On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 13:28:44 -0500, rtilley wrote:
> s = ' qazwsx '
> # How are these different?
> print s.strip()
> print str.strip(s)
s.strip() strips white space from the start and end of string s. That is
standard object-oriented behaviour: you have an instance, s, and you call
its method,
Merci à Frederik et Jarek!
According to your hints I did tests with a different coding and another option
in OpenOffice 'Size optimization for XML format'.
Went fine! - Back to my files from yesterday the same proper converting... uups
Anyway, it's running!
SamFeltus enlightened us with:
> PS. Here is an example...
> http://sonomasunshine.com/sonomasunshine/FrontPage.html
The HTML version of that site is crap, by the way. Check out
The HTML is sent as text/plain, and if interpret
is there a module that lets me parse validated html files and store it
as a tree?
for example, i want to be able to easily, say, replace the following
• a...
∑ http://xahlee.org/
Xah Lee enlightened us with:
> is there a module that lets me parse validated html files and store
> it as a tree?
Assuming you're using XHTML.
The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for s
> Terry Reedy wrote:
>>"kpp9c" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>>Numeric, Numarray, & Numpy... some one stick a screwdriver in my
>>>forehead and end the madness that Numeric has become.
>>>For crying all night! Numpy was Numeric's ni
Tim Chase wrote:
> ...throw UnthrowableKoan
> ...
> (okay...maybe it's a little too early on a weekdays.mon morning)
Probably, since a SyntaxError slipped in. Throw is C++ Tim.
It's "raise UnRaisableKoan".
Franz Steinhaeusler wrote:
> maybe you have 2.4.2 and I 2.4.
This looks like a wxPython problem, not a Python problem.
It might well be a version issue for you guys, but it's
more likely that a certain wxPython version is the culprit,
not a certain Python version.
Note however that the OP is usin
> I am a newbie to Python. I am mainly using Eric as the IDE for coding.
> Also, using VIM and gedit sometimes.
> I had this wierd problem of indentation. My code was 100% right but it
> wont run because indentation was not right.
If indentation is not right, then your
"MARK LEEDS" wrote:
> So, as it said in "Beginning Python", I went into my .bashrc file and did
> export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/mytemp
> then, i typed pprint.pprint(sys.path) and it worked.
> it was in there
> but, now I want to take it out.
> i deleted the comma
I'm creating a scientific visualization application with rather high
demands on performance. I've created a nice rendering engine for it in
C++/OpenGL and a python interface to the rendering engine. Now I'm
looking to build a GUI in python with the rendering engine as an
integrated window. I will m
on 28.02.2006 07:50 Carl Banks said the following:
> Ben Finney wrote:
>> This PEP specifies an enumeration data type for Python.
> Here's why I think it's not too useful to begin with: the benefits of
> the enum you describe here are pretty weak.
I need to disagree heavily here :)
Is there any way to fetch the Return results of spawned threads within
the parent script? I would like to do that because I'm having problems
with Threads that do queries to a database, I often encounter Threads
failing due to MySQL connection failures. As much as possible I plan to
make the th
Alvin A. Delagon wrote:
> Is there any way to fetch the Return results of spawned threads within
> the parent script? I would like to do that because I'm having problems
> with Threads that do queries to a database, I often encounter Threads
> failing due to MySQL connection failures. As much as p
>_ is just a plain variable name in Python. It is sometimes when a variable is
>needed to receive a value that won't be used.<
Like in some other interactive systems (Mathematica, etc, but with a
different syntax) _ has a use in the interactive shell, it contains the
last unassigned result:
Klaas wrote:
> Claudio writes:
>>I am on a Windows using the NTFS file system, so I don't expect problems
>>with too large file size.
> how large can files grow on NTFS? I know little about it.
No practical limit on current harddrives. i.e.:
Maximum file size
Theory: 16 exabyt
Stefan Rank wrote:
> on 28.02.2006 07:50 Carl Banks said the following:
> > Ben Finney wrote:
> >> This PEP specifies an enumeration data type for Python.
