Thanks works fine : )
On 30 May 2016 at 10:03, Ganesh Pal wrote:
> Thanks Matt for the reply and lovely analysis . I was trying to complicate
> the simple task :(
> Here is how the code looks now , the whole idea was just to match the
> pattern and return it
> def get_block(block):
> cmd = "get_block_info
On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 10:32 PM, Matt Wheeler wrote:
> This doesn't seem to exactly match your code below, i.e. your code is
> attempting to construct a tuple from groups 1 through 4. To meet this
> specification I could just `return'(?<=\(block
> )[^(]*(?=\))', stdout).group()`
On 28 May 2016 at 19:12, Ganesh Pal wrote:
> Dear Python friends,
> I am on Python 2.7 and Linux . I am trying to extract the address
> "1,5,147456:8192" from the below stdout using
> (Pdb) stdout
> 'linux-host-machine-1: Block Address for 1,5,27320320:8192 (block
> 1,5,147456:8192)
The matched.groups() will group the pattern based with ","
(Pdb) matched.groups()
*('1', '0', '1375772672', '8192')*
but I wanted to retain the output as *'1,0,1375772672:8192' ,*
(Pdb) matched.groups()
('1', '0', '1375772672', '8192')
'Block Address for 1,0,1376034816:81
> Perhaps:
> map(int,, stdout).groups())
Thanks Albert map saved me many lines of code but map returns a list I
will have to convert the list to string again
Below is how Iam planning to teh conversion
>>> block = map(int,, stdout).groups())
>>> p
> Date: Sat, 28 May 2016 23:48:16 +0530
> Subject: - Pattern matching review ( Apologies re sending)
> From:
> To:
> Dear Python friends,
> I am on Python 2.7 and Linux . I am trying to extract the address
Dear Python friends,
I am on Python 2.7 and Linux . I am trying to extract the address
"1,5,147456:8192" from the below stdout using
(Pdb) stdout
'linux-host-machine-1: Block Address for 1,5,27320320:8192 (block
1,5,147456:8192) --\nlinux-host-machine-1: magic
0xdeaff2fe mark_c
Dear Python friends,
I am on Python 2.7 and Linux . I am trying to extract the address
"1,5,147456:8192" from the below stdout using
(Pdb) stdout
'linux-host-machine-1: Block Address for 1,5,27320320:8192 (block
1,5,147456:8192) --\nlinux-host-machine-1: magic
0xdeaff2fe mark_c