On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 1:06 PM, April Lekin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any way to highlight, bold or change the color of one word in a
> variable to be displayed on a Tkinter GUI?
> Like:
> material = "Plastic"
> introVal = "This report describes the construction of the %s."
Is there any way to highlight, bold or change the color of one word
in a variable to be displayed on a Tkinter GUI?
material = "Plastic"
introVal = "This report describes the construction of the %s." % (material)
this is what I want:
This report describes the construction of the Plastic.
Is there any way to highlight, bold or change the color of one word
in a variable to be displayed on a Tkinter GUI?
material = "Plastic"
introVal = "This report describes the construction of the %s." % (material)
this is what I want:
This report describes the construction of the Plastic.