> Also, are you looking for sync(2) http://linux.die.net/man/2/sync?
Also, maybe mmap.flush([offset, size]) @
http://docs.python.org/library/mmap.html ?
Get the file, mmap it and flush it. The docs has more info on flush(...)
Afaik, ultimately the kernel will control the writebacks of dirt
> I thought of simply opening and writing to the file to dirty it's
> pages, but there no guarantee that pdflush will have already written
> the dirty pages to disk -pretty sure it depends on all the dirty ratio
> and intervals.
> Does anybody know of a system call that will 'knock' the fil
birdsong writes:
> Does anybody know of a system call that will 'knock' the file out of
> file cache? Can madvise or fadvise do this?
I don't think so. Best I can think of is unmount and remount the file
system. And I don't know if even that is guaranteed if you don't
physically remove/unplug
Can anyone recommend a way to read a file ensuring that it is not
coming from file cache on Linux?
I'm trying to write a metric script for measuring http connect + read
times from a web server over localhost. I want to plot both file
cache read times and non-cached files.
I thought of simply ope