?
This is the first working version, and can proabably be "compacted" a
bit (list comprehensions etc) but I am looking for a better basic
approach. Any help much ap
mystilleef wrote:
> Are there any good tutorials on how to design good plug-in
> systems with Python, or any language? What are the best
> practices for designing plug-in systems in Python? How would
> you go about designing one? What are common pitfalls in
> designing one? Any pointers, suggest
Sybren Stuvel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Leo Breebaart enlightened us with:
> > I think the main reason why I am not using [logging] by
> > default is because, when all is said and done, it still comes
> > easier to me to resort to guarded print statements then to
> > set up and use the loggin
On 8/05/2006 10:31 PM, Mirco Wahab wrote:
> Lets see - a really simple find/match
> would look like this in Python:
>import re
>t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
>p = re.compile('(blue|white|red)')
>if p.match(t):
What do you expect when t == "green socks and red shoes
On Sun, 07 May 2006 10:36:00 -0400, Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Your spreadsheet does not have slots ruled by functions, it has one slot
>for a dictionary where you store names and values/formulas.
>Go back to your example and arrange it so a and b are actual slots (data
Mirco Wahab wrote:
> Lets see - a really simple find/match
> would look like this in Python:
>import re
>t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
>p = re.compile('(blue|white|red)')
>if p.match(t):
> print t
> which prints the text 't' because of
> the positive pattern match.
Tim N. van der Leeuw wrote:
> Your question is insufficiently clear for me to answer.
> Do you want to know how to read from standard-input in a Python
> program?
> Do you want to know how to start an external program from Python, and
> then connect something to that programs standard input?
Thank you Razvan. You're right. I downloaded the 1.7.1 source and built
it and the links do work just fine. Thank you for pointing that out!
> The code below works fine, but it is less than nice to
> look at and somewhat long winded. Is there a better way
> to do the docstring task? This is the first working
> version, and can proabably be "compacted" a bit (list
> comprehensions etc) but I am looking for a better basic
> approach. Any
Leo Breebaart enlightened us with:
> Okay, you say, that's still easy. It's just:
> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,
> format='%(message)s')
I always use a separate logger, as per my example. That would then
just require an additional line:
Hi John
>>import re
>>t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
>>p = re.compile('(blue|white|red)')
>>if p.match(t):
> What do you expect when t == "green socks and red shoes"? Is it possible
> that you mean to use search() rather than match()?
This is interesting.
What's in this exam
Iain King enlightened us with:
> http://compoundthinking.com/blog/index.php/2006/03/10/framework-comparison-video/
> Thought this might be interesting to y'all. (I can't watch it 'cos
> I'm at work, so any comments about it would be appreciated :)
It's a nice video, I really enjoyed it. Even th
On 8/05/2006 10:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The code below works fine, but it is less than nice to look at and
> somewhat long winded. Is there a better way to do the docstring task?
> This is the first working version, and can proabably be "compacted" a
> bit (list comprehensions etc) but I
Check out the csv module.
-Larry Bates
Gary Wessle wrote:
> Hi
> I have a file with data like
> location pressure temp
> str flootfloot
> I need to read pressure and temp in 2 different variables so that I
> can plot them as lines. is there a package which reads from file with
> a
Hi Duncan
> There is no need to compile the regular expression in advance in Python
> either:
> ...
> The only advantage to compiling in advance is a small speed up, and most of
> the time that won't be significant.
I read 'some' introductions into Python Regexes
and got confused in the first
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
John Salerno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My initial feeling is that concatenation might take longer than
> substitution, but that it is also easier to read:
> def p(self, paragraph):
> self.source += '' + paragraph + '\n\n'
> vs.
> def p(self, pa
Sybren Stuvel enlightened us with:
> Perhaps I'll look into Plone for my site in the future ;-)
I take that back. The Plone webserver is hosted by XS4ALL, the best
ISP in The Netherlands, which resides in Amsterdam. I happen to live
in Amsterdam too, so you'd expect the site to be fast. Well, it t
> I did this under a debug build of Python
Perhaps this is the reason why you were not able to reproduce the
problem. Could you try again with a standard build of Python?
