Thank you
You're right. a connection was made between "destroy" and
gtk.main_quit (a bad cut and paste from an old application).
On 27 fév, 17:25, Alan Franzoni
> Il 27 Feb 2007 01:56:33 -0800, awalter1 ha scritto:
> > But I don't want to quit the application, I need o
Il 27 Feb 2007 01:56:33 -0800, awalter1 ha scritto:
> But I don't want to quit the application, I need only to close the
> window.
> My application includes others places where "self.window.destroy()"
> instruction is used and the execution is done without warning.
> Very strange.
But does then t
(environment : python 2.4.2, pyGTK, GTK+ 2.6.9 under HPUX 11.11: unix)
On the instruction self.window.destroy(), I get the following
message : GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.mainquit is deprecated, use
gtk.main_quit instead
But I don't want to qui