On Sun, 2007-10-21 at 13:43 -0300, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> En Sun, 21 Oct 2007 08:21:50 -0300, Sudharshan S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> escribi�:
> What is foo? a directory? And bar/_foo/baz, source files in C? Each one
> defining a module object, or is there a single module - foo perhaps?
En Sun, 21 Oct 2007 08:21:50 -0300, Sudharshan S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have been learning to write extension modules using the C API that
> python provides, and have hit a minor roadblock that is turning out to
> be major headache.
> My project essentially is organized as follows,
Hi all,
I have been learning to write extension modules using the C API that
python provides, and have hit a minor roadblock that is turning out to
be major headache.
My project essentially is organized as follows,