> >
> [snip]
> >
> > Here's why I think it's not too useful to begin with: the benefits of
> > the enum you describe here are pretty weak.
> I
I am currently working on an application where the user is able to
create new worksheets and to delete existing ones. All of these
worksheets have the same structure (--> template?), only some values
should be changed. A minimal example would be something like this:
Name: ...
Fabian Steiner wrote:
> Unfortunately I don't know how to realize this, since also some images
> and different boxes should be printed out. As the whole application is
> based on QT, QPrinter might be used, but I couldn't find any examples
> how to use it.
QPrinter is easy to use. You just draw t
> I'm creating a scientific visualization application with rather high
> demands on performance. I've created a nice rendering engine for it in
> C++/OpenGL and a python interface to the rendering engine. Now I'm
> looking to build a GUI in python with the rendering engine
Jeremy Sanders wrote:
> Fabian Steiner wrote:
> > Unfortunately I don't know how to realize this, since also some images
> > and different boxes should be printed out. As the whole application is
> > based on QT, QPrinter might be used, but I couldn't find any examples
> > how to use it.
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Georg Brandl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Michael Tobis wrote:
>> Someone asked me to write a brief essay regarding the value-add
>> proposition for Python in the Fortran community. Slightly modified to
>> remove a few climatology-related specifics, here it is.
iam using Tix ScrolledListBox widget. is there any option so that i
can disply the items in multiple colums
Alvin A. Delagon wrote:
> Is there any way to fetch the Return results of spawned threads within
> the parent script?
There are several examples of this in the threading section of the
Python Cookbook for example
iam using Tix ScrolledListBox widget. is there any option so that i
can disply the items in multiple colums
What about that?
SomeNumbers = enum('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7')
Rooms = enum('1bed', '2beds', 'moreThan2beds')
or even
Comments = enum('#', ';', '//')
CyrilOn 28 Feb 2006 03:14:25 -0800, Carl Banks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Stefan Rank wrote:> on 28.02.2006 07:50 Carl Banks s
Assume you have a mathematical function, e.g. f(x) = x + 4
To calculate all the values from 1 to n, a loop is one alternative.
But to make this function work with vectors instead i.e
f(x_vector) = result_vector,
how should the function then be implemented?
Support bacteria - it's
i have a compiled program named m.exe. when i execute it asks me to
enter a parameter like "me.dat". the coder didn't manage the argv for
this program and i only have the executable.
is there a vay to call this executeable from python and give parameters
to it?
>input1 ? me.dat
Are you looking for the "map" function?
>>> def f(x): return x+4
>>> map(f, [1,2,3,3,70])
[5, 6, 7, 7, 74]
CyrilOn 2/28/06, Ronny Mandal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Assume you have a mathematical function, e.g. f(x) = x + 4To calculate all the values from 1 to n, a loop is one alternative.But to m
Fabian Steiner schrieb:
> MyDialog is closed by calling MyDialog.accept(). What can I do so that
> self.showListViewItems() is called after MyDialog has been closed?
> Thank you for any input!
Hi Fabian,
override the accept() method and call self.showListViewItems() there.
But remember to ca
i found something like
import os
but it gives
An endfile record was detected in a READ statement (unit=40).
Error occurs at or near line 51 of _MAIN__
still don't have anything :(
> i have a compiled program named m.exe. when i execute it asks me to
> enter a parameter like "me.dat". the coder didn't manage the argv for
> this program and i only have the executable.
> is there a vay to call this executeable from python and give parameters
> to it?
> It works for me.
Right. I've found that it's not just the end spaces. The Macs somehow
copy these files and folders to the PCs without a security descriptor of
any type! When I goto the folder's properties, I see three tabs:
1. General
2. Web Sharing
3. Customize
It seems the concensus is that empty enums should be allowed for
consistancy, and to support the loop that doesn't. I thought I'd find
some data points in other languages as a guide:
* C - builtin, empty enumerations not allowed
* C++ - builtin, empty enumerations allowed. C++ doesn't have
on 28.02.2006 12:14 Carl Banks said the following:
>>> It's a pretty weak case to have a dedicated builtin to prevent
>>> duplicates in something that changes maybe once a month, as enums tend
>>> to change rather slowly. (At least, that's the way enums in other
>>> languages are used, a
Ronny Mandal wrote:
> Assume you have a mathematical function, e.g. f(x) = x + 4
> To calculate all the values from 1 to n, a loop is one alternative.
