ines the whole set of
> changes as a transaction.
> 2. It would be even more efficient not to use a loop at all but to use
> the cursor's executemany() method to perform all inserts with a single
> call as follows:
> #Put the fetched Data into Table_II
> c
Greg Corradini wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm having trouble inserting an SQL selection into a new MS Access table. I
> get a parameter error on my insert statement when I try this (see below for
> code and error msg). I'm not sure if 'insert' or 'update' is the route I
> should be taking.
line 40, in ?
curse.execute('Insert into Table_II (TISCODE,EXISTSIN) values
ProgrammingError: ('07001', -3010, '[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access
Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.', 4612)
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