Constantin Sorin wrote:
> Hello,I recently started to make a dice game in python.
> Everything was nice and beautiful,until now.
> My problem is that when I try to play and I win or lost
> or it's equal next time it will continue only with that.
Following is a link to a version o
On Nov 3, 2016 11:30 AM, "Constantin Sorin" wrote:
> Hello,I recently started to make a dice game in python.Everything was
nice and beautiful,until now.My problem is that when I try to play and I
win or lost or it's equal next time it will continue only with that.
> Exemple:
> Enter name >> Sori
I use Linux and python 2.7.12
Hello,I recently started to make a dice game in python.Everything was nice and
beautiful,until now.My problem is that when I try to play and I win or lost or
it's equal next time it will continue only with that.
Enter name >> Sorin
Money = 2
Bet >> 2
You won!
Money 4
Bet >> 2
You won!