Numeric and friends (numarray,numpy) have something like numarray.arange
- they return arrays similar to the lists returned by standard libs
On 28 Feb 2006 01:14:15 -0800
> I'm creating a scientific visualization application with rather high
> demands on performance. I've created a nice rendering engine for it in
> C++/OpenGL and a python interface to the rendering engine. Now I'm
> looking to build a GUI in pyt
:) yes it does. thank you very much fredrick.
Leo 4.4 alpha 7 is now available at:
This version fixes some minor problems with Leo 4.4a6 and adds
autocompletion and calltips. There are no known problems with this release.
It may be better than beta quality. Or not.
Ray Cote wrote:
> At 5:07 PM +0100 2/27/06, Magnus Lycka wrote:
>> I'm still interested
>> in experiences from Pythonistas using Firebird--
>> especially embedded.
> Works great.
> Python and Firebird embedded (at least on Windows) is very simple to use.
> Not currently using it on ot
iam using Tix tree widget in my python script. how can i delete the
entire tree. i tried the following
self.msgTree = Tix.Tree(self.msgWin)
but it thorws the following error
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.2/lib-tk/Tix.py", line 320,
On 28 Feb 2006 00:33:11 -0800
"Xah Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> is there a module that lets me parse validated html files and store it
> as a tree?
BeautifulSoup will parse valid HTML (not just XHTML), and also crummy
HTML while it's at it. And generates a tree structure. Warning: I
haven't a
The ACCU is once again hosting a UK Python Conference on the above dates
at the Randolph Hotel in Oxford. Sign up now.
I am happy to announce that Guido van Rossum is once again a keynote
speaker for the entire
I have a list of rows which contains a list of cells (from a html table), and I
want to create an array of logical row groups (ie group rows by the rowspan). I
am only concerned with checking the rowspan of specific columns, so that makes
it easier, but I am having trouble implementing it in p
I aint a professional coder, but a gardener. However, the
Flash->JSON->Python technique works. It is poorly coded, but it is IMO
a very simple way to integrate Flash and Python compared to the methods
normally suggested on the net.
The HTML is just some junk thrown up for people with lower tech
I have class like this...
import threading
class MyBlah(object):
def __init__(self):
self.makeThread(self.blah, (4,9))
def blah(self, x, y):
print "X and Y:", x, y
def makeThread(self, func, args=(), kwargs={}):
threading.Thread(target=self.blah, args=args,
"abcd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have class like this...
> import threading
> class MyBlah(object):
>def __init__(self):
>self.makeThread(self.blah, (4,9))
>def blah(self, x, y):
>print "X and Y:", x, y
>def makeThread(self, func, args=(), kwargs={}):
Hi all,
Has any of you fine geniuses figured out a nice python script to go to
the Southwest airlines website and check in, and retrieve your boarding
pass - automatically 24 hours in advance
A couple questions:
1- what is j?
2- what does the rows[x][y] object look like? I assume it's a dict
that has a "rowspan" key. Can rows[x][y]["rowspan"] sometimes be 0?
Perhaps you're looking for something like this:
rowgroups = []
rowspan = 0
for i in range( len(rows) ):
if rowspan <= 0:
Maybe I'd also emphasize the nice COM interface that allow your wrapped
Fortran to be made available in your Excel macros in a snap. It happens
that Fortran programmers/users tends to be poor Office users except for
Excel which they master at unbelievable level...
My own best low work/high user sat
Ben Finney wrote:
> This PEP specifies an enumeration data type for Python.
