Peter Hansen wrote:
> Michael, tai64nlocal is a program that converts a special "packed"
> timestamp to human-readable form.
Thanks Peter. I was asking somewhat rhetorically but I have a love of
UNIX arcana and now I know. :)
Michael Hoffman
praba kar wrote:
>The following way of popen function usage is
> wrong or not kindly give me answer regarding this
> time = os.popen("echo %s | tai64nlocal" %
> line[2]).read()
Did you try it? Just open the Python interactive interpreter and see
what happens:
Python 2.3.4 (#1, Feb 2 200
praba kar wrote:
>The following way of popen function usage is
> wrong or not kindly give me answer regarding this
> time = os.popen("echo %s | tai64nlocal" %
> line[2]).read()
I don't know, I don't know what tai64nlocal is or what's in line[2].
What happened when you tried it?
Dear All,
The following way of popen function usage is
wrong or not kindly give me answer regarding this
time = os.popen("echo %s | tai64nlocal" %
Actually here I didn't use any file handler and
I didn't close file handler.