Hey all,
I solved this problem. Here is the final version of this def for anyone who
someday may be interested:
def attributesbyID(row,base,slideID,spreadsheet):
sh = wb.Worksheets (spreadsheet)
LIST = xlparams(row, base)
On Jul 19, 4:33 pm, Lance Hoffmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I have a script that takes numbers from XL and inserts them into an embedded
> MSGRAPH dataset in PPT. The problem is that when I reopen the modified
> document
> that has been saved as a new filename and activate the e
Hey all,
I have a script that takes numbers from XL and inserts them into an embedded
MSGRAPH dataset in PPT. The problem is that when I reopen the modified document
that has been saved as a new filename and activate the embedded datasheet the
new numbers that were inserted disappear and the old,
if I ran (after discovering what the object name I was trying to modify in
the ppt slide was):
if WB.Slides(29).Shapes("Object 2").Type==7:
PWB = WB.Slides(29).Shapes("Object 2") #Select
the Graph Object
oGraph = PWB.OLEFormat.Object
> On Behalf Of Lance Hoffmeyer
> for Z in WB.Slides(29).Shapes:
> if (Z.Type== 7):
> ZZ=Z.OLEFormat.Object
> WSHEET = ZZ.Worksheets(1)
> WSHEET.Range("A1").Value = .50
> WSHEET.Range("A1").NumberFormat="0%"
I think you need to call Acti
On Jul 10, 8:40 pm, Lance Hoffmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I am trying to create some python code to edit embedded ppt slides and need
> some help.
> import win32com.client
> from win32com.client import constants
> import re
> import codecs,win32com.client
> import time
> impo
Hey all,
I am trying to create some python code to edit embedded ppt slides and need
some help.
import win32com.client
from win32com.client import constants
import re
import codecs,win32com.client
import time
import datetime
import win32com.client.dynamic