True, wasn't thinking. This will affect get() as well. My problem was a
slightly different problem.
In your case you would have got what you wanted if get()/items()
instead of being implemented as:
.value = d[option]
.except KeyError:
.raise NoOptionE
To avoid this, you need to write something like:
. list = []
. for key in configuration.options("core"):
. list.append((key,configuration.get("core",substitution))
. print list
This cause me problems for a different reason, ie., that user vars keys
appear in what ite
Sort of hard to explain, but if you put another:
list = configuration.items("core")
print list
at the end of the script, you will find that the original config hasn't
been changed.
It is a quirk of how the items() method is implemented using 'yield'
that means that
you see what you do.
In partic
I'm not sure if this is a real problem or if I have been staring at code
too long. given this code
from ConfigParser import *
configuration_file = "test.conf"
substitution = {"xyzzy":"maze"}
configuration = SafeConfigParser()