Uglier than yours, but down to two lines:
def recur_map(f, data):
return [ not hasattr(x, "__iter__") and f(x) or recur_map(f, x) for x
in data ]
I think for most purposes a program like this is short enough:
def recur_map2(fun, data):
if hasattr(data, "__iter__"):
return [recur_map2(fun, elem) for elem in data]
return fun(data)
data = [set([1, 2]), [3], 4, [5, {6:4}, [7, 8]]]
print recur_map2(lambda x: x*2, d
I'd like to apply a function to elements of a nested list and wondered
if there is anything more idiomatic and/or shorter than this recursive
>>> def recur_map(f, data):
... if isinstance(data, list):
... mapped_list = []
... for i in data: