Michael Torrie at 2015/12/23 UTC+8 12:22:23PM wrote:
> In the American way of thinking, the country *is* the people. So it was
> neither a lie nor a bad thing that Kennedy proclaimed. Maybe this is
> not true for other countries, but I think most Americans would feel it
> is true for their count
Michael Torrie wrote:
A country in which citizens only expect things from the country and
never think about their ability to change and benefit the country is a
week country indeed.
Yep, definitely won't last more than 7 days. :-)
On 12/22/2015 07:06 PM, jf...@ms4.hinet.net wrote:
> Mark Lawrence at 2015/12/21 UTC+8 8:50:00PM wrote:
>> My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
>> what you can do for our language.
> When I saw this sentence, I can't resist to think of the famous lie created
> by
Mark Lawrence at 2015/12/21 UTC+8 8:50:00PM wrote:
> My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
> what you can do for our language.
When I saw this sentence, I can't resist to think of the famous lie created by
president John kennedy: "Ask not what your country can do fo
On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 6:49 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> On 19/12/2015 17:45, Renato Emanuel Dysangco wrote:
>> hello
>> is an **.msi* version of your *Python 3.5.1 (32 bit)* in the pipeline
>> soon?
>> thanks for your time
> msi files are not being made available for 3.5.
On 19/12/2015 17:45, Renato Emanuel Dysangco wrote:
is an **.msi* version of your *Python 3.5.1 (32 bit)* in the pipeline soon?
thanks for your time
msi files are not being made available for 3.5.
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do
is an **.msi* version of your *Python 3.5.1 (32 bit)* in the pipeline soon?
thanks for your time