> BUT: active FTP does not just send the data to the port that was in
> the random port that was sent to the server... it addresses to the port
> you sent, but it sends its data response FROM port 20. This means the
> response looks like a totally unsolicited connection attempt from the
> ou
Hi All,
I'm using a simple program that uploads a file on a remote ftp server.
This is an example (not the whole program):
def store(self,hostname,username,password,destdir,srcpath):
self.ftp = ftplib.FTP(hostname)
Well I am not too familiar with ftplib but I have done some minimal
server.connect('ftp.mcafee.com', 21)
print "Could not connect to server"
raw_input("Hit Enter to quit:")
login = server.login('anonymous', '[EMAIL PROTEC
my purpose is just to connect to an FTP server and delete all files in
a directory
Is there a way using ftplib module? something like ftp.delete("*") ?
another way i can do is using LIST to list out all the files in that
directory, grab the filename, append to an array, then do a for loop to
> it's not obvious how Python could translate '' to anything other
> than an empty list, so it sure looks like a server issue.
> (or is a problem with running in passive mode? can you test with-
> out using passive mode on the same server?)
I thought using "ftp.set_pasv(0)" sets active mode
Nico Grubert wrote:
> *cmd* 'NLST'
> *put* 'NLST\r\n'
> *get* '150 About to open data connection.\r\n'
> *resp* '150 About to open data connection.'
> *retr* ''
> *get* '226 Transfer complete.\r\n'
> *resp* '226 Transfer complete.'
> []
> >>>
it's not obvious how Python could translate '' to any
> add
> ftp.set_debuglevel(3)
> so you can see what the goes on the wire (without that information, it's hard
> to tell if it's a bug in the library or a glitch in your server).
Hello Fredrik ,
thank you for your reply. I did a "ftp.set_debuglevel(3)" and ftp.nlst()
now prints:
Nico Grubert wrote:
> I am using the ftplib library to connect to a ftp server.
> After I got connected, I can see a list of file in the current directory
> using ftp.dir() or ftp.retrlines('LIST'). But using ftp.nlst() returns
> an empty list which seems somehow strange to me. Here is, what I did
Hi there,
I am using the ftplib library to connect to a ftp server.
After I got connected, I can see a list of file in the current directory
using ftp.dir() or ftp.retrlines('LIST'). But using ftp.nlst() returns
an empty list which seems somehow strange to me. Here is, what I did:
>>> from ftp