> "Fredrik" == Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ganesan Rajagopal wrote:
>>> unicodeStrFromNetwork = '\u5927'
>>> unicodeStrNative = _unicodeRe(unisub, unicodeStrFromNetwork)
>> How about unicodeStrNative = eval("u'%s'" % (unicodeStrFromNetwork,))
> unicodeStrFromNetwork = "' +
Ganesan Rajagopal wrote:
>> unicodeStrFromNetwork = '\u5927'
>> unicodeStrNative = _unicodeRe(unisub, unicodeStrFromNetwork)
> How about unicodeStrNative = eval("u'%s'" % (unicodeStrFromNetwork,))
unicodeStrFromNetwork = "' + str(__import__('os').system('really bad idea')) +
> "Chris" == Chris Song <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Here's my solution
> _unicodeRe = re.compile("(\\\u[\da-f]{4})")
> def unisub(mo):
> return unichr(int(mo.group(1)[2:],16))
> unicodeStrFromNetwork = '\u5927'
> unicodeStrNative = _unicodeRe(unisub, unicodeStrFromNetwork)
How about
Chris Song wrote:
> Here's my solution
> _unicodeRe = re.compile("(\\\u[\da-f]{4})")
> def unisub(mo):
> return unichr(int(mo.group(1)[2:],16))
> unicodeStrFromNetwork = '\u5927'
> unicodeStrNative = _unicodeRe(unisub, unicodeStrFromNetwork)
> But I think there must be a more straigh
Here's my solution
_unicodeRe = re.compile("(\\\u[\da-f]{4})")
def unisub(mo):
return unichr(int(mo.group(1)[2:],16))
unicodeStrFromNetwork = '\u5927'
unicodeStrNative = _unicodeRe(unisub, unicodeStrFromNetwork)
But I think there must be a more straightforward way to do it.
Here's my solution
_unicodeRe = re.compile("(\\\u[\da-f]{4})")
def unisub(mo):
return unichr(int(mo.group(1)[2:],16))
unicodeStrFromNetwork = '\u5927'
unicodeStrNative = _unicodeRe(unisub, unicodeStrFromNetwork)
But I think there must be a more straightforward way to do it.