I am a bit surprised that nobody else has tried running the short
Python program above on a hyper-threading or dual core
On 8/05/2006 11:13 PM, Mirco Wahab wrote:
> Hi John
>>>import re
>>>t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
>>>p = re.compile('(blue|white|red)')
>>>if p.match(t):
>> What do you expect when t == "green socks and red shoes"? Is it possible
>> that you mean to use search() rather than
Someone on my team tried out installing my Python code and
found that setting PYTHONPATH does not work, but setting PATH
environment variable works the way PYTHONPATH should. Is that
how it supposed to be, or is that a bug or feature?
-Original Message- (parts deleted)
> John Salerno wrote:
>> What I originally meant was that they would not be called from an
>> instance *outside* the class itself, i.e. they won't be used when
>> writing another script, they are only used by the class itself.
> Yep, so you want to encapsulate the functi
Argh, embarassment on my part due to incomplete spec. movelist is used
to store a list of chess moves and splitting it up in this way is so it
can be printed in a space that is 3 lines high but quite wide. Thus the
way the list grows as it is appended to in chopupmoves is intended.
Roy Smith wrote:
> One may be marginally faster, but they both require copying the source
> string, and are thus both O(n).
Sorry, I'm not familiar with the O(n) notation.
> If you're just doing one or a small fixed
> number of these, it really doesn't matter. Pick whichever one you think is
> The code below works fine, but it is less than nice to look at and
> somewhat long winded. Is there a better way to do the docstring task?
> This is the first working version, and can proabably be "compacted" a
> bit (list comprehensions etc) but I am looking for a better
> The code below works fine, but it is less than nice to look at and
> somewhat long winded. Is there a better way to do the docstring task?
> This is the first working version, and can proabably be "compacted" a
> bit (list comprehensions etc) but I am looking for a better
Michael Yanowitz wrote:
> Someone on my team tried out installing my Python code and
> found that setting PYTHONPATH does not work, but setting PATH
> environment variable works the way PYTHONPATH should. Is that
> how it supposed to be
PATH is used by the operating system to find executables,
I have been asked to write a routine to merge documents in pfd and svg formats into a single file (preferably pfd format). Currently we send the pdf image to the printer followed by the svg image (a scan of a health care claim) but this is not a satisfactory solution. We have as many as 3000 docu
Check out the csv module.
-Larry Bates
Gary Wessle wrote:
> Hi
> I have a file with data like
> location pressure temp
> str flootfloot
> I need to read pressure and temp in 2 different variables so that I
> can plot them as lines. is there a package which reads from file with
> a
On Mon, 08 May 2006 08:05:38 -0500, David C. Ullrich
>def acall(cell, value):
> cell.owner.slots['b'].value = value + 1
Needing to say that sort of thing every time
you define a callback isn't very nice.
New and improved version:
class Cell:
Hi John
>> But what would be an appropriate use
>> of search() vs. match()? When to use what?
> ReadTheFantasticManual :-)
>From the manual you mentioned, i don't get
the point of 'match'. So why should you use
an extra function entry match(),
re.match('whatever', t):
which is, according
Duncan Booth wrote:
> If you build a
> list of lines to join then you don't have to repeat '\n' on the end of each
> component line.
How would that work? Wouldn't the last line in the list still need the
John Salerno wrote:
>> John Salerno wrote:
>>> What I originally meant was that they would not be called from an
>>> instance *outside* the class itself, i.e. they won't be used when
>>> writing another script, they are only used by the class itself.