> An enumeration is an exclusive set of symbolic names bound to
> arbitrary unique values. Values within an enumeration can be iterated
> and compared, but the values have no inherent relationship to values
> outside th
Claudio Grondi wrote:
> Do I understand it right, that I can use Firebird database in the same
> way as I can use the Berkeley one provided in Python standard distribution?
That depends on what you mean by "the same way"...
As with Berkeley, you can use it in-process, and don't need a
separate s
Python lets you iterate through a list using an integer index, too,
although if you do so we will make fun of you. You can accomplish it
with a while loop, as in:
i = 0
while i < len(rows):
if rows[i] == "This code looks like BASIC without the WEND, doesn't
Magnus Lycka wrote:
> On Windows that it. At least on Linux and Solaris, time.clock() returns
> CPU time. If time.clock() returns significantly different values before
> and after time.sleep(1), there's something seriously broken in sleep on
> such platforms.
When process run the sleep, the op
"map" takes a function and a list, applies the function to each item in
a list, and returns the result list. For example:
>>> def f(x): return x + 4
>>> numbers = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]
>>> map(f, numbers)
[8, 12, 19, 20, 27, 46]
So, rather that ask if there is a different way to write f, I'd j
gmail.com> writes:
> A couple questions:
> 1- what is j?
> 2- what does the rows[x][y] object look like? I assume it's a dict
> that has a "rowspan" key. Can rows[x][y]["rowspan"] sometimes be 0?
> Perhaps you're looking for something like this:
> rowgroups = []
> rowspan = 0
> for i
gmail.com> writes:
> Python lets you iterate through a list using an integer index, too,
> although if you do so we will make fun of you. You can accomplish it
> with a while loop, as in:
> i = 0
> while i < len(rows):
>if rows[i] == "This code looks like BASIC without the WEND, doesn
What would be the next best Oracle database module for Python next to
cx_oracle? I'd like to compare two and choose one, just for the sake of
seeing how two modules doing the same thing operate.
Also, does installing cx_oracle create registry entries or require
admin privs on a Windows XP machine?
Also, what's the difference between something like cx_oracle and an
ODBC module? If I were to use an ODBC module (not trying to torture
myself here, I promise, but I just want to see what alternatives exist
and how they work).
Although I don't know if this is faster or more efficient than your
current solution, it does look cooler:
def grouprows(inrows):
rows = []
rows[:] = inrows # makes a copy because we're going to be
while len(rows) > 0:
rowspan = rows[0]["rowspan"]
yield rows[
On 26 Feb 2006 14:55:04 -0800, Andrea Griffini wrote:
> IMO another language that would be hard to classify is COBOL ... but
> for other reasons :-)
According to Dijkstra:
"The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be
regarded as a criminal offence."
That makes Cobol
By the way Sybren, if you don't mind, what kinda computer and browser
were you using, trying to figure out which browsers get redirected to
html and which get the Flash Site. If you have Flash plugin, what
version was it?
Sam the Gardener
Rajesh Sathyamoorthy:
> Hi,
> I would know how to minimize a program (wxpython app) into an icon on
> the taskbar on windows (the one at the side near the clock, i can't
> remember what is it called.)
> Is it easy to be done? Is there a way to do the same thing on Linux?
Did you look into
SamFeltus wrote:
> I aint a professional coder, but a gardener. However, the
> Flash->JSON->Python technique works. It is poorly coded, but it is IMO
> a very simple way to integrate Flash and Python compared to the methods
> normally suggested on the net.
> The HTML is just some junk thrown up
SamFeltus enlightened us with:
> By the way Sybren, if you don't mind, what kinda computer and
> browser were you using, trying to figure out which browsers get
> redirected to html and which get the Flash Site.
Mozilla Firefox 1.5, on Ubuntu Linux Breezy.
