Ok apparently that's not the fix. I just tried that with Python 2.4 and
the newest version of py2exe and win32all, and I can not get it to
Can someone explain how to freeze Excel with the new version of py2exe?
The old way isn't working anymore. I used one of the templates
provided, but I ke
I'm not positive about this, but when using com you need to force it
into the compile. In my applications where I use Excel I use this line:
python setup.py py2exe --progid "Excel.Application"
You may need to do something similar for the db application.
Works fine when running python test.py but fails when executing
conn = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('ADODB.Connection')
conn.Open("Provider='SQLOLEDB';Data Source='.';Initial
Catalog='mydatabase';User ID='user';Password='pwd';")
setup.py:(same KeyEr