Hi Gabriel
> Perhaps the best option is to run the tests in another process. Use any of
> the available IPC mechanisms to gather the test results. This has the
> added advantage of isolating the tested code from your GUI testing
> framework; all requested resources are released to the OS; the test
At 23/07/2007 09:59, "Israel Fernández Cabrera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(Please keep posting on the list - many other people may have better ideas
on this)
> Well... probably my English and my intentions to not ti write
> to much made my explanation unclear. The code I wrote was just
> to il
En Sun, 22 Jul 2007 17:43:03 -0300, Israel Fernández Cabrera
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> I'm writing some code that automatically execute some registered unit
> test in a way to automate the process. A sample code follows to
> illustrate what I'm doing:
> class PruebasDePrueba(unittest.
I'm writing some code that automatically execute some registered unit
test in a way to automate the process. A sample code follows to
illustrate what I'm doing:
class PruebasDePrueba(unittest.TestCase):
def testUnTest(self):
a = 2
b = 1
self.assertEquals(a, b)
def runT