Geez, I apologize for my post being so vague. I was terribly tired when
I wrote that, and should have known better than to post.
I was not aware of the pygame mailing list. I will take this question
Thank you, but that wasn't quite what I was looking for. I do admit,
however, that my post wasn't very clear (writting while exceptionally
tired is not a very clever thing to do.) As Terry mentioned below this
should be a question for the pygame mailing lists, so I'll take it
Thanks again t
import pygame
def main():
SIZE = (300, 200)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
# Create a new grayscale surface
pic = pygame.Surface(SIZE, 0, 8)
palette = tuple([(i, i, i) for i in range(256)])
# Fill it with a gradient
array = pyga
py list).
> But I find the tutorials and manuals confusing
For python, numeric, or pygame?
>and usually end
> up with black and blue displays. Could someone provide an explanation,
> and maybe a code example, as to how to create grayscale pixel based
> graphics with pygame usin
s about 2Dpixel arrays taking integer pixel
values. But I find the tutorials and manuals confusing and usually end
up with black and blue displays. Could someone provide an explanation,
and maybe a code example, as to how to create grayscale pixel based
graphics with pygame using only 2D ar