E. J. Gold is the Hi-Tech Shaman wrote:
On Jul 15, 3:38 pm, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Certainly a "Hi-Tech Shaman" can whip something up to do this, right?
Yes, well E.J. Gold is the Hi-Tech Shaman. I'm Terrence Brannon,
stating that fact :)
So, maybe EJ could whip up such a th
On Jul 15, 3:38 pm, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Certainly a "Hi-Tech Shaman" can whip something up to do this, right?
Yes, well E.J. Gold is the Hi-Tech Shaman. I'm Terrence Brannon,
stating that fact :)
So, maybe EJ could whip up such a thing :)
I like the sci.math answer I go
is the Hi-Tech Shaman
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 14:57
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: graphing lifelines
(crossposted to sci.math)
I'm looking for a tool which will take a dataset of tuples indicating
the year of birth and death of a person:
(1872, 1950, "Sri Aurobindo")
E. J. Gold is the Hi-Tech Shaman wrote:
(crossposted to sci.math)
I'm looking for a tool which will take a dataset of tuples indicating
the year of birth and death of a person:
(1872, 1950, "Sri Aurobindo")
(1821, 1910, "Mary Baker Eddy")
(1831, 1891, "HP. Blavatksy")
And graph them out, in ba
There are several different modules for graphing in Python which you
can find easily by searching, but to my knowledge none of them will
simply take in a set of tuples and turn them into what you want,
although I am sure that it is certainly possible to program a app that
could do that for you...
(crossposted to sci.math)
I'm looking for a tool which will take a dataset of tuples indicating
the year of birth and death of a person:
(1872, 1950, "Sri Aurobindo")
(1821, 1910, "Mary Baker Eddy")
(1831, 1891, "HP. Blavatksy")
And graph them out, in bars, annotating them with the person's name