Thank you very much it works for me.
with best regards,
On Saturday, June 1, 2013 12:51:01 PM UTC+5:30, Andreas Perstinger wrote:
> On 01.06.2013 05:30, Sudheer Joseph wrote:
> > some hing like a list
> > xx=nc,variables[:]
> > should get me all variable names with out other surro
On 01.06.2013 05:30, Sudheer Joseph wrote:
some hing like a list
should get me all variable names with out other surrounding stuff??
In [4]: ncf.variables
Out[4]: OrderedDict([(u'LON', ),
It looks like "variables" is an OrderedDict. Thus
>>> ncf.variables.keys()
Dear members,
I have been using python NetcdF for some time. I understand
that we can get variables from a netcdf one by one by using
but is there a way to get a list of variables with out the rest of the stuff
as seen below?
some hing like a list