> >
> > I was wondering, is there a general way to escape the string entered
> > by the user, to prevent code injection into command line?
> Take a look at the "string-escape" encoding:
> >>> evil = "'; rm -rf /;"
> >>> command = "echo '%s'"
> >>> print command % evil.encode('string-escape')
Marasanova wrote:
> I have a simple ecard creation script on a website, where user can add
> text to a graphic. I use ImageMagick for it:
> # template_file => path to image template file
> # new_file => path to generated file
> # text => user input
> command = '''
I have a simple ecard creation script on a website, where user can add
text to a graphic. I use ImageMagick for it:
# template_file => path to image template file
# new_file => path to generated file
# text => user input
command = '''convert %s -font OfficinaSanITC-BookOS -pointsize 12