shiva> am trying to search whtr my string is found in a csv file, if its
shiva> not found i have to append it at the last row of a csv file, How
shiva> can i do that??
Given that you specified a csv file, I presume you want to maintain the
proper semantics. You clearly know how to re
On Thu, 15 Dec 2005 16:09:51 -0800, muttu2244 wrote:
> hey thanks a lot for that it worked .
Excellent! Glad to be of assistance :)
hey thanks a lot for that it worked .
> here is what am trying to do, first am trying to open it in a read
> mode, and checking each row by row , if it is not found till my last
> row, i want to append it to the last row , so how should i do that.
> file = open ('C:\some.csv','r')
> reader = csv.reader(file)
> for row in reader:
hi all
am trying to search whtr my string is found in a csv file, if its not
found i have to append it at the last row of a csv file, How can i do
here is what am trying to do, first am trying to open it in a read
mode, and checking each row by row , if it is not found till my last
row, i