Let down subprocess, and remember popen4.
Here, an example (with CMD, under w-XP) :
import os
def lcmd(lst=None):
a = os.popen4(lst[0])
for i in lst[1:]:
if i!='':
return a[1].readlines()
'CMD /K',
'DIR *.c
commands is Unix only. This is Windows specific
BroLewis wrote:
> I have been trying for several weeks now to write a program that
> allows me to read the stdout of a process that I spawn and once
> I receive feedback, act appropriately.
Have you looked into the 'commands' module?
Klaus Alexander Seistrup
Copenhagen, Denmark
I have been trying for several weeks now to write a program that allows
me to read the stdout of a process that I spawn and once I receive
feedback, act appropriately.
More specifically, I need to create an SSH tunnel using plink on
Windows XP. Once the tunnel is successfully created, then I need