5 Mart 2016 Cumartesi 23:52:58 UTC+2 tarihinde Ömer sarı yazdı:
> hi , all , l m fresh user and l m trying to learn python by doing practice
> but l got stuck in that , l need help , l m a beginner and l learn some
> basic things so far so, plz take in consideration that before command .
> he
In <1ed89545-f102-4538-bfe2-9d0e3dac8...@googlegroups.com>
=?UTF-8?B?w5ZtZXIgc2FyxLE=?= writes:
> l want program if username is not registered, register first,
> then store it, and l want program ask for some specific characters,
> like 1,2,3../,%.
What is your process for finding out if a nam
Ömer sarı writes:
> hi , all , l m fresh user and l m trying to learn python by doing
> practice but l got stuck in that , l need help , l m a beginner and l
> learn some basic things so far so, plz take in consideration that
> before command .
Welcome! You have chosen a good language for learn
hi , all , l m fresh user and l m trying to learn python by doing practice but
l got stuck in that , l need help , l m a beginner and l learn some basic
things so far so, plz take in consideration that before command .
here is my code trial:
#login by using username and password