In case you missed it, SunLisp is debuting on Pearl Harbor Day (December 7th) at 7PM.
It's been added to the Lisp Meetings Calendar as well. Who: His Kennyness, his CIO Dan (can you say "Lisp jobs"? Sher ya can) and a notable group of Lispers doing a nice project in FL and anyone who cares to join them. When: First Tuesday of the month, 7PM, starting with Pearl Harbor Day, 2010 Where: That is just a couple of blocks below West Cypress Creek aka 62nd on the east side of Powerline. What: They serve beer, wine, and a substantial menu of great food. Why: So we can flame each other in person over beer about the right number of namespaces. Why else? RSVP for this first meet so we know if we should ask them to tidy up the back room which is smashing but lacks tellys. HK (Someone want to pass this along to the yobbos on #lisp?) --