Michael Ströder wrote:
>>>This would require an additional PGP-plugin for Outlook. Outlook can
>>>decrypt S/MIME messages out-of-the-box.
>>Yes indeed, although I personaly find pgp a bit more elegant your
>>solution would be the best for the OP.
> Whether S/MIME or PGP is used depends very mu
Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
> Michael Ströder wrote:
>> Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
>>> I think you want this more common approach for mail encryption:
>>> server:
>>> https CGI form --> mail wrapper --> PGP encryption/signing --> send
>>> client:
>>> recieve mail --> pgp decryption/verific
Michael Ströder wrote:
> Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
>>I think you want this more common approach for mail encryption:
>>https CGI form --> mail wrapper --> PGP encryption/signing --> send
>>recieve mail --> pgp decryption/verification --> read
> This would require a
Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
> I think you want this more common approach for mail encryption:
> server:
> https CGI form --> mail wrapper --> PGP encryption/signing --> send
> client:
> recieve mail --> pgp decryption/verification --> read
This would require an additional PGP-plugin for Outl
> I need to write a .cgi that will take the content of an https GET or
> POST and send it securely as email to an Outlook client.
> I think that OpenSSL is somewhere in this, but I'm not even sure how to
> create the right certificate, how to use it to encrypt mail and h
> I need to write a .cgi that will take the content of an https GET or
> POST and send it securely as email to an Outlook client.
> I think that OpenSSL is somewhere in this, but I'm not even sure how to
> create the right certificate, how to use it to encrypt mail and
Paul Rubin wrote:
>>I need to write a .cgi that will take the content of an https GET or
>>POST and send it securely as email to an Outlook client.
>You're asking how to make S/MIME messages? This isn't really the
>right newsgroup.
Well, perhaps
> I need to write a .cgi that will take the content of an https GET or
> POST and send it securely as email to an Outlook client.
You're asking how to make S/MIME messages? This isn't really the
right newsgroup.
I need to write a .cgi that will take the content of an https GET or
POST and send it securely as email to an Outlook client.
I think that OpenSSL is somewhere in this, but I'm not even sure how to
create the right certificate, how to use it to encrypt mail and how to
install a certificate in O