> My error code is :
> concorrency level error
> use kinterbas.init(concurrency_level=?) to set the concurrency level
> legally...
That's not the actual error message. The actual error message is:
The concurrency level cannot be changed once it has been set. Use
Ok, thank..my python is 2.4.2
kinterbas is 3.2a1
Firebird is 1.5 on FEDORA CORE 4
my program code is run under winxp my actual code is equal above
when i past the code i forgot the quote but in my code the quote is
My error code is :
concorrency level error
use kinterbas.init(c
Balin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have some problem with packege kinterbas for Firebird db connection
> this is my code:
> import kinterbasdb
> class ConnessioneDB:
> def initialize(self):
> kinterbasdb.init(concurrency_level=1)
> con = kinterbasdb.connect(host='',
> da
Petr Jakes napisał(a):
> Jarek, I am using it always like in the following example to connect to
> the remote host and it works for me flawlessly.
> Petr Jakes
> import kinterbasdb as k
> con = k.connect(
> host='router.maren.cz',
> database='/data/sysdat01.gdb',
> us
Jarek, I am using it always like in the following example to connect to
the remote host and it works for me flawlessly.
Petr Jakes
import kinterbasdb as k
con = k.connect(
user='SYSDBA', password='masterkey')
Balin napisał(a):
> con = kinterbasdb.connect(host='',
> database='/home/db/TEST.FDB', user='SYSDBA', password='masterkey) <--- E
I don't think it's valid. If you connect to remote host, don't give a
path to database, just its name. Specifying full path long time ago was
Hi all,
I have some problem with packege kinterbas for Firebird db connection
this is my code:
import kinterbasdb
class ConnessioneDB:
def initialize(self):
con = kinterbasdb.connect(host='',
database='/home/db/TEST.FDB', user