I agree, this would be a good feature. I redirect my emacs backups to a single
directory too so that they're not distributed all over the file system. While
I don't know how to do that with the things python creates, I've read a few
ways you can disable their creation altogether (assuming you
ed in every directory touched by the
> > execution.
> This is much better than having multiple .pyc files in every directory,
> as in Py2. You should soon learn to ignore them.
> > Is it possible to set a configuration to be able to create thes
multiple .pyc files in every directory,
as in Py2. You should soon learn to ignore them.
Is it possible to set a configuration to be able to create these
pycache directories in a specific location?
No. (I am very sure.) You can however, not have the .pyc files written,
but that means recompile
I am doing some OO python3 where I am using multiple dirs/sub-dirs.
So everything works fine, however when I run code __pycache__ directories are
being created in every directory touched by the execution.
Is it possible to set a configuration to be able to create these pycache
directories in a