On 6 Mrz., 23:21, "MonkeeSage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Very nice. One issue I've come across is that it doesn't seem to work
> with < wxwidgets-2.8 (segfault when trying to load a file), so you
> should probably set MIN_WX_VERSION to 2.8.
> Regards,
> Jordan
Hi Jordan,
Thanks for trying. D
Very nice. One issue I've come across is that it doesn't seem to work
with < wxwidgets-2.8 (segfault when trying to load a file), so you
should probably set MIN_WX_VERSION to 2.8.
I've been working a lot on fixing SPE and upgrading it with the latest
plugins. The winpdb debugger no longer fails and wxGlade crashes are
history. Is that not great? Are you eager to try it out yourself?
Please do! Get it from subversion and test it for any critical bug, so
I can iron it out. I h