> If you have Flash plugin, what version
> "Derek" == Derek Basch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Derek> Great! That worked fine after I played with it for a
Derek> bit. One last question though. How do I label the ticks
Derek> with the product of the exponentiation? For instance:
Derek> 100
Derek> instead of
Ben Finney wrote:
> PEP 354: Enumerations in Python has been accepted as a draft PEP. The
> current version can be viewed online:
-1 on the proposal as a builtin, -0 on including any kind of
enumeration in the standard library unless I can see a compelling use
case; Carl Banks' approach seems more
gmail.com> writes:
> Although I don't know if this is faster or more efficient than your
> current solution, it does look cooler:
> def grouprows(inrows):
> rows = []
> rows[:] = inrows # makes a copy because we're going to be
> deleting
> while len(rows) > 0:
> rowspan
On Monday 27 February 2006 02:49, Ben Finney wrote:
> Coercing a value from an enumeration to a ``str`` results in the
> string that was specified for that value when constructing the
> enumeration::
That sentence seems to assume that all enumeration values will have been
specified as strings. T
I am looking for examples of Pythonic Thinking:
One example I found:
Here some lines of the web side of Bruce Eckel:
How to read a text file:
for line in file("FileName.txt"):
# Process line
It is a easy and sophisticated thing in python,
but har
I'm reading through the tutorial and found this in section 3:
>>> '"Isn\'t," she said.'
'"Isn\'t," she said.'
Why doesn't the escape sequence work in this case?
Can anyone offer any assistance on this one?
Is it unsupported on AMD64 ? Nothing in the README points to that. I
thought it would default to 32bit if not supported under 64.
> Hi,
> I have been using MySQLdb on a 32-bit processor, no worries. Love it.
> I went to install on an AMD64 runn
I would like to use a numerical solver for a specific problem. My
problem looks like this:
1. I have numeric constants, named A,B,C etc.
2. I have numeric variables, named x,y,z etc.
3. I have functions, like f1(x), f2(x), f3(x,y), f4(y) etc.
4. I have constraints like f1(x
Hash: SHA1
> What would be the next best Oracle database module for Python next to
> cx_oracle?
That would probably be DCOracle2.
> I'd like to compare two and choose one, just for the sake of
> seeing how two modules doing the same th
John Salerno wrote:
> I'm reading through the tutorial and found this in section 3:
> >>> '"Isn\'t," she said.'
> '"Isn\'t," she said.'
> Why doesn't the escape sequence work in this case?
because the interactive prompt echos the result back to you as
a Python literal, where possible. compa
Laszlo Zsolt Nagy wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to use a numerical solver for a specific problem. My
> problem looks like this:
>1. I have numeric constants, named A,B,C etc.
>2. I have numeric variables, named x,y,z etc.
>3. I have functions, like f1(x), f2(x), f3(x,y), f4(y)
I'm trying to use a python script to access an embedded computer
running linux and connected via a crossover ethernet cable using the
following script...
...and I realize the username and password is not realistic... I'm
still in "proof of concept" stage here :)
import t
> Following Ron Adam solution (and using [] instead of list() in the last
> line), this may be a possible solution of the problem, that is often
> quite fast:
> def psort16(s1, s2):
> try:
> d = dict(izip(s2, s1))
> except TypeError:
> _indices =
I have 2 threads that I want to run at the same time: for instance:
from threading import Thread
class test(Thread):
def run(self):
while True:
class test2(Thread):
def run(self):
while True:
"Stefan Rank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> recent examples from this list:
> 2006-01-03: http://www.nabble.com/Re%3A-Regex-anomaly-p2179421.html
> 2006-02-20:
> http://www.nabble.com/Re%3A-Regular-expression-gone-mad-p3029028.html
If the re flags were implement
I just hit upon something that seems to work...
import telnetlib
from select import select
tn = telnetlib.Telnet('')
sock = tn.get_socket()
tn.read_until('login: ', 5)
select([sock], [], [], 5)
tn.read_until('Password: ', 5)
I have a client application that I want (behind the scenes) to check
and make sure a remote host is up (i.e. by ping or TCP connect). I'm
assuming that, since I want this to go on "unknowingly" to the user,
that I would put this in a thread. My question is, how would I go
about creating the threa
>> Also, is it possible to split off a program for the terminal that
>> started it? As in I type in python test.py and test.py runs in the
>> background and lets me do other things in that terminal?
python test.py &
>(get() is a function which waits for a ping on a specific port, thus
>stopping the program for a while.)