>> Yep, so you wan
On Monday 08 May 2006 2:58 pm, Greg Lindstrom wrote:
> I have been asked to write a routine to merge documents in pfd and svg
> formats into a single file (preferably pfd format). Currently we send the
> pdf image to the printer followed by the svg image (a scan of a health care
> claim) but this
Below are 2 files. The first is a Python program that isolates the
problem within less than 1 hour (often just a few minutes). The second
is a C++ program that shows that the Win32 Sleep() function works as
expected (ran from Friday afternoon until Monday morning).
Note, the Python programs hang
Xiao Jianfeng wrote:
> Tim N. van der Leeuw wrote:
>> Your question is insufficiently clear for me to answer.
>> Do you want to know how to read from standard-input in a Python
>> program?
>> Do you want to know how to start an external program from Python, and
>> then connect something to t
Fredrik Lundh:
>PATH is used by the operating system to find executables, and PYTHONPATH
>is used by Python to find Python modules.
Yes, but Python also finds modules in its own installation. So changing
PATH may cause another installation of Python to be run, which may have
some other set of inst
Does Tkinter provide a function that returns all the event descriptors
for a given widget class? I am looking for something similar to what
you get in Perl/Tk when you call bind() with a single explicit
argument. For example, in Perl/Tk,
$widget->bind( Tk::Button )
returns a list like
Mirco Wahab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After some minutes in this NG I start to get
> the picture. So I narrowed the above regex-question
> down to a nice equivalence between Perl and Python:
> Python:
> import re
> t = 'blue socks and red shoes'
> if re.match('blue|white
Ok, this might look familiar. I'd like to use regular expressions to
change this line:
self.source += '' + paragraph + '\n\n'
to read:
self.source += '%s\n\n' % paragraph
Now, matching the middle part and replacing it with '%s' is easy, but
how would I add the extra string to the end of the l
Thanks to everyone for your help..I'm not familiar with the packages
mentioned, so this will definitely be a learning experience!
Dear all,
Could you please recommend me a graphics library for python. I saw PYX
which has nice screenshots on the webpage.
My first ambition is to be able to draw 2D or 3D graphs for my
mathematical results. Maybe later, I can handle other types of
graphical operations.
> Argh, embarassment on my part due to incomplete spec.
> movelist is used to store a list of chess moves and
> splitting it up in this way is so it can be printed in a
> space that is 3 lines high but quite wide. Thus the way
> the list grows as it is appended to in chopupmoves is
> intended.
Avi Kak wrote:
> Does Tkinter provide a function that returns all the event descriptors
> for a given widget class? I am looking for something similar to what
> you get in Perl/Tk when you call bind() with a single explicit
> argument. For example, in Perl/Tk,
> $widget->bind( Tk::Button )
John Salerno wrote:
> Duncan Booth wrote:
>> If you build a
>> list of lines to join then you don't have to repeat '\n' on the end of
>> each component line.
> How would that work? Wouldn't the last line in the list still need the
> newlines?
>>> chunks = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]
>>> "\n"
Well that would be one less, and countng
> Rony Steelandt wrote:
>> We have a vacancy for a python programmer for a 6 months assignement.
>> If interested, please visit www.bucodi.com
>> And don't worry we speak english :)
>> R_
> seriously, a job opportunity in France?? I he
utab wrote:
> Dear all,
> Could you please recommend me a graphics library for python. I saw PYX
> which has nice screenshots on the webpage.
> My first ambition is to be able to draw 2D or 3D graphs for my
> mathematical results. Maybe later, I can handle other types of
> graphical operatio
John Salerno wrote:
> So the questions are, how do you use regular expressions to add text to
> the end of a line, even if you aren't matching the end of the line in
> the first place? Or does that entail using separate regexes that *do* do
> this? If the latter, how do I retain the value of th
Thanks for the pointers.
Thanks very much, that is a far tidier solution!!
Announcing the second alpha release of iTorrent. iTorrent allows you to
download BitTorrent podcasts from iTunes. It transforms BitTorrent
podcasts so that you can update them just like any other podcast in
iTunes. Details can be found at http://www.itorrent.cc. iTorrent is
written in Python an
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