Nicolas Fleury wrote:
Mirko Zeibig wrote:
This is not an option for e.g. IDEs as some functions might actually
do something when called ;-) and I like `callable` for introspection.
Other ways would be to check for the `__call__` attribute or use
several methods of the `inspect`-Module, both of w
Mirko Zeibig wrote:
This is not an option for e.g. IDEs as some functions might actually do
something when called ;-) and I like `callable` for introspection.
Other ways would be to check for the `__call__` attribute or use several
methods of the `inspect`-Module, both of which are not better th
Hello everybody,
I recently stumbled across the proposal of removing `callable` in Python
3000 ( catching an exception
instead, maybe something like this:
--- snip ---
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mize]$ python2.3
Python 2.3.3 (#1, Apr 6 2004, 01:47:39)
[GCC 3.3.3 (SuSE