Nick Coghlan wrote:
anton muhin wrote:
anton muhin wrote:
Of course, I can imagine some metaclasses magic that would allow to
class MyClass(WithOverloading):
def someMetod(self, _): ...
But it would rather convoluted: the best idea I have so far is to
anton muhin wrote:
anton muhin wrote:
Of course, I can imagine some metaclasses magic that would allow to code:
class MyClass(WithOverloading):
def someMetod(self, _): ...
But it would rather convoluted: the best idea I have so far is to
mangle methods name in t
anton muhin wrote:
Of course, I can imagine some metaclasses magic that would allow to code:
class MyClass(WithOverloading):
def someMetod(self, _): ...
But it would rather convoluted: the best idea I have so far is to mangle
methods name in the manner most of C
Dear pythonistas!
I'd like to emulate overloading in Python (like C++).
Let's consider an example:
class A(object): pass
class B(object): pass
Of course, there are some standard overloading implementations for
Python. For example:
def overload(cls):
def wrapper(f):
gl = f.func_globals