Welcome a million :)
On Nov 26, 5:33 am, KB wrote:
> Kutlu,
> I already have a first born, else I would name her after you.
> You are brilliant. That's what it was. Kudos.
> For future ref for fellow boneheads like me, in Eclipse, under Project
> properties, Jython Class Path, Add External
I already have a first born, else I would name her after you.
You are brilliant. That's what it was. Kudos.
For future ref for fellow boneheads like me, in Eclipse, under Project
properties, Jython Class Path, Add External JAR...
Thanks a million!
I don't know how do you call the java library from within your jython
application it gives java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
This looks like you referenced jar or whatever else from your jython
application which also needs a class com/bloomberglp/blpapi/Session
in another library file. It might r
Hmmm, for some reason my follow up post didn't make it.
Modified jython script to:
# Eclipse package name for java application
import krbtest
import java.lang as lang
from java.lang import String
from jarray import array
I don't know if it's right place but normally main method requires an
args even it is not needed to supply from commandline. Maybe this is a
jython runtime error and requires at least an empty argument. You
could try to pass and empty string array like ['']. I'm not using
jython please use your own
KB wrote:
Hi there,
Apologies if this is on the wrong group, this is a jython question.
Please redirect me to the correct group if this is in error.
I have a java application that takes no arguements. When I run it, it
spits out output, and finishes.
I am trying to run this java application fr
Hi there,
Apologies if this is on the wrong group, this is a jython question.
Please redirect me to the correct group if this is in error.
I have a java application that takes no arguements. When I run it, it
spits out output, and finishes.
I am trying to run this java application from jython 2.