"Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> D H wrote:
>> Yeah, the python standard library has been built by lots of different
>> people. It wasn't designed by one entity using one standard like the
>> java standard library or .NET/Mono class library.
> Um, OK, so is it customary in modern Python prog
Steve M wrote:
> You might find the Python Style Guide to be helpful:
> http://www.python.org/doc/essays/styleguide.html
Nice! Thanks Steve.
You might find the Python Style Guide to be helpful:
Ray wrote:
> Hello guys,
> OK, I've been reading some more about Python. There are some things
> about Python exception that I haven't been able to grasp:
> 1. This is a small thing, but why is object spelled "object", and the
> mother of all exception "Exception" (with capital E)? Why is not
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>2. I'm quite baffled that you either have try/except, or try/finally.
>In Java, it is quite common to do this:
>try {
>// something
>} catch(AException e) {
>// handle
>} catch(BException e) {
>// handle
>} catch(CExcep
For youtr try, except, finally:
you can construct something like this:
print 'egg' + 1
except ValueError, e:
print e
print 'spam'
It results in:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Martin/test.py", line 3, in -toplevel-
D H wrote:
> Yeah, the python standard library has been built by lots of different
> people. It wasn't designed by one entity using one standard like the
> java standard library or .NET/Mono class library.
Um, OK, so is it customary in modern Python programs to follow Java
convention? then method
Ray wrote:
> Hello guys,
> OK, I've been reading some more about Python. There are some things
> about Python exception that I haven't been able to grasp:
> 1. This is a small thing, but why is object spelled "object", and the
> mother of all exception "Exception" (with capital E)? Why is not
Hello guys,
OK, I've been reading some more about Python. There are some things
about Python exception that I haven't been able to grasp:
1. This is a small thing, but why is object spelled "object", and the
mother of all exception "Exception" (with capital E)? Why is not object
spelled "Object"