>Will these run together,
Thread 2 can run while thread 1 is blocked for I/O and v.v.
>Also, is it possible to split off a program for the terminal that
>started it? As in I type
The problem is on Windows: when I run c:\python24\myprogram.py, it has
a command window open up. If I close it, the program ends. So I want it
to run without opening that window.
This one is from our very own BDFL, behold- wget implemented in 7 lines
of python code:
import sys, urllib
def reporthook(*a): print a
for url in sys.argv[1:]:
i = url.rfind('/')
file = url[i+1:]
print url, "->", file
urllib.urlretrieve(url, file, reporthook)
SolaFide napisał(a):
> The problem is on Windows: when I run c:\python24\myprogram.py, it has
> a command window open up. If I close it, the program ends. So I want it
> to run without opening that window.
Give it .pyw extension or start using pythonw.exe instead of python.exe.
Jarek Zgoda
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> because the interactive prompt echos the result back to you as
> a Python literal, where possible. compare
Ah, of course! I forgot it wasn't 'print'ing it.
On 2006-02-28, D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a client application that I want (behind the scenes) to check
> and make sure a remote host is up (i.e. by ping or TCP connect). I'm
> assuming that, since I want this to go on "unknowingly" to the user,
> that I would put this in a thread.
You don't need to copy the list; but if you don't, your original list
will be emptied.
Len(rows) recalculates each time the while loop begins. Now that I
think of it, "rows != []" is faster than "len(rows) > 0."
By the way, you can also do this using (gasp) a control index:
def grouprows(rows):
Em Ter, 2006-02-28 às 20:24 +, Grant Edwards escreveu:
> > I have seen examples that used classes, and other examples
> > that just called one thread start command - when should you
> > use one over another?
> I'm not sure what you mean by "use classes" vs. "calling a
> thread start command"
Thanks, Grant. I apologize for not being clear on what I meant by
using "classes". This is an example of what I was referring to:
See the second (threaded) example.
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if it would make sense to make staticmethod objects
callable, so that the following code would work:
class A:
def foo(): pass
bar = foo()
I understand staticmethod objects don't need to implement __call__ for
their other use cases, but w
All the info you need is in the kinterbasdb module. I've worked with it
under windows and Linux and... "it just works". Really well indeed. I'd
recommend it a lot.
Em Ter, 2006-02-28 às 09:10 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
> Although I don't know if this is faster or more efficient than your
> current solution, it does look cooler:
> print [x for x in grouper]
This is not cool. Do
print list(grouper)
"Quem excele em empregar a força militar
On 2006-02-28, D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Grant. I apologize for not being clear on what I
> meant by using "classes". This is an example of what I was
> referring to:
> http://www.wellho.net/solutions/python-python-threads-a-first-example.html
Ah, I see. I had forgotten that peopl
> Len(rows) recalculates each time the while loop begins. Now that I
> think of it, "rows != []" is faster than "len(rows) > 0."
the difference is very small, and "len(rows)" is faster than "rows != []"
(the latter creates a new list for each test).
and as usual, using the co
Em Ter, 2006-02-28 às 20:38 +, Grant Edwards escreveu:
> On 2006-02-28, D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks, Grant. I apologize for not being clear on what I
> > meant by using "classes". This is an example of what I was
> > referring to:
> > http://www.wellho.net/solutions/python-pyth
On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 14:26:49 -0500
"Terry Reedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Stefan Rank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > recent examples from this list:
> >
> > 2006-01-03:
> > http://www.nabble.com/Re%3A-Regex-anomaly-p2179421.html
> > 2006-02-20:
> > http://w
Title: Long running Script stops responding, CPU usage increases
This is running Python 2.3 on windows 2003/windows xp.
I have written a script to display and filter the Win32 event log in a scrolling list to the command line (it also does some summary tasks). It uses the win32evtlog.ReadE
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