On 5/21/05, DJTB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [posted to comp.lang.python, mailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[Following up to both places.]
> I'm having problems storing large amounts of objects in a ZODB.
> After committing changes to the database, elements are not cleared from
> memory. Since the num
class ExtendedTupleTable(Persistent):
def __init__(self):
self.interning = ObjectInterning()
# This Set stores all generated ExtendedTuple objects.
self.ets = Set() # et(s): ExtendedTuple object(s)
# This dictionary stores a mapping of elements to Sets of
[posted to comp.lang.python, mailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm having problems storing large amounts of objects in a ZODB.
After committing changes to the database, elements are not cleared from
memory. Since the number of objects I'd like to store in the ZODB is too
large to fit in RAM, my pro