Hello, I have three web sites hosting the identical Python web application, each theoretically identical in content and configuration. One is used for development; the second is a back-up/mirror; and the third is the production site. The development site is running on my local network, the mirror and production sites are running on remote virtual private servers.
The administrative module of my application has a file up-load tool. The file upload tool worked just fine on all three servers up until several weeks ago. Now, it works fine for the mirror and production sites, but I get a permission error when I try to upload to the development site. All uploads are the identical file from the identical source directory. Permissions settings on the three target directories are the same. I don't know what changed on my development server beyond routine maintenance. I've been trying for the life of me to find out where and how permission is being denied on the development server. But it eludes me. Would much appreciate guidance. Best wishes, Lloyd
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