Re: win32 question in Python

2007-07-31 Thread Ali
On Jul 30, 11:49 pm, Brad Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Huang, Shun-Hsien> writes: > > > > but how do I copy a excel file into > > > database table by using Python? > > I'm not sure if this helps, but you can access the Excel Automation model very > easily with: > > import win32co

Re: win32 question in Python

2007-07-30 Thread Brad Johnson
Cappy2112> writes: > > > Hello Brad, > > If you don't get a reply here, there is a win32 specific Python list > on wher ethey do talk about excel & other Win32 python > issues. > Thanks, but I believe this you meant to address the OP Shun-Hsien, not me. Just wanted

Re: win32 question in Python

2007-07-30 Thread Cappy2112
Hello Brad, If you don't get a reply here, there is a win32 specific Python list on wher ethey do talk about excel & other Win32 python issues. On Jul 30, 3:49 pm, Brad Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Huang, Shun-Hsien> writes: > > > > but how do I copy a excel fi

Re: win32 question in Python

2007-07-30 Thread Brad Johnson
Huang, Shun-Hsien> writes: > but how do I copy a excel file into > database table by using Python? > I'm not sure if this helps, but you can access the Excel Automation model very easily with: import win32com.client x1 = client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") Now you can use the x1

win32 question in Python

2007-07-30 Thread Huang, Shun-Hsien
Hi, I am new in Python. I have one question in the database application in python. I have one excel file that I want to save in the database table. In the Microsoft access, I can easy do this one by using Docmd .. How do I use this one in Python? I already know how to connect to a databa