teoryn wrote:
> I changed to using line = line.strip() instead of line = line [:-1] in
> the original and it it worked.
Just to be clear, these don't do nearly the same thing in general,
though in your specific case they might appear similar.
The line[:-1] idiom says 'return a string which is a
I changed to using line = line.strip() instead of line = line [:-1] in
the original and it it worked.
I was just happy that it worked, but was still curious as to why it
didn't before. Thanks for the idea, I'll look into it and see if this
is the case.
teoryn wrote:
> I'm still lost as to why my old code would only work for the small
> file, and another interesting note is that with the larger file, it
> would only write "zzz for zzz" (or whatever each word was) instead of
> "Created key zzz for zzz". However, it works now, so I'm happy.
Thanks to everyone for all the help!
Here's the (at least for now) final script, although note I'm using
2.3.5, not 2.4, so I can't use some of the tips that were given.
# Filename: unscram.py
def sort_string(word):
'''Returns word in lowercase sorted alphabetically'''
On Sun, 24 Jul 2005 20:44:08 -0700, teoryn wrote:
> I've been spending today learning python and as an exercise I've ported
> a program I wrote in java that unscrambles a word. Before describing
> the problem, here's the code:
> *--beginning of file--*
> #!/usr/bin/python
> # Filename: unscram.
teoryn wrote:
> I've been spending today learning python and as an exercise I've ported
> a program I wrote in java that unscrambles a word. Before describing
> the problem, here's the code:
> line = str.lower(line[:-1]) # convert to lowercase just in case
> have to add exceptions later)
Robert Kern wrote:
> That's definitely not the kind of dictionary that he wants.
> --
> Robert Kern
> "In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
> Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
>-- Richard Harter
Oh, I missed the part where he put values in a list
Devan L wrote:
> Heh, it reminds me of the code I used to write.
> def sort_string(word):
> return ''.join(sorted(list(word.lower(
> f = open('dictionary.txt','r')
> lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f.readlines()]
> f.close()
> dictionary = dict((sort_string(line),line) for line i
I'm pretty new to Python too. I'm not sure why you're seeing this
problem... is it possible that this is an "out-by-one" error? Is
zymotechnics the *last* word in dictionary.txt? Try this slightly
simplified version of your program and see if you have the same problem
def sor
teoryn wrote:
> I've been spending today learning python and as an exercise I've ported
> a program I wrote in java that unscrambles a word. Before describing
> the problem, here's the code:
> *--beginning of file--*
> #!/usr/bin/python
> # Filename: unscram.py
> def sort_string(word):
teoryn wrote:
> I've been spending today learning python and as an exercise I've ported
> a program I wrote in java that unscrambles a word. Before describing
> the problem, here's the code:
> *--beginning of file--*
> #!/usr/bin/python
> # Filename: unscram.py
> def sort_string(word):
I've been spending today learning python and as an exercise I've ported
a program I wrote in java that unscrambles a word. Before describing
the problem, here's the code:
*--beginning of file--*
# Filename: unscram.py
def sort_string(word):
'''Returns word in lowercase s
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